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Zur Navigation springenZur Suche springenInsert non-formatted text hereDie folgenden Personen sind heute lebende Vertreter der Schöpfungswissenschaft und haben mindestens einen Hochschulabschluss in einem wissenschaftlichen Fach. Du kannst weitere Namen hier hinzufügen..
- E. Theo Agard Ph.D. Physik
- Jim Allan Ph.D. Genetik
- Russell Arndts Ph.D Chemie
- Chris Ashcraft M.S. Biologie
- Steven Austin Ph.D. Geologie
- Geoff Barnard Ph.D
- Don Batten Ph.D Agronomie und Agrarwissenschaft
- John Baumgardner Ph.D. Geophysik und Weltraumphysik
- Michael Behe Ph.D. Biochemie
- Philip Bell Zoologe
- David Bergman M.S. Elektotechni
- Jerry Bergman Ph.D. Biologie
- Kimberly Berrine Ph.D. Mikrobiologie und Immunologie
- Vladimir Betina
- Raymond Bohlin Ph.D. Biologie
- Andrew Bosanquet
- Edward Boudreaux Ph.D. Chemie
- Gerardus Bouw Ph.D Astronomie
- Stephen Boyd
- David Boylan
- Walter Bradley Ph.D. Materielwissenschaft
- Patrick Briney Ph.D. Mikrobiologie
- Walt Brown Ph.D. Maschinenbau
- Nancy Bryson Ph.D. Chemie
- John Byl Ph.D. in Astronomie
- Linn Carothers
- Robert Carter PhD in Meeresbiology
- David Catchpoole Ph.D. in Pflanzenphysiologie
- Art Chadwick Ph.D. Biologie
- Eugene Chaffin Ph.D. theoretische Physik
- Choong-Kuk Chang
- Donald Chittick Ph.D. physikalische Chemie
- John Cimbala Ph.D. Aeronautik
- Kenneth Cumming Ph.D. Biologie
- Harold Coffin Ph.D.
- Bob Compton Ph.D. Physiologie
- Jack Cuozzo D.D.S.
- William Curtis M.S. Aeronautik & Nuklearphysik, Th.D.
- Malcolm Cutchins
- Lionel Dahmer
- Raymond Damadian M.D.
- Chris Darnbrough
- Nancy Darrall Ph.D. Botanik
- Bolton Davidheiser Ph.D. Zoologie (Genetik)
- Percival Davis M.A. Zoologie
- Bryan Dawson Ph.D. Mathematik
- Douglas Dean
- Stephen Deckard M.S. Biologie, Ph.D. Christliche Bildung
- Richard Deem M.S. Mikrobiologie
- William Dembski Ph.D. Matematik
- David DeWitt Ph.D Neurowissenschaft
- Donald DeYoung Ph.D. Physik
- Geoff Downes Pflanzenphysiologe
- Ted Driggers Ph.D. Operations Research
- Robert Eckel M.D.
- André Eggen Ph.D. tierische und molekulare Genetik
- Martin Ehde Ph.D. Mathematik
- Dennis Englin M.Sc., Ed.D.
- Danny Faulkner Ph.D. Astronomie
- Carl Fliermans Ph.D. Biologie
- Dwain Ford Ph.D. Chemie
- Wayne Frair Ph.D. Biologie
- Robert Franks M.D.
- Alan Galbraith Ph.D. Watershed Science
- Robert Gentry Ph.D. Kernphysik
- Paul Giem M.D.
- Maciej Giertych Ph.D. Genetik
- Alan Gillen
- Duane Gish Ph.D. Biochemie
- Werner Gitt Doktor der Ingenieurswissenschaften
- Guillermo Gonzales Ph.D. in Astronomie
- D.B. Gower Ph.D. Biochemie
- Russell Grigg M.Sc. in Chemie
- Dianne Grocott MBBS.
- Stephen Grocott Ph.D. Organometallische Chemie
- Donald Hamann
- Charles Harrison
- John Hartnett Ph.D. Physik
- Mark Harwood Ph.D.
- George Hawke Ph.D. Luftverschmutzung und Meteorologie
- Alan Hayward
- Margaret Helder Ph.D. Botanik
- Tom Hennigan M.P.S. Ökologie
- Harold Henry
- Jonathan Henry
- Joseph Henson
- Robert Herrmann Ph.D. Mathematik
- Andrew Hodge M.B., B.S., FRACS
- Bill Hoesch MS Geologie
- Kelly Hollowell Ph.D. Molekulare und zelluläre Pharmakologie
- Ed Holroyd Ph.D. Atmospheric Science
- Bob Hosken Ph.D. Biochemie
- George Howe Ph.D. Botanik
- Neil Huber Physical Anthropologist
- James Huggins Ph.D. Biologie
- Russell Humphreys Ph.D. Physik
- Evan Jamieson Ph.D. Nassmetallurgie
- George Javor Ph.D. Biochemie
- Pierre Gunnar Jerlström Ph.D. Molekularbiologie
- John Johnson Ph.D. angewandte Mathematik
- Arthur Jones Ph.D. Biologie
- Jonathan Jones
- Raymond Jones
- Valery Karpounin
- Dean Kenyon Ph.D. Biophysik
- John Klotz Ph.D Biologie
- Vladimir Kondalenko
- Leonid Korochkin
- John K.G. Kramer Ph.D. Biochemie
- Johan Kruger Ph.D. in Zoologie (nematology)
- Walter Lammerts Doktor der Genetik
- John Leslie
- Lane Lester Ph.D. Genetik
- Jean K. Lightner D.V.M.
- Jason Lisle Ph.D. Astrophysik
- Alan Love
- Marvin Lubenow
- Heinz Lycklama Ph.D Kernphysik
- Ian Macreadie
- Trevor Major M.Sc., M.A.
- John Marcus Ph.D. Biochemie
- George Marshall Ph.D. Ophthalmic Science
- Jobe Martin Th.M., D.M.D.
- Joseph Mastropaolo Ph.D. Kinesiologie
- Ralph Matthews Ph.D. Strahlenchemie
- John McEwan Ph.D.
- Andy McIntosh Ph.D. Aerodynamik
- David Menton Ph.D. Biologie
- Angela Meyer Ph.D. Horticultural Science
- John Meyer Ph.D. Zoologie
- Stephen Meyer Ph.D. History and Philosophy of Science
- Colin Mitchell Ph.D. Desert Terrain Geography
- Robert Mitchell M.D., B.A. Zellbiologie
- John Moore
- John Moreland D.D.S
- John Morris Ph.D. Geological Engineering
- Len Morris
- Graeme Mortimer
- Stanley Mumma
- Jay Nelson O.D.
- Hee-Choon No
- Eric Norman
- Michael Oard M.S. Atmospheric Science
- Chris Osborne Ph.D. Biologie
- Bill Overn
- Gary Parker M.S. in Biologie/Physiologie, Ed.D. in Biologie
- Johnson C. Philip Ph.D. Quantenkernphysik
- Dave Phillips M.S. Physical Anthropology
- Sean D. Pitman M.D.
- Georgia Purdom Ph.D. Molekulargenetik
- Fazale Rana Ph.D. Chemie
- John Rankin Ph.D. mathematische Physik
- Walter ReMine M.S.
- Ray Rempt Ph.D Physik
- Mark Robertson M.Sc. in Hydrogeologie
- David Rogstad Ph.D. in Physik
- Hugh Ross Ph.D. Astronomie
- Ariel Roth Ph.D. Biologie
- Robert Russell Ph.D. Physik
- John Sanford Ph.D. Pflanzenzucht und Genetik
- Jonathan Sarfati Ph.D., F.M.
- Joachim Scheven
- Gerald Schroeder
- Giuseppe Sermonti Genetiker
- G. Thomas Sharp
- Frank Sherwin M.A. Zoologie
- Emil Silvestru Ph.D Geologie
- Andrew Snelling Ph.D. Geologie
- Lee Spencer Ph.D. Biologie
- Lee Spetner Ph.D. Physik
- Timothy Standish Ph.D. Biologie
- Esther Su Ph.D. Biochemie
- Keith Swenson M.D.
- Barry Tapp Ph.D. in Geologie
- Charles Thaxton Ph.D. Chemie
- Ker Thomson
- Laurence Tisdall
- Howard Van Till
- Michael Todhunter Ph.D. Waltgenetik
- Larry Vardiman Ph.D. Atmospheric Science
- Walter Veith Ph.D. Zoologie
- Charles Voss Ph.D. Elektrotechnik
- Linda Walkup Ph.D. Molekulargenetik
- Graeme Watmuff
- Keith Wanser Ph.D. Physik
- Jonathan Wells Ph.D. Biologie
- Monty White Ph.D. in Gaskinetik
- Carl Wieland M.D.
- Clifford Wilson M.A. Archäologie (Ph.D. Psycholinguistics)
- Jay Wile Ph.D. Kernchemie
- Kurt Wise Ph.D. Geologie
- Bryant Wood
- Todd Wood Ph.D. Biochemie/Genomik
- R. L. Wysong D.V.M
- Henry Zuill Ph.D. Biologie
- Jeffrey Zweerink