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Scientific Classification
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Flowering Dogwood flowers

A Dogwood is any of the species of trees and shrubs belonging to the taxonomic genus The Genus Cornus. Each species is diverse in one way or another, but very durable and beautiful, making it very popular. There is also a myth about the Dogwood. In this myth it says that the Dogwood is believed to be the type of wood used for the cross that Jesus Christ was nailed to.[2]


Dogwood Berries

The Dogwood is a group of shrubs and trees that are very simple and yet sturdy. The Dogwood is a massive genus that has over 30 to 50 species of different shrubs and trees. Even though the Dogwoods are mainly deciduous, some of them are herbaceous, while other Dogwoods are evergreens. The Dogwoods have a very short life span of an average of 80 years, but despite their short life, the Dogwood grows at a very rapid rate. The size of the plant varies with the species. The Flowering Dogwood can grow to be around 33 ft to 35ft when fully mature with a 30 cm diameter. The Kousa Dogwood grows to be about 12’ to 20’ when fully matured while the Pagoda Dogwood grows to be 15’ to 25’ when fully mature. [3]

Of all of the diverse species of Dogwoods, the most popular and famous is the Flowering Dogwood. The Flowering Dogwood is a favorite among gardeners and planters because this unique tree is the first to boom in spring. This allows farmers and gardeners to tell when spring is starting. The berries on this deciduous plant are raspberry red and have a look of cherries to them. The berries of this tree are usual found in clusters of four to five berries. Even though the berries look like good fruit, the berries of the Flowering Dogwood tree are poisonous to humans.

This tree has flowers that are white with a yellow center and have a rust color on the tips of the petals. The wood of Dogwood is very rough and durable, making them great for commercial use and in carpentry. Along with usefulness in building, the bark of the flowering Dogwood is tannin rich and is therefore used in the medical field along with heavy use in textiles.[4]


The trees and shrubs of the Genus Cornus reproduce mainly by seeds. This process is done by the system of the flowers and the fruit. When the spring time comes, the flowers on the Dogwood trees bloom and they releases pollen into the air. This pollen is then transported by wind, man or animals, to the fruit on the tree. Once the seed have reached the ovary (fruit) the plant then reproduces. The plant will eventually drop its fruit and that fruit becomes a new tree through the growth of that seed. Most of the Cornus’s are perennial so they can be enjoyed for many years before they wither away and die.[5]


Ecology map of Flowering Dogwood

The Dogwood genus is very easy to cultivate. This because they need just basic surroundings like fertile soil and can grow in a variety of places and areas. On the other hand, this plant cannot survive in extreme conditions because it has a shallow root system, making it so that it cannot obtain food in harsh temperatures. The Dogwood is native to North America, Asia and Europe and can be found in all areas of the U.S.A. However, most Dogwood species favor the eastern part of the states because of the fertile ground and warm temperatures. The Flowering Dogwood is native to the United States and is found in the eastern parts of Maine, Kansas, and Texas and the areas ranging in-between. The Flowering Dogwood grows best in well drained areas and can grow in either shaded or sunny surroundings. The Alternate-leafed Dogwood prefers cooler climates with well drained soil and is native to Minnesota, Georgia and Alabama. and the areas ranging in-between. The flowering dogwood grows best in well drained area and can grow in either shaded or sunny areas. The Alternate-leafed Dogwood prefers more cooler climates with well drained soil and is native to from areas like Minnesota, Georgia and Alabama. one important factor that is needed for Dogwoods to thrive is well drained areas, this is why many dogwoods are found on the banks of river and streams.[6]

Dogwood Borer

The Dogwood is a very beautiful plant, but it is also very susceptible to disease and infestation. The insect named the Dogwood Borer (Synanthedon scitula) is an insect that is known to infest the trees and destroy it. The Dogwood Borer is a moth like insect that is colored blue and black with yellow bands around them. When these insects infest a Dogwood tree, they cause weltering and cracking of the bark in the early stages of infestation. They also can weaken the insides of the tree, making branches nibble and more susceptible to breaking in the wind during a storm. The infestation of these insects can be prevented by lowering the stress of the tree by taking precautions like planting the tree in the shade and avoiding pruning in the months that are known to be the flight time of the Dogwood Borer.[7]



  • [8] Chandramita Bora. 3/20/2010
  • [9] iastate. isu.
  • [10] iastate. isu.
  • [11] gotquestions. Got Questions Ministries . 2002
  • [12] J. R. Hartman, M. L. Witt, W. M. Fountain, R. E. McNiel, M. F. Potter,R. Terry Jones. Online Publications. 2000
  • [13]Gee, K.L., M.D. Porter, S. Demarais, F.C. Bryant, and G.V. Vreede. 1994. White-tailed deer: Their foods and management in the Cross Timbers. Ardmore. Martin, A.C., H.S. Zim, and A.L. Nelson. 1951. American wildlife and plants: A guide to wildlife food habits. Dover Publications, New York.