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Bird-hipped dinosaur

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Ornithischia Pelvis
Edmontosaurus pelvis.jpg
Scientific Classification

Ornithischia pelvis.png

Pelvis Anatomy

The Bird-hipped dinosaurs are any of the species of dinosaur with a hip bone configuration similar to those of modern birds. They are distinguished from the saurischian ('lizard-hipped') dinosaurs and are assigned to the taxonomic order Ornithischia.[1]


Suborder: Thyreophora (armored dinosaurs)

Infraorder: Ankylosauria
* Ankylosauridae
* Nodosauridae
* Scelidosauridae
Infraorder: Stegosauria
* Huayangosauridae
* Stegosauridae

Suborder Cerapoda:

Infraorder: Ceratopsia
* Ceratopsidae (horned dinosaurs)
* Chaoyangsauridae
* Psittacosauridae
* Neoceratopsia
Infraorder: Ornithopoda (bird-footed)
* Hypsilophodontidae
* Iguanodontidae
* Hadrosauridae (duck-billed dinosaurs)
Infraorder: Pachycephalosauria
* Pachycephalosauridae
* Goyocephala
Infraorder: Unranked
* Heterodontosauridae
* Agilisaurus
* Hexinlusaurus
* Stormbergia[2]



  1. Ornithischia by Wikipedia
  2. Ornithischia by Wikispecies