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Semantic foundations for typed assembly languages

Published: 16 March 2010 Publication History


Typed Assembly Languages (TALs) are used to validate the safety of machine-language programs. The Foundational Proof-Carrying Code project seeks to verify the soundness of TALs using the smallest possible set of axioms: the axioms of a suitably expressive logic plus a specification of machine semantics. This article proposes general semantic foundations that permit modular proofs of the soundness of TALs. These semantic foundations include Typed Machine Language (TML), a type theory for specifying properties of low-level data with powerful and orthogonal type constructors, and Lc, a compositional logic for specifying properties of machine instructions with simplified reasoning about unstructured control flow. Both of these components, whose semantics we specify using higher-order logic, are useful for proving the soundness of TALs. We demonstrate this by using TML and Lc to verify the soundness of a low-level, typed assembly language, LTAL, which is the target of our core-ML-to-sparc compiler.
To prove the soundness of the TML type system we have successfully applied a new approach, that of step-indexed logical relations. This approach provides the first semantic model for a type system with updatable references to values of impredicative quantified types. Both impredicative polymorphism and mutable references are essential when representing function closures in compilers with typed closure conversion, or when compiling objects to simpler typed primitives.


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Markus Wolf

A typed assembly language (TAL) is an assembly language that guarantees certain safety properties of a corresponding program, by virtue of type checking. In order to make this idea work for industry-strength assembly languages, a soundness proof for the corresponding TAL has to be developed, which is not a trivial endeavor. The goal of the project reported in this paper is to construct a machine-checked modular soundness proof for a realistic TAL. The paper describes an intermediate layer that consists of two key components. The first, typed machine language (TML), can be seen as a type theory geared toward describing properties of data and machine states. The second, L C , is a control logic based on "a generalized Hoare logic of multiple-entry and multiple-exit program[s]." These two components, including their syntax and semantics, and various other important properties are the focus of the first part of the paper. The second part of the paper shows how this intermediate layer is used to prove several soundness properties of a list manipulating an example TAL. Furthermore, it gives an overview of the Foundational Proof-Carrying Code (FPCC) project at Princeton, which consists of a complete machine-supported environment for the soundness proof of a richer TAL. The paper ends with a discussion of related work and a conclusion. This paper gives a very round and complete view of the conceptual and technical difficulties in designing a TAL and proving its soundness. It also provides some interesting insights into semantic modeling from real programming languages in a formal setting. In summary, this review cannot adequately express the paper's richness and complexity. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 32, Issue 3
March 2010
176 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Publication History

Published: 16 March 2010
Accepted: 01 June 2009
Revised: 01 June 2009
Received: 01 November 2006
Published in TOPLAS Volume 32, Issue 3


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  1. Typed assembly languages
  2. control flow
  3. logical relations
  4. proof-carrying code
  5. semantic models


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