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The vision of on-demand architectural knowledge systems as a decision-making companion

Published: 01 April 2023 Publication History


Cobbler’s children do not wear shoes. Software engineers build sophisticated software but we often cannot find the needed information and knowledge for ourselves. Issues are the amount of development information that can be captured, organizing that information to make them useable for other developers as well as human decision-making issues. Current architectural knowledge management systems cannot handle these issues properly. In this paper, we outline a research agenda for intelligent tools to support the knowledge management and decision making of architects. The research agenda consists of a vision and research challenges on the way to realize this vision. We call our vision on-demand architectural knowledge systems (ODAKS). Based on literature review, analysis, and synthesis of past research works, we derive our vision of ODAKS as decision-making companions to architects. ODAKS organize and provide relevant information and knowledge to the architect through an assistive conversation. ODAKS use probing to understand the architects’ goals and their questions, they suggest relevant knowledge and present reflective hints to mitigate human decision-making issues, such as cognitive bias, cognitive limitations, as well as design process aspects, such as problem-solution co-evolution and the balance between intuitive and rational decision-making. We present the main features of ODAKS, investigate current potential technologies for the implementation of ODAKS and discuss the main research challenges.


We present vision of architectural knowledge systems as decision-making companion.
ODAKS provide knowledge to the architect through an assistive conversation.
We explore knowledge and human decision-making issues based on existing research.
We provide the main features of ODAKS and technologies for their implementation.
We present the challenges in the implementation and usage of ODAKS.


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  1. The vision of on-demand architectural knowledge systems as a decision-making companion
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          Published In

          cover image Journal of Systems and Software
          Journal of Systems and Software  Volume 198, Issue C
          Apr 2023
          492 pages


          Elsevier Science Inc.

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 April 2023

          Author Tags

          1. Software architecture knowledge
          2. Knowledge management systems
          3. Decision-making
          4. Human aspects


          • Research-article


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