Sermons and other audio files
Sermon March 2
- "Family Values (Part 3) - Love Truth"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 23
- "Family Values (Part 2) - Embrace Grace"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 16
- "Time In A Bottle (On our YouTube channel only)" - Pastor Ray
Sermon February 9
- "Family Values (Part 1) - Experience Hope"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 2
- "Through the Veil"- Pastor Mark
Sermon January 26
- "Powerhouse Praying: Faith-Stretching Prayers"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 19
- "Powerhouse Praying: Illuminating Prayers"- Pastor Lijo
Sermon January 12
- "Powerhouse Praying: Fruit-Bearing Prayers"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 5
- "Powerhouse Praying: Eye-Opening Prayers"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 29
- "Intergenerational Sunday (On our YouTube channel only)"
Sermon December 22
- "Pieces or Peace?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 15
- "Presents or Presence?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 8
- "More Or Less?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 1
- "Holiday Rush or Holy Hush?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 24
- "Conflict is Inevitable but Combat is a Choice"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 17
- "...a Choice"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 10
- "The Innocence of a Child"- Pastor Lijo
Sermon November 3
- "Inevitable"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 27
- "Saboteur"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 20
- "Parenting LLC"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 13
- "Family Chimes"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 6
- "Family Celebration"- Pastor Ray
Sermon September 29
- "Simon Says - Intergenerational Sunday"- Pastor Ray
Sermon September 22
- Pastor Mark
Sermon September 15
- "Reverence"- Nick Akins (On our YouTube page only)
Sermon September 8
- "Labor Days & Tearful Nights - Part 2"- Pastor Ray
Sermon September 1
- "Labor Days & Tearful Nights - Part 1"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 25
- "The 7 C's of History"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 18
- "King of the Castle"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 11
- "Five Guys"- Pastor Ray (On our YouTube page only)
Sermon August 4
- "Veni, Vidi, Vici"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 28
- "The Chisel"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 21
- "A Dream Within A Dream"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 14
- "Male and Female?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 7
- "Wisdom Work Zone"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 30
- "Why Am I Here?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 23
- "Blitzkrieg"- Pastor Ray (On our YouTube page only)
Sermon June 16
- "I Identify As A __________"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 9
- "Humility"- Pastor Mark
Sermon June 2
- "Unexpected"- Pastor Ray (On our YouTube page only)
Sermon May 26
- "How Much Are You Worth?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 19
- "The Gospel at Street Level - V.I.P"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 12
- "The Gospel at Street Level - Intro"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 5
- Pastor Mark
Sermon April 28
- "Overcomers - Break The Tape"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 21
- "Overcomers - Fulfill the Mission"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 14
- "Overcomers - Rely on the Spirit"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 7
- "Overcomers - Suit Up!"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 31
- "Overcomers - Follow The Lamb"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 24
- "Overcomers - Remain Sweet"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 17
- "Overcomers - Stay Connected"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 10
- "Overcomers - Love the Truth"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 3
- "Rejection"- Pastor Mark
Sermon February 25
- "Fireside Chat"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 18
- "The River of the Spirit"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 11
- "Holy Spirit Immersion"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 4
- "Holy Spirit Immersive"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 28
- "The Holy Spirit & Prayer - Conclusion"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 21
- "The Holy Spirit & Prayer - Part 2"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 14
- "The Holy Spirit & Prayer - Part 1"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 7
- "A Symphony of Worship - Conclusion"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 31
- "A Symphony of Worship - Part 1"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 24
- "Spirit-led Worship"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 17
- "Led By The Spirit"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 10
- "Life in the Spirit - The Spirit and The Word"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 3
- Pastor Mark
Sermon November 26
- "Life in the Spirit - Live in the Spirit"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 19
- "Life in the Spirit - Triple Play"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 12
- Pastor Mark
Sermon November 5
- "Life in the Spirit - The Hound of Heaven"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 29
- "Old Wells, Fresh Water - Life in the Spirit"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 22
- "Paul's Big Picture"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 15
- "Beyond These Four Walls - Part 2"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 8
- "Beyond These Four Walls"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 1
- "Living Dead"- Pastor Ray
Sermon September 24
- "The Elephant In The Room"- Pastor Ray
Sermon September 17
- "Waaambulance"- Pastor Ray
Sermon September 10
- Pastor Mark
Sermon September 3
- "Worship Experience"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 27
- Pastor Mark
Sermon August 20
- On our YouTube page only - Pastor Ray
Sermon August 13
- "Missing Ingredient"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 6
- "Virtual Reality"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 30
- "Tungon"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 23
- "A New Set of Clothes"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 16
- On our YouTube page only - Pastor Ray
Sermon July 9
- "Your ID, Please!"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 2
- "Paul's Tapestry - Conclusion"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 25
- "Paul's Tapestry - Part 1"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 18
- "Body Image"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 11
- "In View of God's Mercy"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 4
- No Livestream Today
Sermon May 28
- "Intimacy With God"- Pastor Mark
Sermon May 21
- "Growing Pains - Therefore"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 14
- "Growing Pains - Vision"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 7
- "Growing Pains - Introduction"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 30
- On our YouTube page only - Pastor Mark
Sermon April 23
- "Paradise Restored"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 16
- "The People of God"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 9
- "Redemption Stories"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 2
- "Royal Rumble"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Mar 26
- "The Story Explained"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Mar 19
- Guest Speaker - Matt Muscatell Sun PM
Sermon Mar 19
- Guest Speaker - Matt Muscatell Sun AM
Sermon Mar 12
- "Storytellers"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Mar 5
- "Two Testaments, Two Stories?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Feb 26
- "Incomplete"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Feb 19
- "I Spy"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Feb 12
- "Something Old, Something New"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Feb 5
- "A Day In The Life"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Jan 29
- "Remnant Vessels"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Jan 22
- "From the Exodus to the Exile"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Jan 15
- "The Promise-Keeping God"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Jan 8
- Redemption History Themes - On our YouTube page only - Pastor Ray
Sermon Jan 1
- 100 Days of Redemption Intro - On our YouTube page only - Pastor Ray
Sermon Dec 25
- "You Are Not Alone"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Dec 24
- On our YouTube page only - Pastor Ray
Sermon Dec 18
- "THE World in the World"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Dec 11
- "In Remembrance of Me"- Pastor Mark
Sermon Dec 4
- "Old Wells, Fresh Water - A Grace Church - Part 2"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Nov 27
- "Old Wells, Fresh Water - A Grace Church - Part 1"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Nov 20
- "Missions Convention - Roundtable"
Sermon Nov 20
- "Missions Convention - Ryan Thomas"
Sermon Nov 20
- "Missions Convention - Bob & Lynn Rose"
Sermon Nov 13
- "Temptation"- Pastor Mark
Sermon Nov 6
- "Old Wells, Fresh Water - The Grace Life"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Oct 30
- "Old Wells, Fresh Water - Grace Works"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Oct 23
- "Old Wells, Fresh Water - Dr. Grace"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Oct 16
- "Old Wells, Fresh Water - Professor Law"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Oct 9
- "Old Wells, Fresh Water - Hypergrace?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Oct 2
- "Old Wells, Fresh Water - Grace+"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Sept 25
- "Old Wells, Fresh Water - Why Grace?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Sept 18
- On our YouTube page only - Pastor Ray
Sermon Sept 11
- "Old Wells, Fresh Water - Calvary's Call"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Sept 4
- "Vain Labor?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 28
- Missionary Finley Philipose
Sermon August 21
- Pastor Cyd
Sermon August 14
- "Shine Bright"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 7
- "Rated R"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 31
- "D.E.I."- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 24
- "No Justice, No Peace"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 17
- "Whose Lives Matter?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 10
- "Dearly Beloved"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 3
- "The American Dream - on our YouTube Page"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 26
- "Whose Children Are They?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 19
- "Congratulations! It's a ____________?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 12
- Pastor Mark
Sermon June 5
- Pastor Mark
Sermon May 29
- "Reaping the Whirlwind"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 22
- "Mother of Exiles"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 8
- "Roe v. Wade"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 1
- "(On our Facebook page only)"- Pastor Mark
Sermon April 24
- "Earth Day"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 17
- "Cancel Culture"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 10
- "Truth Decay"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 3
- "Woke Christianity - Intro"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 27
- Missions' Mini-Convention Speakers
Sermon March 20
- "Cremation: Yes or No"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 13
- "Harp & Bowl Service"
Sermon March 6
- "Millennials"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 27
- "Guardian Angels"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 20
- "Expectations"- Pastor Mark
Sermon February 13
- Pastor Mark
Sermon February 6
- "Tainted?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 30
- "All Things New"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 23
- "(On our YouTube page only)"- Pastor Mark
Sermon January 16
- "(On our YouTube page only)"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 9
- "The 8 P's Of Prayer (Part 1)"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 2
- "Where is God's Authority & Power Today? (Part 4)"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 26
- "A Fireside Chat"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 19
- "Where is God's Authority & Power Today? (Part 3)"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 12
- "Where is God's Authority & Power Today? (Part 2)"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 5
- "Where is God's Authority & Power Today?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 28
- "Wor(th)ship"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 21
- "Marks of a Disciple"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 14
- "The Wisest Fool"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 7
- "Q&A - Take 2"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 31
- "Cancel Culture"- Pastor Mark
Sermon October 24
- "Shall we go on sinning?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 17
- "If God is for us...?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 10
- "How long...?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 3
- "What shall I do, then, with Jesus...?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon September 26
- "What Do You Want Me To Do For You?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon September 19
- "Who AM I...?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon September 12
- Missionary Rocco DiTrolio
Sermon September 5
- "Will Not The Judge...?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 29
- "Am I My Brother's Keeper?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 22
- "Where Are You?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 15
- "Did God Really Say?"- Pastor Ray (On our YouTube page only)
Sermon August 8
- Pastor Mark (On our YouTube page only)
Sermon August 1
- "Just Checking In"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 25
- "My Father's House"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 18
- "Frame It"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 11
- "Your ID, Please!"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 4
- Pastor Mark
Sermon June 27
- Pastor Mark
Sermon June 20
- "No Longer An Orphan"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 13
- "Jesus the King"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 6
- KIDS Church Sunday (On our YouTube page only)
Sermon May 30
- "Jesus the Deliverer"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 23
- "Jesus the Messiah"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 16
- "The Deity of Jesus"- Pastor Ray (On our YouTube page only)
Sermon May 9
- "The Humanity of Jesus"- Pastor Ray (On our YouTube page only)
Sermon May 2
- "Jesus the Healer"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 25
- "Jesus the Disruptor"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 18
- "Jesus the Teacher"- Pastor Ray (On our YouTube page only)
Sermon April 11
- "Portraits of Jesus - Jesus the Savior"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 4
- "Portraits of Jesus - Jesus the Victor"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 28
- "A Missional Church"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 21
- "It Takes a Church"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 14
- Guest Speaker - Rev. Perry Jones of Capital City Mission
Sermon March 7
- "Lift-Off"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 28
- "Ready - Part 2"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 21
- "Ready - Part 1"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 14
- "Jump The Hurdle"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 7
- "What's My Motivation?"- Pastor Ray
(On our YouTube page only)
Sermon January 31
- "EmPHAsis"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 24
- "Our LIFE STORY - Part 2"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 17
- "The Unseen Battle"- Pastor Ray
(On our YouTube page only)
Sermon January 10
- "Heads Or Tails?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 3
- "Our LIFE STORY - Part 1"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 27
- "Building Bridges - IV"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 24
- "The Hope of Christmas"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 20
- "The Cross and Christmas"- Pastor Mark
Sermon December 13
- "Building Bridges - III"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 6
- "Building Bridges - II"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 29
- "Building Bridges - I"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 22
- "Living Letters"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 15
- "An Open Door"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 8
- "Filled With The Spirit"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 1
- "The Whole Gospel to the Whole Person"- Pastor Ray
October 25 - Talley Music Ministry
- Service available on our YouTube page
Sermon October 18 - "The Gospel of the Kingdom"
- Pastor Ray -(On our YouTube page)
Sermon October 11
- "A Faith Worth Sharing - Introduction"- Pastor Ray
October 4 - Sermon not recorded for Missions Week
September 27 - Sermon not recorded for Missions Week
Sermon September 20
- "22 Minutes in Heaven"- Pastor Ray
Sermon September 13
- "Is This The End - Conclusion"- Pastor Ray
Sermon September 6
- "Is This The End - Part 3"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 30
- "Is This The End - Part 2"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 23
- "Is This The End - Part 1"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 16
- "New Beginnings - A Healthy Family: Part 9"- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 9
- Recording difficulties - Sermon available on our YouTube page
Sermon August 2
- "New Beginnings - A Healthy Family: Part 7"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 26
- "New Beginnings - A Healthy Family: Part 6"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 19
- "Legacy"- Pastor Mark
Sermon July 12
- "New Beginnings - A Healthy Family: Part 5"- Pastor Ray
Sermon July 5
- "New Beginnings - A Healthy Family: Part 4"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 28
- "New Beginnings - A Healthy Family: Part 3"- Pastor Ray
Sermon June 21
- Sermon Video Recorded - See Link on Homepage
Sermon June 14
- Sermon Video Recorded - See Link on Homepage
Sermon June 7
- "New Beginnings - Lose The Weight"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 31
- "Waiting for Godot"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 24
- "The Greatest Patriot"- Pastor Mark
Sermon May 17
- "The Marriage of Faith & Wisdom"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 10
- "Your Mother's Teaching"- Pastor Ray
Sermon May 3
- "Coronavirus Conspiracy"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 26
- "Coronavirus Cancellations?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 19
- "Intimacy With God"- Pastor Mark
Sermon April 12
- "Fake News - The American Church In Decline?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon April 5
- "Fake News - God Helps Those Who Help Themselves"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 29
- "Fake News - God Just Wants Me To Be Happy"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 22
- Sermon Video Recorded - See Link on Homepage
Sermon March 15
- "Fake News - No More Than We Can Bear?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 8
- "Fake News - All Paths Lead To God?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon March 1
- "Fake News - We're All God's Children?"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 23
- "Fake News - Race Relations"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 16
- "Fake News - Marriage & Divorce"- Pastor Ray
Sermon February 9
- Service with special guest, Phil Zaldatte (PM 1)
Sermon February 9
- Service with special guest, Phil Zaldatte (PM 2)
Sermon February 9
- Service with special guest, Phil Zaldatte (AM)
Sermon February 8
- Service with special guest, Phil Zaldatte
Sermon February 2
- "A Moment In Time"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 26
- "Thank You!"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 19
- "Finish the Task"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 12
- "Leveling the Praying Field"- Pastor Ray
Sermon January 5
- "New Life's Resolutions"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 29
- "Avoiding Shipwreck - Tear Down Any Idols"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 22
- "Recording Difficulties - No Sermon
Sermon December 15
- "Avoiding Shipwreck - Rely On The Spirit"- Pastor Ray
Sermon December 8
- "Let's Get Spiritual" Drama - Video on Facebook
Sermon December 1
- "Avoiding Shipwreck - Avoid Compromise"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Nov 24
- Special Guest Missionary - Dr. Michael Mills
Sermon Nov 17
- "Avoiding Shipwreck - Know Your Enemy"- Pastor Ray
Sermon Nov 10
- "Avoiding Shipwreck - Address Offenses Redemptively"- Pastor Ray
Sermon November 3
- "Avoiding Shipwreck - Stay Connected"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 27
- "Avoiding Shipwreck - Remain Teachable"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 20
- "Avoiding Shipwreck - Suffering In Light of the Cross"- Pastor Ray
Sermon October 13
- "Avoiding Shipwreck - Trust Grace"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon October 6
- "Guest Speaker: Jason McGuire"
Sermon September 29
- "Avoiding Shipwreck - Build On the Word"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon September 22
- "Avoiding Shipwreck - Keep It Fresh"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon September 15
- Guest Speaker: No Recording
Sermon September 8
- "So That..."- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon September 1
- "The Promise of a New Heavens & a New Earth"
- Pastor Ray
Sermon August 25
- "The Promise of Christ's Return"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon August 18
- Service Not Recorded
Sermon August 11
- "The Promise of Rest"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon August 4
- Service Not Recorded
Sermon July 28
- "The Promise of Healing"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon July 21
- "The Promise of Peace"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon July 14
- "The Promise of Wisdom"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon July 7
- Pastor Mark Kiburz
Sermon June 30
- Recording Difficulties - No sermon
Sermon June 23
- "The Promise of Trouble"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon June 16
- "The Promise of Provision"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon June 9
- "The Promises of the Spirit"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon June 2
- "The Promise of Salvation"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 26
- "Pushback - Part 2 (Partial Sermon Recorded)"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 19
- "Pushback - Part 1"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 12
- "The Power of Forgiveness"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 5
- Recording Difficulties - No sermon
Sermon April 28
- Pastor Cyd Collischonn
Sermon April 21
- Easter Drama: No Doubt About It - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon April 14
- Missionaries Steve & Jill McCarthy
Sermon April 7
- "The Power of Forgiveness"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 31
- "Home Court"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 24
- "A Study in Contrasts"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 17
- "Principles & Practices"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 10
- "Spiritual Poverty"- Pastor Mark Kiburz
Sermon March 3
- "FaithTime"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 24
- "A Change of Clothes"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 17
- "Stinkin' Thinkin'"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 10
- Missionary Joe Benecasa
Sermon February 3
- "Change Your Clothes"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 27
- "From My Mother's Womb"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 20
Sermon January 13
- "It Takes a Church"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 6
- Recording Difficulties - No sermon
Sermon December 30
- "Eye-Opening" -Partial Recording- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 24
- "Emmanuel"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 23
- "Transformative Process"-Partial Recording- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 16
- "A Transformative Gospel"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 9
- "On Purpose"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 2
- "How's Your Heart?"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon November 25
- "The Divine Pause"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon November 18
- Recording Difficulties - No sermon
Sermon November 11
- "Then & Now"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon November 4
- Elders' Sunday
Sermon October 28
- Recording Difficulties - No sermon
Sermon October 21
- "Oxygen Mask"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon October 14
- Recording Difficulties - No sermon
Sermon October 7
- Rev. Ryan Thomas
Sermon September 30
- "Can You Hear Me Now?"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon September 23
- "Thus Saith the Lord?"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon September 16
- Recording Difficulties - No sermon
Sermon September 9
- Guest Speaker - Rex Tignore
Sermon September 8
- Guest Speaker - Rex Tignor
Sermon September 2
- "We Must See Jesus!"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon August 26
- Pastor Mark Kiburz
Sermon August 19
- "Family Values"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon August 12
- "Alchemy"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon August 5
- "We Interrupt This Program..."- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon July 29
- Joe Cahill
Sermon July 22
- "Small Talk"- Pastor Ray Richards
July 15th Outdoor Service at
Gobbler's Knob - Message Not Recorded
Sermon July 8
- "Hello, My Name Is..."- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon July 1
- "Slavery?"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon June 24
- Special Guest, Michael Ferris - Not recorded
Sermon June 17
- "Like Father, Like Son"- Pastor Ray & Benjamin Richards
Sermon June 10
- "Intentional Living - Conclusion"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon June 3
- "Intentional Living - II"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 27
- "Intentional Living - I"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 20
- "Pentecost Anew"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 13
- No Sermon - Mother's Day Drama
Sermon May 6
- Recording Difficulties - No Sermon
Sermon April 29
- Recording Difficulties - No Sermon
Sermon April 22
- "God Gives Hope in Troubled Times"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon April 15
- Special Guest Speaker: Rex Tignor
Sermon April 8
- "A Lifetime of Discipline(s)"- Dramatic Presentation
Sermon April 1
- "First Witness"- Dramatic Presentation
Sermon March 25
- "Celebration Time"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 18
- Recording Difficulties - No Sermon
Sermon March 11
- "It's Not About The Money!"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 4
- "Ministry of the Towel"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 25
- "Chew the Cud"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 18
- "Study Habits"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 11
- Recording Difficulties - No Sermon
Sermon February 4
- "The Discipline of Solitude"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 28
- "Loud Silence"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 21
- "Discipline to Delight"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 14
- "Feasting & Fasting"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 7
- "The Disciplined Life"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 14
- "Feasting & Fasting"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 7
- "The Disciplined Life"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 31
- Joe Cahill
Sermon December 24
- Intergenerational Sermon Not Recorded
Sermon December 17
- "Overcomers Extraordinaire"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 10
- "Overcoming Persecution"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 3
- "Overcoming Oppression - Part 2"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon November 26
- "Overcoming Oppression - Part 1"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon November 19
- "Overcoming Hindrances"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon November 12
- Pastor Mark Kiburz
Sermon November 5
- Sermon Not Recorded
Sermon October 29
- "Why?"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon October 22
- "Overcoming Flaming Arrows"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon October 15
- "Overcoming Strongholds"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon October 8
- "Overcoming Deception"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon October 1
- Missionary Kevin Baban
Sermon September 24
- "Lessons From the Sea"- Pastor Cyd Collischonn
Sermon September 17
- "Overcoming Temptation"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon September 10
- "More Than Conquerors-Intro"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon September 3
- Sermon Not Recorded
Sermon August 27
- "Welcome to the Family"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon August 20
- "More Than Justice"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon August 13
- Pastor Mark Kiburz
Sermon August 6
- "More Than Truth"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon July 30
- Intergenerational Service: Sermon Not Recorded
Sermon July 23
- "More Than Love"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon July 16
- "More Than Faith"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon July 9
- "More Than Miracles"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon July 2
- "Sign Language"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon June 25
- "What's the Pattern?"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon June 18
- "The Measure of a Father?"- Benjamin Richards
Sermon June 11
- Guest Speaker: Tony Kemp
Sermon June 4
- "Taste Test"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 28
- "Hidden Treasure"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 21
- "End Game"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 14
- "On Mom's Knee"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 7
- "Return of the King"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon April 30
- "Between R & R"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon April 23
- "Mile"Stones""- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon April 16
- Dramatic Monologue: "He Took My Place"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon April 9
- "Why Church?"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon April 2
- Pastor Mark Kiburz
Sermon March 26
- "More Than An Afterthought - Conclusion"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 19
- "More Than An Afterthought - Part 3"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 12
- "More Than An Afterthought - Part 2"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 5
- "More Than An Afterthought"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 26
- Recording Difficulties - No Sermon
Sermon February 19
- "It's Huuuuuuuuuuuuuge! (Part 3)"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 12
- "It's Huuuuuuuuuuuuuge! (Part 2)"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 5
- "It's Huuuuuuuuuuuuuge!"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 29
- Intergenerational Sunday - No Sermon Recorded
Sermon January 22
- "Frost Wall - Completion"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 15
- Sermon Not Recorded
Sermon January 8
- "Frost Wall - Part 1"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 1
- "From Completion to Commission"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 25
- "Love Inspired"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 18
- "The Man.The Myth.The Legend.(Part 3)"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 11
- "The Man.The Myth.The Legend.(Part 2)"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 4
- "The Man. The Myth. The Legend."- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon November 27
- Recording Difficulties
Sermon November 20
- No Sermon Preached
Sermon November 13
- "GODISNOWHERE"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon November 6
- "Foundations"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon October 30
- Intergenerational Service - No Sermon Recorded
Sermon October 23
- "Jesus and The Election"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon October 16
- "Lord of the Storm"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon October 9
- "I Was In the Spirit on the Lord's Day"- Pastor Matt Splittgerber
Sermon October 2
- Missions Convention Weekend - No Recording
Sermon September 25
- No Sermon - Recording Difficulties
Sermon September 18
- "Multiplication"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon September 11
- "Activation"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon September 4
- No Sermon - Recording Difficulties
Sermon August 28
- No Sermon - Recording Difficulties
Sermon August 21
- No Sermon - Recording Difficulties
Sermon August 14
- No Sermon - Recording Difficulties
Sermon August 7
- Youth Speakers
Sermon July 31
- No Sermon - Recording Difficulties
Sermon July 24
- No Sermon - Recording Difficulties
Sermon July 17
- "Calvary's Call"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon July 10
- Pastor Mark Kiburz
Sermon July 3
- Joe Cahill
Sermon June 26
- No Sermon - Recording Difficulties
Sermon June 19
- No Sermon - Recording Difficulties
Sermon June 12
- No Sermon - Recording Difficulties
Sermon June 5
- "It's Not Fair"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 29
- No Sermon - Recording Difficulties
Sermon May 22
- "Great-full"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 15
- "Es Tu, Brute?"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 8
- "Pearls of Wisdom"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 1
- "Faithwalk"- Pastor Mark Kiburz
Sermon April 24
- No Sermon - Recording Difficulties
Sermon April 17
- No Sermon - Recording Difficulties
Sermon April 10
- "Oh, Happy Day!"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon April 3
- "When You Need Some R and R"- Pastor Matt Splittgerber
Sermon March 27
- "20/20 Vision"- Pastor Ray Richards
Drama Presentation March 20
- "Apostle of Joy"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 13
- "Unstoppable"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 6
- "Thank You!"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 28
- "Small Beginnings...Great Endings"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 21
- "Fill 'er Up"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 14
- "Anxiety-Free Living"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 7
- "It Happens"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 31
- "Inside Out"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 24
- "Finish Line"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 17
- "Still Running the Race""- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 10
- "Profit and Loss"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 3
- "Believe For Greater Things"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 27
- Sermon Not Recorded
Sermon December 20
- "Go Tell It On The Mountain"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 13
- "More Than a Pretty Face"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon December 6
- "Twinkle, Twinkle"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon November 29
- Guest Speaker: Missionary Shelley Carl
Sermon November 22
- "Workout"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon November 15
- "If...then..."- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon November 8
- Not Recorded
Sermon November 1
- "Surprise!"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon October 25
- "Can't Lose!"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon October 18
- "Plot Twist"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon October 11
- "Silver Lessons"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon October 4
- "Joy for the Journey: Smart Love"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon September 27
- "Joy for the Journey: Great Reflexes"- Pastor Ray Richards
Drama Presentation September 20
- "Dr. Luke: Joy for the Journey"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon September 13
- Not Recorded
Sermon September 6
- "Homestretch"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon August 30
- Pastor Mark Kiburz
Sermon August 23
- Al Decker
Sermon August 16
- "A Bulldog Faith"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon August 9
- "A Faith Transfusion"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon August 2
- "A Faith IV"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon July 26
- "Your Part In The Body" Guest Speaker - Pastor Matt Splittgerber
Sermon July 19
- "In God We Trust? (Part 3)"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon July 12
- "In God We Trust? (Part 2)"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon July 5
- "In God We Trust? (Part 1)"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon June 28
- "It Pays"- Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon June 21
- "The Father Heart of God" Guest Speaker - Joe Cahill
Sermon June 14
- "Medicine for the Soul" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon June 7
- "Can You Take It?" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 31
- "To Be Honest With You" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 24
- "You're Quite A Character" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 17
- "GPS-Part 3" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 10
- "A Son's Tribute" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon May 3
- Sermon Not Recorded
Sermon April 26
- "Hope for Hopeless Situations" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon April 19
- "GPS-Part 2" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon April 12
- "GPS-Part 1" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon April 5
- "V.I.C.T.O.R.Y." - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 29
- "Pop the Balloon!" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 22
- "Dollar$ and Sense - Conclusion" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 15
- "Dollar$ and Sense - Part 1" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon March 8
- Sermon Not Recorded
Sermon March 1
- "Open Or Shut Case" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 22
- "Treasure Hunt" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 15
- "The Road Less Traveled" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon February 8
- Sermon Not Recorded
Sermon February 1
- "The Wise Life" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 25
- "Enjoying" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 18
- "Waiting" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 11
- "Humbling" - Pastor Ray Richards
Sermon January 4
- "Thirsting" - Pastor Ray Richards