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Epistle to Philemon

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The Epistle to Philemon - is one of the epistles of the New Testament. It is part of so-called pauline epistles, the group of epistles written by the Apostle Paul.


There is no doubt as to the Pauline authorship of this epistle. The Epistle of Philemon resembles the shape of the old private letters. The personal characteristics of the text lead to the truth of Paul as the author.The epistle was written about AD 61 or AD 62.[1]


a. Salutation (1-3)
b. Shares of Grace (4-7)
c. Intercession for Onesimus (8-21)

i.O sending Onesimus to Philemon (8-16)
1. The person of Onesimus (8-10)
2. The value of Onesimus (11)
3. The freedom of Onesimus suggested (12-16)
ii. The reception of Onesimus by Philemon (17-21)

d. Request for Hospitality (22)
e. Greetings from the part of Paul's friends (23-24)
f. Blessing (25)


Fragment of the Epistle to Philemon.

In this epistle, Paul used the term to refer to himself, prisoner of Jesus Christ. This address to the social status of Onesimus.[2] The letter is addressed not only to Philemon but to the church that met at his house.[2] This epistle along with the epistles of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and the three pastoral epistles, is one of the seven epistles of Paul called "the prison epistles", though they were written while Paul was imprisoned.[3] Philemon is closely connected with colossians. Onesimus carried both epistles. [4] Appia was the wife of Philemon and Archippus was probably his son. Archipus appears to have been a person of some standing but perhaps not notable for stability of character [5] (Colossians 4:17 ).

See also


  1. Unger, Merril F (1987) (in spanish). Nuevo Manual Biblico de Unger [New Unger´s Bible Handbook]. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel Publications. p. 577. ISBN 0-8254-1779-1. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 Pfeiferr, Charles F.; Harrison, Everett F (1988) (in portuguese). Comentário Bíblico Moody [Moody Bible Commentary (translation of the original work:The Wycliffe Bible Commentary by the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago)]. 5. São Paulo: Imprensa Batista Regular. 
  3. Champlin, Russel Norman (1979) (in portuguese). O Novo Testamento Interpretado:Versículo a Versículo [The New Testament Interpreted: Verse by Verse]. 5. São Paulo: Milenium. p. 447. 
  4. Unger, Merrill F (1988). Harrison, R. K.. ed. The New Unger´s Bible Dictionary. Chicago: Moody Press. p. 1000. ISBN 0-8024-9037-9. 
  5. Douglas, J.D.; Tenney, Merril C, ed. (1987). The New International Dictionary of the Bible. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House. p. 780. ISBN 0-310-33190-0.