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Whale evolution

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A diagram of the whale evolution that evolutionists claimed to have happened

Whale evolution is a theory put forth to explain the origin of whales, claiming they have evolved from land animals. While adapting to aquatic life it is argued that whales lost their legs and all of their vital systems. Evolutionists have not been able to prove 100% that it did evolve from land animals. There are numerous animal fossils that appear to show but do not prove the transition stages. It can not prove the whale evolved because evolutionists and secular scientists are either wishfully thinking and jumping to conclusions or predicting the whole animal from a small amount of evidence. The whale evolution still remains a mystery whether it is authentic or fake.[1] Whale evolution is extremely significant in secular science but to its clear and evident proof that evolution did take place. Without these three fossils; Pakicetus, Ambulocetus and the Rodhocetus, there is almost no clear evidence that can scientifically prove any evolution occurred. Dr Carl Werner has investigated and researched these claims about these fossils and has found very interesting and supporting news to creationism that can prove evolution -whale evolution- did not certainly took place.[2]

Evolution View

The Pakicetus, the ancient ancestor of the whale

Evolutionists state that whales evolved from the same ancestors that hippos did. Hippos and whales are large and aquatic. Anthracotheres claimed to be the ancient relatives of these two aquatic animals. The anthracotheres were not aquatic nor large. Same goes for the whale ( shown in main picture, Pakicetus). The ancestors of the whale were terrestrial. The Pakicetus is considered an early whale that had long skulls and were carnivorous. The characteristics that show evolutionists that the whale evolved from the Pakicetus is an area in their skulls- particularly the ear area. These whales were believed to leave the sea, grew legs, fur and developed lungs over hundreds of million years ago. Then these whales decided to go back to see but kept their lungs. Dr Hans Thewissen believed this whale evolution, from a land animal to a marine animal only took eight million years to complete.[3]

Evolution Evidence


The Pakicetus is one of the ancient animals that is claimed to have evolved into whales. Even though the pakicetus doesn't look anywhere near the whale, it has some similar bone structures that the whales have. The ears are the structures that they share with Cetaceans. The pakicetus is the beginning fossils that are believed by evolutionists to be the direct ancestors of whales. [4]


The Ambulocetid

Apparently the Ambulocetids are the ultimate missing link between land and sea mammals. They lived about 50 to 49 million years ago and had a length of about 9 feet long. These Ambulocetids have numerous structures that connect land and sea mammals. They have the structures ears of the cetaceans, which are not external, and hind legs which are more suitable for swimming instead of walking. They also have nostrils that allow them to breath and swallow underwater. Since their ears are internal, they need to lay their heads on the ground to hear the vibrations on land. Their teeth chemically proven to be suitable for both, sea and fresh water. They have similar behaviors like crocodiles, they hide underwater, near the shore and would attack when any preys come to drink. [4]


The sea otter-size whale ancestor

The kutchicetids were as small as a sea otter and were in the order of Remingtonocetidae . The first development of transmitting sounds and communication under water is the base for echolocation. Echolocation is known to be in dolphins and in whales today. These kutchicetids were believed to live forty-six million years ago. However, with little information, it is a significant stage to complete the full whale evolution. [4]


The whale ancestor that lived 47 million years ago

The Rodhocetids lived about forty-seven million years ago, they belong to the family protocetids and were the first aquatic whale. They had large feet to help them paddle through the water. They were discovered recently in 2001 and their ankles show that they had something in common with the whale lineage. Their ankles indicate that the whales descended from the ancestors of hippos and pigs, artiodactyls. The Rodhocetids possess a "double-spooled" trochlea on its tibia. Their pelvis is still connected to a joint with the sacrum which helps it bear weight on land. Their hind limbs also shrunk and the nostrils nascent to the skull. [4]


The Basilosaurus

The Basilosaurus which lived about forty to thirty-four million years ago was mistaken to be a reptile. It was founded in 1840 since then, other smaller types of the basilosaurus have been discovered in the Valley of the Whales in Egypt. The Basilosaurus measured up to sixty feet long and started to resemble modern whales. Its hind legs are no longer attached to its vertebral column, which means it can no longer support itself on its hind legs. The Basilosaurus is another missing link to evolutionists to believe that whales evolved from land animals. [4]


The extinct dolphin-like animal

The Dorudon resembles more like a dolphin than modern whales. It is about sixteen feet long and is a smaller member of the Basilosaur family.Its nostrils have evolved halfway through, which lies on top of its head [4] They lived about 40.4 to 33.9 million years ago in warm seas throughout the globe. Their fossils have been found in modern-day Egypt and Pakistan, even in the United States and New Zealand. [5]


The Squalodon

The squalodon is believed to have lived around 34 to 18 million years ago with the other known species of whale ancestors. It is the first whale to have the ability to move through echolocation. The squalodon had complex sets of teeth like land animals but whales usually have one kind of teeth. The squalodon probably encountered extinction and the other ancestors are able to support this claim. [4] The Squalodon fossils are commonly identified by their teeth. Their fossils resemble the endangered species of dolphin rather than modern whales. The Squalodon got their name from the resemblance of their cheek teeth with the Squalus Shark. [6]


The Aetiocetid

The Aetiocetids lived twenty-five million years ago and is believed to be the missing link between the toothed whale and the balleen (toothless) whales. The Aetiocetids evolved at the same time the toothed whales evolved. It had balleen and a whole set of teeth, this is such a strange combination like its ancestors. While the toothed whales were developing just one kind of teeth. The Aetiocetids possessed a loose jaw like the modern whale. The Aetiocetids are the last order of the fossil chain to prove whale evolution. [4]

Creation View Evidence

The hind limbs of the whale

The oldest whale fossils show that they were never on land and they were aquatic from the first time they appeared. In order for a whale to transition from land to aquatic would require some complicated changes. The pelvic bone is a great evidence that show that the whale could have not evolve from land to aquatic. The whale would have to get rid of its pelvic bone, this would crush the reproductive orifice because of how the tail moves. If the pelvis shrinks, it would not be able to support the weight of its hind-limbs used for walking on land. Also its body must twist on the fore part in order for the tail to oscillate up and down instead of side to side. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; invalid names, e.g. too many

Dr Carl Werner

Dr Carl Werner, author of Evolution; The Grand Experiment, proved that these fossils like the Pakicetus and Ambulocetids, do not support the transition of whales. He has discovered that among these animals there is a pattern of fraud. With the Pakicetus, the incomplete skull fossil was redesigned and imagined to project a whale-like creature. Years passed and it was found that the Pakicetus had no blowhole, no flippers and no neck. Dr Phillip Gingerich, whom modified the imagination of the Pakicetus, still claims that the Pakicetus should indeed be classed as a whale due to its ear-bone. Matter of fact, the ear-bone doe not resemble the whale at all. It resembled more of a fossil land animal,the Artiodactyls. Which had a finger-like projection and a plate-like structure. [2]


A visual aid about the whale evolution


  1. Whale Evolution PBS. Web. Last accessed on 5 January 2017. Author Unknown
  2. 2.0 2.1 Batten,Don. Whale Evolution Fraud Web. Published on April 12, 2014
  3. The Evolution of Whales Evolution.Berkeley.Edu. Web. Last accessed on December 8,2016. Unknown Author
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Pavao, Paul F. Whale Evolution Web. Last accessed on December 2, 2016.
  5. Dorudon Wikipedia. Web. Last modified on December 3,2016. Author Unknown
  6. Squalodon Wikipedia. Web. Last modified on December 25, 2016. Author Unknown