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Mitigating denial of service attacks: a tutorial

Published: 01 December 2005 Publication History


This tutorial describes what Denial of Service (DOS) attacks are. how they can be carried out in IP networks, and how one can defend against them. Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks are included here as a subset of DoS attacks. A DoS attack has two phases: a deployment and an attack phase. A DoS program must first be deployed on one or more compromised hosts before an attack is possible. Mitigation of DoS attacks requires thus defense mechanisms for both phases. Completely reliable protection against DoS attacks is, however, not possible. There will always be vulnerable hosts in the Internet. and many attack mechanisms are based on ordinary use of protocols, Defense in depth is thus needed to mitigate the effect of DoS attacks. This paper describes shortly many defense mechanisms proposed in the literature. The goal is not to implement all possible defenses. Instead, one should optimize the trade-off between security costs and acquired benefits in handling the most important risks. Mitigation of DoS attacks is thus closely related to risk management.


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Published In

cover image Journal of Computer Security
Journal of Computer Security  Volume 13, Issue 6
December 2005
96 pages


IOS Press


Publication History

Published: 01 December 2005

Author Tags

  1. attack mechanisms
  2. defense mechanisms
  3. denial of service
  4. network security


  • Article


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