My E30 had little or no hot air from the blower inside the cabin. I have heard it is common for the two hoses running to the heater matrix to be fitted back to front, so the flow of coolant through the core is reversed. This causes air locks and severely reduces the amount of coolant flowing through the heater matrix, thus no hot air.
The reason these hoses so often get fitted incorrectly is due to their location and the way they look when fitted. It appears obvious that the upper hose (back of cyl.-head to heater) goes to the upper stub on the heater-matrix and the lower hose (side of block to heater) goes to the lower stub on the matrix. The hoses look happier this way round, but the matrix and heater-valve are designed in such a way that flow is interrupted and causes the air-lock.
The correct way round is actually with the upper hose connected to the lower stub and the lower hose to the upper stub, which does of course appear to be back to front, but is essential for correct flow of coolant round the whole engine, not just the heater-core. The correct and incorrect hose configurations are shown in the pictures below.
** This is not the normal air-bleeding process when refilling an empty system with coolant, this process is to bleed a system with the air-lock at the back of the head and / or the heater-matrix full of air. **