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Volume 36, Issue 7July 2017
  • Birkhauser Boston Inc.
  • Div. of Springer-Verlag N.Y., Inc. 675 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA
  • United States
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A Low-Power and High-Gain Ultra-Wideband Down-Conversion Active Mixer in 0.18-$$\upmu $$μm SiGe Bi-CMOS Technology

This paper presents an ultra-wideband down-conversion mixer chip covering the frequency range from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz by using TSMC 0.18 $$\upmu $$μm SiGe BiCMOS technology. The architecture used is based on Gilbert-cell mixer, the combination of MOS ...

Dynamic Threshold Sleep Transistor Technique for High Speed and Low Leakage in CMOS Circuits

Leakage power dissipation is a serious concern in deep nanometer devices. Low power design methodology is often adopted in VLSI circuits and systems to minimize power; however, this is achieved at the cost of performance penalty. In this paper, we first ...

Current-Mode FPAA with CMRR Elimination and Low Sensitivity to Mismatch

This article introduces a current-mode field-programmable analog array (FPAA) architecture with its programming methods. The biggest benefit of the proposed approach is solving the problem of implementing reconfigurable analog circuits in modern ...

An Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Blind Separation of Noisy Mixtures Using Gaussian Mixture Model

In this paper, we propose a new expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, named GMM-EM, to blind separation of noisy instantaneous mixtures, in which the non-Gaussianity of independent sources is exploited by modeling their distribution using the ...

$$l_2 -l_\infty $$l2-lź Suppression of Limit Cycles in Interfered Digital Filters with Generalized Overflow Nonlinearities

This paper is concerned with the problem of the suppression of overflow oscillations in fixed-point state-space interfered digital filters using generalized overflow nonlinearities. The proposed linear matrix inequalities-based $$l_2 -l_\infty $$l2-lź ...

Improving Energy Efficiency of OFDM Using Adaptive Precision Reconfigurable FFT

Being an essential issue in digital systems, especially battery-powered devices, energy efficiency has been the subject of intensive research. In this research, a multi-precision FFT module with dynamic run-time reconfigurability is proposed to trade ...

A High-Performance Feedback FxLMS Active Noise Cancellation VLSI Circuit Design for In-Ear Headphones

Active noise cancellation (ANC) applications for headphones are strongly influenced by practical constraints. Most previous works developing algorithms for ANC headphones are based on simplified simulations only and neglect practical limitations. ...

High-Dynamic-Range Image Generation and Coding for Multi-exposure Multi-view Images

High-dynamic-range (HDR) images offer better visual quality that is much closer to reality by allowing a wider range of luminance. Because of the rarity of devices that directly capture/display scenes in HDR format, HDR images are usually generated ...

Variable Tap-Length LMS Algorithm with Adaptive Step Size

The fractional tap-length least mean square adaptive algorithm exhibits robustness and low complexity in adaptive filter design. This algorithm employs one parameter $$\gamma $$ź, the tap-length adaptation step size, to balance convergence rate and ...

Wavelet De-Noising and Genetic Algorithm-Based Least Squares Twin SVM for Classification of Arrhythmias

The automatic detection of cardiac arrhythmias is a challenging task since the small variations in electrocardiogram (ECG) signals cannot be distinguished by the human eye. We propose a fast recognition method to diagnose heart diseases that is less ...

Reverse Conversion Using Core Function, CRT and Mixed Radix Conversion

In this paper, residue number system (RNS) to binary number system conversion using core function is compared with techniques using Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) and mixed radix conversion (MRC). The cause of inaccuracy of core function for comparison,...

Design and Implementation of a Compressed Sensing Encoder: Application to EMG and ECG Wireless Biosensors

Among the existing applications of wireless body sensor networks (WBSNs), a wearable health monitoring system (WHMS) is the most important. In a typical WHMS, miniature wireless biosensors, attached to or implanted in the human body, collect bio-signals ...

Fractional Fourier, Hartley, Cosine and Sine Number-Theoretic Transforms Based on Matrix Functions

In this paper, we introduce fractional number-theoretic transforms (FrNTT) based on matrix functions. In contrast to previously proposed FrNTT, our approach does not require the construction of any number-theoretic transform (NTT) eigenvectors set. This ...

Filter-based Bayer Pattern CFA Demosaicking

In this paper, we introduce an efficient demosaicking method based on an advanced nonlocal mean (NLM) filter using adaptive weight with consideration of both neighborhood similarity and patch distance. The to-be-interpolated missing color information is ...

A Novel Exponential Approximation with ±0.21dB Error for Realizing an Improved CMOS Exponential Function Generator

A new modified pseudo-Taylor exponential approximation is presented for realizing a current-to-current exponential function generator. The proposed approximation for exponential function generation has been implemented using translinear principle of ...

Global Asymptotic Output Feedback Stabilization for a Class of Stochastic High-Order Planar Systems

This paper focuses on the global asymptotic stabilization problem for a class of single-input single-output stochastic high-order planar systems via output feedback. By adopting the adding a power integrator technique and designing an implementable ...

Finite-Time Stability and Stabilization for Continuous Systems with Additive Time-Varying Delays

This paper is centered on the problem of delay-dependent finite-time stability and stabilization for a class of continuous system with additive time-varying delays. Firstly, based on a new Lyapunov---Krasovskii-like function (LKLF), which splits the ...

Normalized Subband Adaptive Filter Algorithm with Combined Step Size for Acoustic Echo Cancellation

A novel normalized subband adaptive filter algorithm with combined step size is proposed for acoustic echo cancellation, which is derived by utilizing a variable mixing parameter to combine a large step size and a small one, thus providing fast ...

A Strong Interference Suppressor for Satellite Signals in GNSS Receivers

In this paper, we discuss a method to protect satellite signals from strong time-varying interferers. Time-domain, transform-domain, and space-domain algorithms have been widely used for interference suppression. However, when used under high dynamic ...

Fracturable DSP Block for Multi-context Reconfigurable Architectures

Multi-context architectures like NATURE enable low-power applications to leverage fast context switching for improved energy efficiency and lower area footprint. The NATURE architecture incorporates 16-bit reconfigurable DSP blocks for accelerating ...

Adaptive Clipping-Based Active Constellation Extension for PAPR Reduction of OFDM/OQAM Signals

The active constellation extension (ACE) based on clipping technique is a lossless, simple and attractive peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction technique in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with offset quadrature amplitude modulation ...
