17th ISORC 2014: Reno, NV, USA

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Session 1: Challenges and Models for Cyber-Physical Systems

Session 3B: CPS and the Cloud

Session 4A: Real-Time and Performance

Session 4B: Hardware Solutions

Session 5A: Middleware and Multicores

Session 5B: Application Development Support

Session 6A: Analysis and Test of Embedded Systems

Session 6B: Programming Support Infrastructures

Session 7: Conference Keynote

Session 8: Dependable Systems

IEEE Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS 2014)

SEUS Session 1: Embedded Systems Design and Applications

SEUS Session 2: Critical Systems and Internet-of-Things

SEUS Session 3: Real-Time Systems

SORT Session 1: Self-X Properties

Fifth IEEE Workshop on Self-Organizing Real-Time Systems (SORT 2014)

SORT Session 2: Programming

IEEE International Workshop on Real-Time Cyber-Physical Systems (RTCPS 2014)

(RTCPS 2014) RTCPS Session