Abstract: This work is motivated by the needs to synchronize task executions where tasks might use semaphores to protect their critical sections and run ...
This paper presents an automatable method of test case generation for the stress testing of multimedia systems. It adapts constraint solving techniques to ...
Bibliographic details on Accelerator-Aware Task Synchronization for Real-Time Systems.
2014 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Object/Component-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing. 1555-0885/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE.
This work is motivated by the needs to manage the priority inversion problem without sacrificing the utilization of increasingly popular hardware ...
2010/10/06 · Abstract—To fully tap into the potential of heterogeneous machines composed of multicore processors and multiple ac-.
Slowdown factors determine the extent of slowdown that a computing system can experience based on functional and performance requirements.
Time synchronization: The capability of agents to coordinate independent clocks and operate together in unison. When evaluating real-time systems, companies can ...
2023/06/13 · We propose SyncNAS to automate the exploration of synchronization strategies for collaborative neural architectures that maximize utilization of heterogeneous ...
moving the different aspects of a real-time operating system, such as task-, synchronization-, time-, and interrupt management from software to hardware is ...