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Renewable Just-In-Time Control-Flow Integrity

Published: 16 October 2023 Publication History


Renew (Rewriting Newly Executable pages after Writes) unites and extends recent advances in binary code analysis and transformation to solve a longstanding compatibility problem for binary code security hardening algorithms—support for arbitrary dynamically self-modifying code. Self-modification is now a mainstay of many consumer software products, including Just-In-Time (JIT) compiled languages, on-demand component loading, self-extracting installers, and self-hooking APIs; but it poses significant challenges for code hardening algorithms that rely on computationally heavy static analyses, source code information, or compiler-specific code generation patterns. As a result, many of the strongest protection mechanisms for code hardening have remained incompatible or significantly weakened for the large class of software that incorporates self-modification (either directly or within its underlying runtime systems).
By leveraging recent advances in lightweight binary disassembly, efficient memory page interception, and fast machine code rewriting, Renew transparently extends binary code security hardening algorithms, such as source-free control-flow integrity (CFI) and software fault isolation (SFI), to self-modifying target codes. Experiments on two commodity JIT compilers and a commodity self-extracting installer solution show that Renew supports highly diverse dynamic code generation strategies with little or no customization to each new application, and achieves a 3–4 × performance improvement over alternative solutions that disable dynamic code to achieve equivalent security guarantees.


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RAID '23: Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses
October 2023
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