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Engraving drawn of the ruins of the city of Tyre. Author: Finden

Tyre (Arabic: صور, Ṣūr, Hebrew: צוֹר}, Tzor meaning "a rock", Greek: Τύρος, Týros, Latin: Tyrus) was a Phoenician port in eastern [Medite south of Sidon and north of Mount Carmel.[1] Nowadays is a city of Lebanon. In the fourteenth century BC Tyre was a city on an island, but during the siege of Alexander the Great a road was built connecting the island to the mainland forming a peninsula.[2]

The Phoenicians of Tyre were engaged in trade establishing colonies throughout eastern Mediterranean and North Africa.[3]

See also


  1. Douglas, J.D.; Tenney, Merril C, ed. (1987). The New International Dictionary of the Bible. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House. p. 1040. ISBN 0-310-33190-0. 
  2. Unger, Merrill F (1988). Harrison, R. K.. ed. The New Unger´s Bible Dictionary. Chicago: Moody Press. pp. 1311. ISBN 0-8024-9037-9. 
  3. Pfeiffer, Charles F (1979). Baker´s Bible Atlas. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House. p. 14. ISBN 0-8010-6930-0.