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Volume 14, Issue 3June 2020
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
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Linearization of Dependency and Sampling for Participation-based Betweenness Centrality in Very Large B-hypergraphs
Article No.: 25, Pages 1–41

A B-hypergraph consisting of nodes and directed hyperedges is a generalization of the directed graph. A directed hyperedge in the B-hypergraph represents a relation from a set of source nodes to a single destination node. We suggest one possible ...

MP2SDA: Multi-Party Parallelized Sparse Discriminant Learning
Article No.: 26, Pages 1–22

Sparse Discriminant Analysis (SDA) has been widely used to improve the performance of classical Fisher’s Linear Discriminant Analysis in supervised metric learning, feature selection, and classification. With the increasing needs of distributed data ...

Open Access
Efficient Ridesharing Framework for Ride-matching via Heterogeneous Network Embedding
Article No.: 27, Pages 1–24

Ridesharing has attracted increasing attention in recent years, and combines the flexibility and speed of private cars with the reduced cost of fixed-line systems to benefit alleviating traffic pressure. A major issue in ridesharing is the accurate ...

Data Sharing via Differentially Private Coupled Matrix Factorization
Article No.: 28, Pages 1–27

We address the privacy-preserving data-sharing problem in a distributed multiparty setting. In this setting, each data site owns a distinct part of a dataset and the aim is to estimate the parameters of a statistical model conditioned on the complete ...

Continuous Influence Maximization
Article No.: 29, Pages 1–38

Imagine we are introducing a new product through a social network, where we know for each user in the network the function of purchase probability with respect to discount. Then, what discounts should we offer to those social network users so that, ...

Robust Drift Characterization from Event Streams of Business Processes
Article No.: 30, Pages 1–57

Process workers may vary the normal execution of a business process to adjust to changes in their operational environment, e.g., changes in workload, season, or regulations. Changes may be simple, such as skipping an individual activity, or complex, ...

Story Forest: Extracting Events and Telling Stories from Breaking News
Article No.: 31, Pages 1–28

Extracting events accurately from vast news corpora and organize events logically is critical for news apps and search engines, which aim to organize news information collected from the Internet and present it to users in the most sensible forms. ...

A Deep Multi-task Contextual Attention Framework for Multi-modal Affect Analysis
Article No.: 32, Pages 1–27

Multi-modal affect analysis (e.g., sentiment and emotion analysis) is an interdisciplinary study and has been an emerging and prominent field in Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision. The effective fusion of multiple modalities (e.g., text, ...

Enhanced Data Mining Technique to Measure Satisfaction Degree of Social Media Users of Xeljanz Drug
Article No.: 33, Pages 1–13

In the recent times, social media has become important in the field of health care as a major resource of valuable health information. Social media can provide massive amounts of data in real-time through user interaction, and this data can be analysed ...

Better Classifier Calibration for Small Datasets
Article No.: 34, Pages 1–19

Classifier calibration does not always go hand in hand with the classifier’s ability to separate the classes. There are applications where good classifier calibration, i.e., the ability to produce accurate probability estimates, is more important than ...

Framework for Inferring Following Strategies from Time Series of Movement Data
Article No.: 35, Pages 1–22

How do groups of individuals achieve consensus in movement decisions? Do individuals follow their friends, the one predetermined leader, or whomever just happens to be nearby? To address these questions computationally, we formalize Coordination S...

Network Embedding for Community Detection in Attributed Networks
Article No.: 36, Pages 1–25

Community detection aims to partition network nodes into a set of clusters, such that nodes are more densely connected to each other within the same cluster than other clusters. For attributed networks, apart from the denseness requirement of topology ...

Mining Career Paths from Large Resume Databases: Evidence from IT Professionals
Article No.: 37, Pages 1–38

The emergence of online professional platforms, such as LinkedIn and Indeed, has led to unprecedented volumes of rich resume data that have revolutionized the study of careers. One of the most prevalent problems in this space is the extraction of ...

