Sunday Mornings 
at 9:30 am 


Blended Contemporary Worship

YOU are welcome at all of our
worship services.

This celebration family worship is known for its beautiful Lutheran format known as a liturgy supported by contemporary music that is easy to sing. We sing music from all generations with assistance from piano, voices and guitars.
Everyone is welcome, especially kids!

SPARKS Sunday School for kids
ages 3yrs to 12th grade
during worship service.


You can worship with us at these
Online locations.

Wednesday Evening

Come and worship
1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
for music, prayer, and peace.

Please join
Pastor Scott Guemmer & Owen Myers
as we worship in a new way.
(taize worship)

Special Worship @ CTKLC

- Prayer Worship - May 2 @ 6:00 pm 
  (National Day of Prayer)
- Pentecost Sunday – May 9
- In May, we will worship ouitdoors in the  
  Grove of Grace.  DATE TBD
- Praise Worship - Coming in Summer