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Text-to-Motion Retrieval: Towards Joint Understanding of Human Motion Data and Natural Language

Published: 18 July 2023 Publication History


Due to recent advances in pose-estimation methods, human motion can be extracted from a common video in the form of 3D skeleton sequences. Despite wonderful application opportunities, effective and efficient content-based access to large volumes of such spatio-temporal skeleton data still remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a novel content-based text-to-motion retrieval task, which aims at retrieving relevant motions based on a specified natural-language textual description. To define baselines for this uncharted task, we employ the BERT and CLIP language representations to encode the text modality and successful spatio-temporal models to encode the motion modality. We additionally introduce our transformer-based approach, called Motion Transformer (MoT), which employs divided space-time attention to effectively aggregate the different skeleton joints in space and time. Inspired by the recent progress in text-to-image/video matching, we experiment with two widely-adopted metric-learning loss functions. Finally, we set up a common evaluation protocol by defining qualitative metrics for assessing the quality of the retrieved motions, targeting the two recently-introduced KIT Motion-Language and HumanML3D datasets. The code for reproducing our results is available here:

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Pose-estimation methods can extract human motion from a common video in the form of structured skeleton sequences. Despite wonderful application opportunities, effective and efficient content-based access to large volumes of such spatio-temporal motion data still remains a challenging problem. Inspired by the success of cross-modal approaches in image and video domains, we propose the new task of text-to-motion retrieval, which aims at identifying motions that are the most relevant to a text query specified in a natural language description. We also propose a new Motion Transformer encoder network that outperforms baseline approaches on KIT Motion Language and HumanML3D text-motion datasets.


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Published In

cover image ACM Conferences
SIGIR '23: Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
July 2023
3567 pages
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License.



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 18 July 2023

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  • Honorable Mention Short Paper

Author Tags

  1. BERT
  2. CLIP
  3. ViViT
  4. cross-modal retrieval
  5. deep language models
  6. human motion data
  7. motion retrieval
  8. skeleton sequences


  • Short-paper

Funding Sources

  • AI4Media - A European Excellence Centre for Media, Society, and Democracy
  • SUN - Social and hUman ceNtered XR
  • ERDF CyberSecurity, CyberCrime and Critical Information Infrastructures Center of Excellence



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