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Volume 20, Issue 1March 2009
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Editorial Notes

New appointments to the editorial board are discussed in this issue.

Does Fit Matter? The Impact of Task-Technology Fit and Appropriation on Team Performance in Repeated Tasks

Prior research on technology and team performance concludes that the fit of the technology to tasks influences team performance. It also suggests that the way teams appropriate technology influences performance. This research examines how fit and ...

Research Note---Information Technology in Supply Chains: The Value of IT-Enabled Resources Under Competition

In this study, we seek to better understand the value of information technology (IT) in supply chain contexts. Grounded in the resource-based theory in conjunction with transaction cost economics, we develop a conceptual model that links three IT-...

A Computational Analysis of Linear Price Iterative Combinatorial Auction Formats

Iterative combinatorial auctions (ICAs) are IT-based economic mechanisms where bidders submit bundle bids in a sequence and an auctioneer computes allocations and ask prices in each auction round. The literature in this field provides equilibrium ...

The Influence of Website Characteristics on a Consumer's Urge to Buy Impulsively

With the proliferation of e-commerce, there is growing evidence that online impulse buying is occurring, yet relatively few researchers have studied this phenomenon. This paper reports on two studies that examine how variations in a website influence ...

User Awareness of Security Countermeasures and Its Impact on Information Systems Misuse: A Deterrence Approach

Intentional insider misuse of information systems resources (i.e., IS misuse) represents a significant threat to organizations. For example, industry statistics suggest that between 50%--75% of security incidents originate from within an organization. ...

Impact of the Union and Difference Operations on the Quality of Information Products

Information derived from relational databases is routinely used for decision making. However, little thought is usually given to the quality of the source data, its impact on the quality of the derived information, and how this in turn affects ...

Choice and Chance: A Conceptual Model of Paths to Information Security Compromise

No longer the exclusive domain of technology experts, information security is now a management issue. Through a grounded approach using interviews, observations, and secondary data, we advance a model of the information security compromise process from ...

Research Note---Investments in Information Technology: Indirect Effects and Information Technology Intensity

Many studies measure the value of information technology (IT) by focusing on how much value is added rather than on the mechanisms that drive value addition. We argue that value from IT arises not only directly through changes in the factor input mix ...

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