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Volume 231, Issue C2024
  • Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.
  • PO Box 211 1000 AE Amsterdam
  • Netherlands
Reflects downloads up to 15 Sep 2024Bibliometrics
Keynote I: Anticipatory Radio Resource Management for 5G Networks and Beyond

Hyperbolic spaces have recently achieved acceleration in the context of machine learning of their high capacity and tree-likeliness structures, taxonomies, text, and graphs. With the same dimension, a hyperbolic vector can represent richer ...

ContractArmor: Attack Surface Generator for Smart Contracts

This paper presents an ongoing study of a novel attack surface generator tool for smart contracts developed in Solidity. The tool leverages a rule-based engine and ChatGPT API for security analysis. The rule-based engine provides numerical values ...

Automatic Accident Detection System Using IoT Compared to the Systems that a Traffic Centre Uses for Accident Detection

In recent years, vehicle traffic has become a major issue with a significant increase in the number of vehicles, leading to congestion on urban roads and motorways. This has resulted in an increase in accidents, causing more injuries and ...

Bundle AI: An Application of Multiple Constraint Knapsack Problem (MCKP) Through Genetic Algorithm (GA)

Bundle AI is a marketing tool project motivated to provide solutions for manual product bundling, a popular marketing strategy that boosts sales of low-selling products and encourages mass purchases with promising customer satisfaction. It is a ...

The Use of Deep Learning Techniques in OFDM Receivers for 5G NR: A Survey

The Fifth Generation (5G) New Radio (NR) wireless system is the most promising next-generation solution to meet the needs of the increasing demands of mobile market. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is the fundamental transmission ...

Cloud Computing Security and Deep Learning: An ANN approach

Deep learning techniques have shown significant impact in enhancing security across various domains by leveraging artificial neural networks models. When applied to cloud computing security, deep learning offers cost-effective solutions by ...

Usability Evaluation of Handheld and Wearable AR devices: Exploring Collaboration and the Role of Physical Props

This work presents a study to evaluate the usability of handheld and wearable Augmented Reality (AR) devices for object manipulation in an individual and collaborative AR environment. We propose a scenario that incorporates physical props to ...

An Improved Hybrid Metaheuristic for Active Job-Shop Scheduling Problems

Our article aims to resolve the scheduling instances in a job shop, hereinafter referred to as JSSP. The objective is to minimize the makespan, or the maximum amount of time needed to complete all tasks. In this contribution, we study an improved ...

Wireless Technologies and Network Planning for Water Quality Monitoring: The AQUASENSE Approach

The Aquasense project is a multi-site Innovative Training Network (ITN) in water and food quality monitoring using autonomous sensors and intelligent data gathering and analysis. This paper aims to study the most suitable communication system ...

Machine learning for predicting energy efficiency of buildings: a small data approach

This paper provides a method for predicting the energy efficiency of buildings using artificial intelligence tools. The scopes is twofold: prediction of the levels of the heating load and cooling load of buildings. A feature of this research is ...

Digital Citizenship and Sustainable Governance: A Design Thinking Approach

This research applies design thinking to craft a prototype for a digital participation strategy that boosts the ability of Colombian communities to protect natural ecosystems. It delves into modern digital involvement trends related to ...

Results of EEBL Simulation for the Smartphone VANET

The Smartphone VANET (Vehicle Ad-Hoc NETwork) is a novel concept for VANET using smartphones as On Board Units. VANET technology has great potential to reduce injuries and fatalities on our roadways. The smartphone presents many disadvantages ...

Time Pressure's Impact on Taxi Drivers' Driving Speed: A Driving Simulator Study

The rapid global expansion of the taxi industry has brought significant safety concerns regarding taxi trips, particularly related to the frequency of taxi crashes and their potential impact on road safety. To address this issue, the present study ...

Exploring driver behaviors during tailgating situations: a driving simulator study

The characteristics of drivers vary from one individual to another and one culture to another, leading to distinct driving behaviors exhibited by different drivers. This study aims to explore drivers’ car-following behaviors during tailgating ...

On Abstract Machines Security and Performance

One of the most relevant problems today is to increase security and safety of computation and data without incurring in relevant performance loss. This is especially important in compute intensive areas such as cloud computing and mobile devices. ...

Convolutional Neural Network-Based Defect Detection Technique in FDM Technology

This research focuses on developing a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based machine learning algorithm for detecting anomalies in Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) 3D printers. To develop the CNN algorithm, the training data was obtained from ...

UAVs for Disaster Management - An Exploratory Review

The following research article constitutes a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art methodologies and problems addressed by current academic literature in the field of deploying autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for disaster management. ...

Detecting Overlay Attacks in Android

Overlay attacks have long been a significant security concern affecting Android devices. Despite Android touch prevention mechanisms for external apps, internal apps and those sharing the same userID remain susceptible. Contrary to Android's ...

Information system for remediation and cleanup of contaminated soil with machine learning

This study introduces an innovative information system leveraging machine learning and deep learning techniques, aiming to forecast and facilitate decision-making in the remediation of soils laden with toxic elements. Our investigation utilizes an ...

Automated AI-driven System for Early Detection of At-risk Students

This study presents the development of a novel automated system, Rapid Analysis and Detection of At-risk students with Artificial intelligence-based Response (RADAR), that utilizes explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) to identify students who ...

From Raw Data to Informed Decisions: The Development of an Online Data Repository and Visualization Dashboard for Transportation Data

This paper presents the design, implementation, and practical use of a specialized online data repository and an interactive visualization of a transportation dashboard. Specifically tailored to handle and interpret large-scale transportation data ...

The Impacts of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) on a Diverse Society: A Framework for Advanced Assessment

With the latest developments in transportation technologies and services, the concept of MaaS has spawned its way, where consumers can purchase access to different modes and services owned and operated by several mobility service providers through ...

Forecasting international migration in Kazakhstan using ARIMA models

This research article aims to forecast international migration in Kazakhstan until 2060. International migration is a critical determinant in shaping the demographic composition of a country and may have significant socio-economic and political ...

Augmented Reality for Civic Education within Makerspace Museums

This study explores the integration of Augmented Reality in civic education within Maker Space Museums. We devised a methodology using feedback from students at the University of la Costa, Villavicencio, Colombia, and applied legal design ...

A Lightweight Seamless Unimodal Biometric Authentication System

Nowadays, authentication remains a crucial and primordial process in securing Information Technology (IT) systems and infrastructures, while keeping users’ data more secure and privacy-preserving. Indeed, finding a distinctive characteristic(s) ...

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Stock Market Prediction: A Comprehensive Analysis of Techniques and Case Studies

Stock market forecasting is a classic but challenging problem that has attracted the attention of economists and computer scientists. The activity of trading involves high risks, the investors may lose a part of the totality of the amount they ...

Towards an SDN-based Dynamic Resource Allocation in 5G Networks

The rapid evolution of mobile technologies has ushered in a new era of connectivity, particularly with the advent of the Fifth Generation (5G) technology, which promises low latency and high throughput. However, with the exponential growth of ...
