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CALResCo's Complex Art Exhibitions

Exhibition 1: Eddie William Powell - Environmental and Social Surrealism

Exhibition 2: Leila Kubba Kawash - Transcending Time

The Art of Eddie William Powell
Environmental and Social Surrealism

Our featured artist (compared favourably with Dali by many) brings surrealism out of the unconscious and thrusts it screaming into the 21st Century. The 19th and early 20th century pre-occupation with 'self' is dead; instead the themes of the late 20th Century, social and environmental responsibility come to the fore.
Ukrainian translation

Preservation Yet this alone in not enough, and in the dawn of a new age our own site themes of complexity and interaction become prominent, in relation to more civilised social behaviour.

These hard-hitting works attack dogma, hypocrisy and intolerance.

Elephant Here, on the World Wide Web, we understand (more clearly than most) the oneness of the Earth and its peoples. In complexity theory we come to understand the inter-connectedness of all things and the self-organising criticality that can allow a simple change to have massive consequences. It is time, maybe, for that critical change in perspective.

D.N.A. This exhibition will explore more than just these excellent art works. We will relate also the artistic treatment to relevant themes within the complexity sciences, and draw parallels with the wider social issue of integrating all aspects of human endeavour into a comprehensive and progressive viewpoint, suitable to take us through the 21st Century.

These works are complex, our images here can only hint at their detail. Each featured painting is accompanied by the Artist's commentary, which identifies some of the included themes, and our own Complexity comments which relate the subject matter to the sciences of complexity. The metaphors listed, however, are but a sample of the depth present in the originals. All complex systems have this property, a single level of description is insufficient to adequately encompass the whole. When we map our world, we choose which aspects are of particular interest to us. These we incorporate into our science and culture. Many other aspects still exist, unseen, outside our current cultural perspective, waiting for their own time of recognition. Perhaps, if you are ready, those will speak to you here ?

(The Exhibition consists now of 54 pages)

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Page Version 1.4 June 2013