Archived Bugzilla content

All the historical content from Bugzilla is preserved here.

Open PRs

PR #10 RFE: Print IDs of locks on SIGQUIT
PR #18 Doesn't raise expected exception during MethodInterceptor.invoke
PR #32 [CP] massive memory leak (image loading)
PR #68 Class.newInstance throws InstantiationError instead of InstantiationException
PR #82 clojure doesn't start (subtype constraint violated)
PR #88 CACAO + OpenJDK fails Hotspot compiler test 6571539
PR #92 JSR166 TCK crashed with CACAO/OpenJDK on powerpc64
PR #103 generate more conservative code in the baseline compiler for patchers
PR #107 CACAO does not support synchronized for native methods.
PR #136 cacao fails to load icedtea plugin because ManagementFactory is broken on cacao VM
PR #147 CACAO should provide weak references
PR #161 32 bit archs: jtreg hangs occasionally
PR #165 Thread-unsafe code should be eliminated from i386 codegen
PR #173 Verifier should reject jsr and jsr_w in version 51 class files
PR #181 make check + openjdk should work out-of-the-box
PR #182 CACAO should detect stack overflow
PR #192 'make check' reports failed tests upon newlines at end of file
PR #193 --enable-loop fails to build

Closed PRs

PR #1 wrapper for zip
PR #2 Build error on powerpc--netbsd2.0
PR #3 Aborts with "Cannot find Java function" if static initializer throws exception
PR #4 Logging messages with level SEVERE do not get logged by default
PR #5 Early SIGQUIT causes fatal assert in vm/jit/
PR #6 Build error on gcc 4.0.1
PR #7 [patch] Support -fullversion for compatibility
PR #8 Infinite loading loop when exception class contains method that throws itself
PR #9 Verification should complete successfully before class initialization
PR #11 I have a problem compiling jc-1.4.6 with latest cacaoJVM ( 0.92)
PR #12 Patch to add Eclipse project files
PR #13 Don't hard-code jikes
PR #14 Loading constraint on instance method instance parameter is too strict
PR #15 fails to build not finding ltdl.h
PR #16 Jmol crashes with a NullPointerException in javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent
PR #17 toString doesn't behave the same in Method.invoke
PR #19 Problem building on PCBSD1.0rc2
PR #20 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
PR #21 regression tests accessing longs fail on ppc
PR #22 src/vm/jit/loop/analyze.c(analyze_merge function)
PR #23 AttachCurrentThread not implemented - causes Eclipse startup failure
PR #24 Interpreter on ALPHA - _213_javac - Floating point exception
PR #25 Cacao dies if not enough virtual memory to create thread
PR #26 seg fault running ecj
PR #27 Building with CFLAGS set doesn't work
PR #28 SIGKILL while in threads_wait_with_timeout when starting eclipse 3.2
PR #29 make check fails when run before make install
PR #30 [patch] support GNU/kFreeBSD
PR #31 Missing implementation of getClassSignature
PR #33 deadlock on JVM startup
PR #34 Subtype Contraint Violated error
PR #35 displacement out of range
PR #36 make check fails - is missing
PR #37 Lock Records are leaked
PR #38 LoadDisplacementOverflow crashes on MIPS64
PR #39 [patch] fix support of GNU/kFreeBSD
PR #40 when compiling without libjvm sometimes linking with -lm is needed
PR #41 cacao vs selinux memory protection
PR #42 jasmin crashes on powerpc
PR #43 cacao-0.98 with gnu classpath 0.93
PR #44 Unknown illegal instruction on ARM
PR #45 local references table uncleared when building IcedTea
PR #46 crash in native stub on powerpc (PV corrupt)
PR #47 --enable-jvmti can not be build successfull
PR #48 test bug -- Please ignore.
PR #49 VerifyError with obfuscated classes
PR #50 Makefiles don't respect CPPFLAGS
PR #51 Broken Pipe
PR #52 IllegalArgumentException in array_objectarray_element_set
PR #53 SEGV while running Armed Bear Common Lisp
PR #54 Non-deterministic crashes in lusearch
PR #55 Azureus throws java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory
PR #56 java.lang.ClassCastException: java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError when trying to run a JUnit test directly
PR #57 Class.forName must throw ClassNotFoundException
PR #58 failing super class resolving must throw NoClassDefFoundError
PR #59 JBoss exits immediately when running with java binary from OpenJDK
PR #60 SecureRandom.nextBytes() throws InternalError: URLSeedGenerator file:/dev/random generated exception: Invalid argument
PR #61 pango failure on ARM
PR #62 ARM Linux kernels compiled with EABI + OABI_COMPAT breaks swi EABI call
PR #63 actual tip don't build for arm softfloat
PR #64 cacao_0.99~rc1-1(mips/experimental): FTBFS: error: 'CTX_EPC' undeclared
PR #65 Innocent looking array usage crashes cacao
PR #66 M68K jit fails during classpath initialization
PR #67 -jar not working anymore for OpenJDK builds with --disable-jre-layout
PR #69 segfault in replace_create_replacement_points
PR #70 Mauve java.util.TreeMap.serialization fails with timeout (mutex_lock: pthread_mutex_lock failed: Invalid argument)
PR #71 "Local assertion failed" when running a simple gstreamer-java application
PR #72 CACAO and gcc don't agree on calling conventions
PR #73 Mauve java.util.prefs.PreferenceTest crashes on ARM
PR #74 Mauve javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder crashes on ARM
PR #75 Mauve javax.print.DocFlavor crashes on ARM
PR #76 Mauve org.omg.CORBA.ORB.DirectTest crashes on ARM
PR #77 JNI_AttachThread does not work
PR #78 Fast subtype checking
PR #79 [arm] mfloat-abi=softfp: the runtime fails to run anything
PR #80 Mauve java.lang.System.arraycopy crashes on powerpc with -O2
PR #81 --disable-verifier broken
PR #83 global references broken
PR #84 reorder cache flushes in patcher functions
PR #85 possbile race with trap instructions and signal handlers
PR #86 JSR166 TCK gets Real-time signal 28 with CACAO/OpenJDK on powerpc64
PR #87 building GNU Classpath's tools with CACAO segfaults on b6
PR #89 VM crash when invoking method that return float from reflection code
PR #90 Groovy console throws java.lang.LinkageError
PR #91 CACAO crashes when building GNU Classpath's tools with it
PR #93 Mauve on CACAO/OpenJDK does not timeout correctly
PR #94 java.lang.Double.valueOf() throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: disparate values with OpenJDK on ARM
PR #95 Remove non-IEEE code from Alpha's backend
PR #96 NetBSD dlopen configure failure
PR #97 i386 aborts when compiled with -O2
PR #98 make install fails with --disable-zlib [was: crosscompiling cacao for mips]
PR #99 md_codegen_get_pv_from_pc may access illegal memory on ARM
PR #100 JSR166 TCK fails with e.g. java.lang.IllegalAccessException on powerpc64
PR #101 Remove U8_AVAILABLE define.
PR #102 VM array function do not box and unbox properly
PR #104 assertion in descriptor_params_from_paramtypes
PR #106 ARM's VFP integer-to-float conversion is wrong
PR #108 DaCapo jython throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on powerpc.
PR #109 MIPS does not support unconditional long-branches.
PR #110 pthread_mutex_destroy fails when exiting Swing applications.
PR #111 Setting -Djava.endorsed.dirs= breaks bootclasspath.
PR #112 assert with OpenJDK jdk test java/lang/reflect/Array/ExceedMaxDim
PR #113 failed OpenJDK jdk test java/lang/Class/getModifiers/StripACC_SUPER
PR #114 ClassNotFoundException is thrown instead of NoClassDefFoundError for invokes
PR #115 CACAO does not work on Fedora 10 i386
PR #116 Segfault when creating multidimensional arry via reflection on OpenJDK
PR #117 cacao-cldc doesn't compile
PR #118 Alpha codegen broken
PR #119 Segfault when accessing array of boxed elements via reflection
PR #120 Java_java_lang_VMThread_isInterrupted(JNIEnv*, java_handle_t*): Assertion `t != __null' failed.
PR #121 VM startup error: Absurd stack bottom value
PR #122 ARM: mismatch between codegenerator and address patcher when disp == 4096
PR #123 Missing java.library.path from system properties
PR #124 Unknown illegal instruction on x86_64
PR #125 ClassFormatError with generated bytecode
PR #126 Faulty ClassLoader behavior should be corrected
PR #127 Problem building CACAO 0.99.4 for MIPS 32 on linux
PR #128 CACAO fails with IcedTea7 1.10 / OpenJDK7 b59
PR #129 CACAO fails with gcc 4.4 due to aliasing
PR #130 CACAO doesn't build on Fedora 11 (glibc 2.10)
PR #131 Lock records are removed too early
PR #132 compilation error with --enable-gc=none
PR #133 getting sigsegv frequently on xscale linux
PR #134 Alignment trap
PR #135 cacao fails to build on arm with thumb2
PR #137 OpenJDK bug 6714758 breaks CACAO
PR #138 Fake for OpenJDK is in wrong location for HotSpot 17+
PR #139 CACAO+OpenJDK7 b89 fails to bootstrap
PR #140 CACAO fails to bootstrap with icedtea7
PR #141 icedtea ARM might not build
PR #142 Cannot build because of non-PIC assembler code in asmpart.S
PR #143 LANG=C locale causes cacao to hang
PR #144 Patcher locations must be aligned
PR #145 OpenJDK/CACAO fails a malva test
PR #146 SIGILL on powerpc64
PR #148 Unknown ICMD 148 when trying to run java trading software
PR #149 GWT compiler doesn't work
PR #150 Malva test case "SystemTest.testGetProperties" fails
PR #151 openjdk6 cacao on MIPS crash due to assertion in lock_inflate
PR #152 Calling Policy.setPolicy with a new Policy object has no effect on the DefaultSecurityManager
PR #153 I2P installer fails with ClassNotFoundException: com.izforge.izpack.util.OsConstraint
PR #154 HPI removed from OpenJDK
PR #155 Failed assertion in jvm.cpp
PR #156 uncaughtExceptionHandler doesn't work with OpenJDK 6 b21
PR #157 SMP ARM Assertion `get_thin_lock_without_count() == thread_get_current()->thinlock' failed.
PR #158 Finalizers don't work at all with OpenJDK
PR #159 Yeti crashes CACAO
PR #160 CACAO crashes in VMClass when building OpenJDK
PR #162 Code can sometimes see uninitialized static fields
PR #163 Race conditions in descriptor cache
PR #164 Crash in javastring_intern
PR #166 make check-langtools failure:
PR #167 make check-langtools failure:
PR #168 enableassertions/disableassertions command line handling wrong
PR #169 garbage collector broken on ARM build?
PR #170 make check doesn't work with --enable-jre-layout
PR #171 Floating point calculations depend on compiler optimization settings
PR #172 icedtea-6-jre-cacao: cacao badly broken on armhf
PR #174 make check fails with "gc_out_of_memory: out of memory"
PR #175 dacapo tomcat causes endless recursion
PR #176 Test testgetallmembers fails on IcedTea6
PR #177 NoClassDefFoundError Exception running Knopflerfish OSGi
PR #178 configure does not check if junit is usable
PR #179 configure does not check if jasmin is usable
PR #180 Do not use CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS/etc. in configure/automake
PR #183 make check fails with clang (3.0) + optimizations
PR #184 Build failure on armv4
PR #185 CACAO spits out unsolicited finalizer exceptions
PR #186 configure does not check if CXX is usable
PR #187 Needs replacement implementation of VMClassLoader.getPackages()
PR #188 icedtea-6-jre-cacao armhf crashes on startup; Debian, Cubieboard 2 (ARMv7)
PR #189 Fails to build on OS X (10.6)
PR #190 Test bug
PR #191 Intermittent shutdown failures
PR #194 LinearScanAllocator Error Fixed Interval is blocked
PR #195 assertion in verifier
PR #196 subtype check can overflow array