Biblical creationism
Biblical creationism is a form of religious creationism, wherein the basis for the belief system lies within the scriptures found in the Bible. Biblical creationists hold to the Bible as being the inerrant Word of God with everything therein true and historically accurate.
Those holding to this view also look to science and logic for apologetics. Physical phenomena is interpreted by creation scientists based on this Biblical worldview rather than Godless naturalism that the evolutionist ordains. The worldview is in stark contrast to the Darwinian evolutionary perspective known as Darwinism. Therefore, the principal difference between evolutionists and creationists; is their underlying presuppositions, or axioms.
Branches of creationism
There are two broad perspectives of creationism known as young earth, and old-earth.
- The Young earth creationism (YEC) perspective results from a literal interpretation of the history of the early earth in Genesis, and the Islamic Qur'an, which both contain nearly parallel accounts of a six-day creation, Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, and Noah's flood.
- The Old earth creationism (OEC) perspective accepts the secular scientific community's assessment of the age of the earth and universe, and assumes the creation periods were undefined lengths of time or there were large gaps of history in Genesis.
Creation and Fall of Man
Genesis, the first book of the Bible, says that God originally created the world "very good." In other words, creation was perfect and without flaw.1 It also says that God created man from the dust of the ground, and created woman from man's side, or rib.
Adam and Eve were forbidden by God to eat of a tree that He had created, known as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. God told them that if they ate the fruit from this tree, they would die. But a serpent (the devil) lied to them and told them that if they ate from it, they would "not surely die," but that they would become wise. Foolishly, Eve ate the fruit, and gave to Adam to eat also, and he ate. This is known as the original sin that brought death, disease and suffering over the whole of creation.2 The Bible says that God cursed mankind and the creation because of this sin, bringing forth "thorns and thistles" on the land. It would logically follow that all other terrible things on earth (like death, disease, catastrophe, etc.) are also a result of a sin cursed world.
Creationism holds these accounts in Genesis as literally true and historically correct. The Bible is the supreme authority in all things, and God's Word is never compromised to suit man's fallible thoughts and opinions.
Biblical Creation Science
Creation scientists perform research to understand the amazing design of God's creation. But creation science also recognizes how the world and the life therein is degenerating because of sin and the curse. This recognition is consistent with science and the Bible, as we see the world deteriorating today (not only morally, but physically as well).
Young earth creationism believes in a much younger age of the universe than what is commonly believed by those who adhere to uniformitarianism. This belief is based on Biblical truth, as well as a growing amount of scientific data.
Creationists rejects the idea that all life has a common ancestor. Rather, it believes that life was created in a certain number of kinds,3 that is, independent creations with no evolutionary lineage between the kinds. Mankind is created special among the kinds, in God's image, and was given dominion over the earth and all living things.
However, creationists don't believe that every species is a different kind, but that the original kinds brought forth a variety of species within its own kind via variation (i.e., non-progressive evolution which doesn't increase complexity at all). For example: wolves, foxes and domesticated dogs -- although different species -- are probably from the same original kind.
- When the Bible says that God saw that His creation was "very good," many believe this means perfect with no death, diseases, catastrophes, etc. Others feel this description of "very good" still applies to the earth today despite the fact that it has been cursed on account of the original sin and subsequently destroyed by flood.
- To some people, such a sin as committed by Adam and Eve may be perceived as small and frivolous to bring such devastation to the world, but we must realize that God doesn't compare sin to other sin as humans tend to do. All sin is detestable to God, and there is no "small sin" with Him. Therefore such sinful behavior was worthy of harsh consequences. Moreover, the first sin would have had no other sin for comparison, thereby making it the most grievous sin possible even in human terms. They knew the seriousness of the matter, to be sure.
- Creationists, led by Dr. Kurt Wise, have been conducting research into the created kinds, and have made good progress recently. The term used for the study of created kinds is baraminology. It comes from the Hebrew words bara meaning "created," and min meaning "kind."