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Chris Osborne

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Chris D. Osborne, Ph.D. (biology, Loma Linda University) has 25 years of teaching experience ranging from middle school through graduate school. His college level teaching experiences are from 9 institutions of higher learning. His teaching experiences include classical classroom, lab, field, and online venues. He has taught a broad range of college level courses—general biology, ecology, environmental science, natural history of California, genetics, population genetics, paleontology, cell biology, human biology, anatomy and physiology, scientific models of origins, and the history of life.[1]

His Ph.D. graduate research is in oak ecology, conducted on the Santa Rosa Plateau Reserve (Riverside County, California), sponsored by a 5 year $150,000 research grant from the Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program (sponsored by the University of California and the California Department of Forestry). His research resulted in 6 publications. As an independent consultant, he writes and edits curriculum and standardized test items in science. In addition, he serves on the advisory committee for California’s STAR science testing program and is regularly called upon as a guest lecturer.[1] He is also an ambassador for Logos Research Associates.[2]

Chris D. Osborne
Phone: (951) 679-7694


  • Mount St. Helens—limits of historical science; value of multiple competing hypotheses.
  • Laws of energy—matter and energy had a beginning; these laws require a Lawgiver.
  • Experiments and speculations on the origin of life—the naturalistic origin of life is impossible.
  • Creation, evolution, and the biologic evidence—evidence for a Designer.
  • Molecular genetics—the Bible believing Christian’s 2nd best friend.
  • A case for the Genesis Flood—Dr. Baumgardner’s catastrophic plate tectonic theory.
  • Testimony of the fossil record—evidence for creation and a global flood.
  • The case for a young earth literal 6 day account of Genesis and why it matters.

Selected Papers

Osborne, C. D. 1991. Annotated bibliography of Engelmann oak and related literature; 40 pp. (submitted to the California Department of Forestry in partial fulfillment of a funded grant (C.D.F. & F.P. project number 8CA85381).

Lathrop, E. W.; C. D. Osborne 1991. Influence of fire on oak seedlings and saplings in southern oak woodland on the Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve, Riverside County, California. In: Standiford, R.; D. Pendleton, tech. coods., Proceedings of the symposium on oak woodlands and hardwood rangeland management. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Berkeley.

Lathrop, E. W.; C. D. Osborne; A. Rochester; K. Young; S. Soret; R. Hopper. 1991. Size class and age distribution of Engelmann oak (Quercus engelmanni) on the Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve, Riverside County, California. In: Standiford, R.; D. Pendleton, tech. coods., Proceedings of the symposium on oak woodlands and hardwood rangeland management. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Berkeley.

Lathrop, E. W.; C. D. Osborne; O. B. Ruthebuka; F. E. Hayes. 1991. Natural regeneration of “Engelmann oak (Quercus engelmanni) in California; 68 pp. (submitted to the California Department of Forestry in partial fulfillment of a funded research grant requirement) contract number IHRMP-86-2.

Lathrop, E. W.; C. D. Osborne. 1990. From acorn to tree: ecology of the Engelmann oak. Fremontia 18(3):30-35.

Osborne, C. D. 1989. Early establishment of Quercus engelmanni (Fagaceae) on the Santa Rosa Plateau, Riverside County, California. Ph.D. dissertation, Loma Linda Univ. 98 pp.

Osborne, C. D. 1985. A reevaluation of the English peppered moth’s use as a model of evolution in action. M.S. thesis, Institute for Creation Research; 163 pp. (a multiple hypothesis analysis)

Professional Background

  • Graduate of Loma Linda Univ. (Ph.D., 1989), ICRGS (M.S., 1985), & CSU Fullerton (B.S., 1976).
  • College associate professor:
  • Currently part-time for Liberty University (online, teaching a science apologetics course), Menifee Campus of Mt. San Jacinto College, & Grand Canyon University (online).
  • Formerly full-time for San Diego Christian College & part-time for ICR graduate school, Calvary Chapel Bible College, Southern California Seminary, and CSU San Bernardino.
  • Taught scientific models of origins, history of life, testimony of science, paleontology, general biology, genetics, population genetics, ecology, environmental science, natural history of California, cell biology, anatomy/physiology, & human biology.
  • Taught middle school life science in public and private Christian schools for 23 years.
  • Logos Research Associates ambassador (2009-present).[2]
  • Cofounder of and guest speaker for Creation Lecture Series (1974-1978).
  • Creation science guest speaker for churches, retreats, seminars, & conferences (1974-present).
  • Creation science summer faculty member for Summit Ministries, Manitou Sp., CO (1990-present).
  • Curriculum editor and developer for ICR supplemental curriculum and Mendel’s Accountant.
  • GENE research team participant (ICR, 2005-2007), investigating genomic origin implications
  • Participated on 2 large scale funded oak research grants, generating 6 publications (1989-1991).
  • MS thesis on “the English peppered moth’s use as a model of evolution in action” (1985).


  1. 1.0 1.1 Biography submitted to the Northwest Creation Network by Chris Osborne, March 19, 2011.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Chris Osborne by Logos Research Associates