September 03, 2023
Thoughts From The Dersh
Oh wow! It posted!
Dershowitz, who is quite emphatically not a Trump supporter, points out the very troubling overreach of of the never Trump lawfare. In going after the lawyers, the Dems are crossing a Rubicon.
No one who crosses the Left will be able to get legal representation if this stands.
Contrary to many who assume these people are stupid and can't process the conditional hypothetical of the shoe being on the other foot, they are NOT stupid. The Left understands the concept of reciprocity perfectly well. They don't expect they will face reciprocity... because they don't plan to ever be out of power....They're going for the brass ring.
The implications of this are dark indeed.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
05:26 PM
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Nah, they crossed that particular case of river earlier. Yale or Harvard pulled together a letter that they got signed by something 3/4 of law school heads, on January 12th 2021, epousing the novel legal theory that rather than representing their clients, lawyers had a professional responsibility to refuse to take certain cases and represent certain clients.
Note, the timing on this might have been tight for a genuine response to January 6th.
The ABA credentials all the law schools, and the law faculty have failed to understand the extent to which public buy in to the legal system relies on the legal system's ability to persuade that it resolves disputes fairly.
The letter was a clear signal both of will to power nonsense beliefs, and to GOPe faculty eagerness to sell out voters for the sake of getting Trump out of their business.
It discredited not only the idea of settling the current insanity by electoral process, but also by the legal process. The insane ones have calculated that they have cut off our every path to remedy, except the ones that they intend to trap us with. They miscalculate this badly, as they miscalculate almost all of their behavior forecasts.
The universities have now been a venue for killing at least two professional schools, medicine and law. There is little reason to hope that they will not soon kill any remaining value left in academic training. This frees our hand.
We need merely remain firm in reiterating the following argument: Faculty have purported themselves able to curate which arguments get brought before the courts. If this is true, the precedent going back decades may no longer be binding as having not been corruptly decided, and the courts cannot purport to be acting fairly as agents of the public. In such case, there is no reason to have schools of law. If there is any purpose in law, lawyers, and schools of law, then these faculty have made an untrue statement. Therefore, they must retract the statement, and resign.
It may persuade sufficient people to correct this injustice. If they close their ears, we still have a paper trail.
Posted by: PatBuckman at Thu Sep 7 22:48:09 2023 (r9O5h)
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March 30, 2023
A Reminder
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is the last day to download, acquire er... WATCH any particular Pikamee streams you might be fond of, because her agency has stated they will purge all her content once she graduates on April 1.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
01:20 PM
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October 06, 2022
Nexon Replies to the Scolding Puritanical Anti-Fun Committee: "Go pound sand!"
Nexon, is a Korean game developer that is responsible for the hit mobile gacha / cheesecake RPG Blue Archive, which has, heretofore largely dodged the nerfings and mastectomies that have plagued the game industry in recent years. Someone was bound to notice this lack of propriety and, sure enough, the Korean Game Rating and Administration Committee told Nexon a while back that Nexon was going to have to censor Blue Archive...or else. Nexon initially complied, but this past week the KGRAC informed Nexon that further censorship would be required
Nexon responded, not by issuing groveling apologies, denouncing 'toxic masculinity' and promising to be better at protecting the internet from the scourge of curvy digital babes, but rather by declaring that they were going to maintain their artistic integrity and simply raise the games age rating....and not only keep the curves, but restore any cheesecake they had removed previously when paying the Danegeld.
Now, this is probably not an example of conscience, artistic integrity or a Korean corporation's stalwart dedication to the first amendment of the United States Constitution. Rather, I suspect it is because that there is likely very little overlap between the individuals who will simp Gacha monies for a game that includes this piece amongst its official art...
I know there are much less SFW examples of official art, but I picked the one with the duck.
...and bitter, insecure harpies with A-Cup Angst.
So it's probably not a moral or ethical stand as much as a business decision.
And I'm OK with that, both because it is a welcome departure from recent trends, and because it does actually show a degree of courage.
Blue Archive doesn't look like my cup of tea, and is rather too cheesy even for me, but I probably ought to support them a bit on principle.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
02:58 PM
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June 24, 2022
Oh Wow. Get Ready For Mayhem.
The Supreme Court did not knuckle under to the mob and an attempted assassination.
This decision dropped on a Friday. A bunch of very angry people have two days off to do what they will.
Whatever you think about abortion, this does not end the medical procedure. It merely puts its regulation back to the states. Even most of the most conservative conservatives are quite vocal about how they believe it's necessarily the woman's choice in cases of rape, incest, or in the case of triage situations involving the mother's life.
So any bloodshed over this we might see this weekend is going a gross overreaction. A correct reaction would involve petitioning state representatives and campaigning for representatives who share your views on this matter.
But that wouldn't provide an opportunity to riot.
Maybe stay home tonight and watch V-tubers or something.
Be careful out there.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
11:06 AM
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I plan to hit the market this afternoon and then stay home safe the rest of the weekend. Here in Portland we finally have non-rainy weather, so after a whole spring of being cooped up, this has dropped into a perfect field of pent-up angry rioters. I live outside the city proper, but I've heard that the plywood is already going up on store windows downtown.
Posted by: David at Fri Jun 24 11:14:40 2022 (D6Mju)
Posted by: StargazerA5 at Fri Jun 24 12:05:09 2022 (ziHsB)
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April 25, 2022
Meanwhile: At Twitter
"Should have left the Babylon Bee alone."
Finally: A Roundup
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
12:56 PM
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This is going to be interesting.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Mon Apr 25 20:09:07 2022 (PiXy!)
Definitely. We're not sure what moves Elon will make to try and fix the mess that is Twitter, and then of course we know the employees will drag their feet, misinterpret, and otherwise resist any effective change, and there will be an enormous amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth at how awful this is, how dare some rich person buy a media company and try and change it (cough, Bezos, cough, Carlos Slim), and how horrible it is that *those people* can actually say *those things* on the internet and not get blocked and banned.
I will be very interested to see if Elon just tries to fix policies so that they are actually neutral and implemented as such, or if he goes direct "unban that person, ban that person, don't ban any of those..."
Posted by: David at Mon Apr 25 21:32:39 2022 (qSKtI)
Originally thought infographic might make a very strong case.
Then noticed 'midterm candidates'. So, representatives and senators, and hence something that doesn't only track ideological preference. Also tracks buying influence with likely winners, so that they don't use screw over your business.
So, you would somewhat get a party bias at times that tracks with where your employees are located.
Twitter is in San Francisco, and it is unlikely that Pelosi's organization is lazy about shaking people down for protection.
Anyhow, Tesla is lower donating, but also a pretty high fraction Dem. Raises the question about when the data is from, and what locations the employees were at.
I think Twitter is possibly somewhat subsumed by Pelosi's operation. If so, you might only be able to address things quickly by building fresh organization from scratch elsewhere, and transfer elements of responsibility over, without moving people. Barring that, these kids at twitter were really excited about what Biden and Pelosi could do for them, both of whom are old and infirm, and may die of natural causes before Musk could make significant changes at Twitter.
Posted by: PatBuckman at Tue Apr 26 12:23:06 2022 (r9O5h)
Posted by: Mauser at Wed Apr 27 00:23:18 2022 (gVjvf)
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February 21, 2022
Oh Canada
The pre-show and set up ends at 09:00
Looking at news coverage, it seems that Canadians support the curb-stomping of the truckers. However, independent journalists and all the Canadians I talk to except for one leftie think that this situation with the heavy handed response is appalling. However, all the Canadians I talk to are Canadians that will speak to me....such people are obviously not respectable members of society......So, on the off chance that there are any non-weird Canadians reading this, what is it the actual mood up north. I GET that people in Ottawa are frustrated, but what about everywhere else? I don't believe for a minute the polls that say Trudeau has 90% support on this.
We've seen this dynamic in many blue cities here in the 'States, where the police are increasingly culling those officers who continue to have a "by the book" mentality regards civil liberties, in favor of those who will just be political enforcers for city hall.
Many assume
the oath of enlistment is a counter to this with regard to the U.S. military, and if things continue apace, there will indeed be a period where Officers and NCOs will refuse illegal orders. But if the politicians issuing those orders aren't dealt with at the ballot box, those service members who refuse unlawful orders will be sent to the stockade or morgue and replaced with diversity officers or other politically reliable soldiers. Any talk of "lawful orders" will be considered mutiny, and the character of the military will change quite rapidly. The exchange that many of our service members will be facing in the next few years may look like this:
"I won't follow out an unconstitutional or illegal order." "Are you a lawyer or a legal scholar?" "No." "Then how do you know? So, follow the fucking order or someone who will follow the order will follow the next order to take care of you."
It should be remembered that the Chinese army initially refused to slaughter those in Tian'anmen Square.
Note tank not running over protestor.
Of course, an argument can be made that we're way off the rails here because the Canadian situation has no butchery at this time, but the precedents being set remove most checks on these things getting out of control, and those precedents are, frankly, quite Chinese in character.
Trudeau has taken his country to the precipice....and appears to be making a great leap forward.
This Chicom social credit nonsense is terrifying.
This is not, as so many people have suggested, authoritarianism. Authoritarianism has a set of rules, sometimes arbitrary and capricious rules but it is VERY clear about what those rules are and it strictly enforces those rules. What we're seeing is totalitarianism, where the rules are tyrannically enforced, and the rules change moment to moment at the whim of those in power.
Meanwhile in Australia, a place not known for respecting rights to assembly lately.....there
There are others who are appalled at Trudeau's actions and feel he has crossed some sort of line.
Bwahahahahahah...ahaha...ahaaaa...."wheeze"....Bwahahaha..ha..ha.. "thud"
"Crawls back into chair", the council of evil is quite likely not being altogether sincere. But if there a white pill to be had in this mess it is that even these despots realize that the optics of this are bad even for them.
Good night and good luck.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
08:37 AM
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I do not think I have ever supported Quebec separatism more than I do now, and I hope they take the rest of the provinces with them, if it narrows the size of the pond that little 'Trud' could play in.
Time for Newfoundland to become a Crown Colony again?
Posted by: cxt217 at Mon Feb 21 11:54:12 2022 (MuaLM)
Considering that Canada just outlawed all East Coast fishing, Newfoundland and the Maritimes really ought to secede.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Tue Feb 22 09:24:49 2022 (sF8WE)
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February 18, 2022
Meanwhile, In Canuckistan
Art by Shiroshi
It isn't looking good for the Freedom Convoy.
Trudeau appears to be clearing them out. However, given the extreme overreaction to the affair, Trudeau's victory may prove to be Phyrric in the long run.
I'm not aware of ANY violence that was caused other than mounties pushing some people around. (I'm certain that in a chaotic affair as large and long lasting as this there had to be SOMETHING even if it was just someone getting drunk. However, the only thing the news has produced is a picture of a poster likening Trudeau to Nazis that was presented on the news with the Trudeau reference cropped out. )
The implementation of a social credit system that de-banks and de-licenses anybody who showed support for a political protest that did not have the support of the Canadian government is straight out of China. To be implemented in such a broad and arbitrary way is terrifying.
As we've seen
recently with Lindell and earlier with Patreon , that terror is not limited to our friends up north. The Canadian innovation is the simply size of the net, and the number of people who can be made to suffer if the credentialed crowd wants to flex.The
Lauratian Consensus that Trudeau represents has an awful lot in common with the costal default aristocracy that is causing so much problems in the States. Watch this mess closely, it may be a peek into our future in the US.
As I type this, the Police are slowly, but methodically moving in. The political leadership appears to be hoping for the truckers to to provide them with some sort of 'casus belli'. The above mentioned de-banking and the governments policy of
threatening trucker's bank accounts and pets may well provoke a desperate response from somebody they can use to justify harsher methods.
I mentioned the possibility of overreach on Trudeau's part. The freezing of bank assets has reportedly caused some considerable alarm, though there is no hard reporting on that in the media. I base it entirely on conversations with the sorts of Canadians I talk to, so take with a grain of salt. However,
SOMETHING is happening with regard to Canadian banks.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
07:39 PM
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I have to hand it to the prime muppet - I did not think any Canadians could be worse than the Quebec separatists, but here we are.
Posted by: cxt217 at Fri Feb 18 21:55:06 2022 (MuaLM)
I'm hearing that a horseman trampled someone.
Posted by: PatBuckman at Sat Feb 19 09:15:22 2022 (r9O5h)
Pat: yes, a group of mounted cops went through a street, more or less right through a crowd, and knocked an old woman down and trampled her. They are now lying, claiming she threw a scooter at them, but there is video of it.
There were rumors last night that she died of her injuries, but I haven't heard confirmation or denial yet. Also, supposedly the Ottowa police have backed off this morning and are letting people back into the area.
Posted by: Rick C at Sat Feb 19 13:53:42 2022 (Z0GF0)
Here's a Tweet with an aerial picture; you can see one person is down, apparently still straddling some kind of scooter, which puts the lie to the claim it was thrown at the police. One horse is standing over someone, bucking.
Posted by: Rick C at Sat Feb 19 14:58:00 2022 (Z0GF0)
The old lady is an elder of the Mohawk tribe, and she went to the hospital but only had a dislocated shoulder. There were pics on a niece's Twitter. Word is that she got out and went back to the protest.
Nothing on the guy who got trampled while trying to shield her. I hope he is okay.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Sun Feb 20 09:22:18 2022 (sF8WE)
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January 17, 2022
Mike Lindell Has been De-Banked
Lindell had his phone records subpoenaed by the January 6 committee.
This is really dangerous ground we are on.
If someone who has committed no crime, who merely has unpopular political opinions, can loose their BANKING privileges, over the fear that the bank might be associated with him in the current climate, then we are approaching Stassi territory.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
05:30 PM
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November 19, 2021
Not Guilty! Not Guilty! Not Guilty! ( Updated )
Yay! Kudos to the jury, who were under obscene pressure and in genuine fear while they did due diligence with their deliberations..and nevertheless held fast.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
09:45 PM
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Twelve ordinary people, picked at random and fed lies by their government, still did a better job at reaching the truth than the nation's self-appointed elites.
Infinitely better.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sat Nov 20 00:22:04 2021 (PiXy!)
I hope he goes after everyone who defamed him, right up to Dementia Joe (although I suspect the courts won't let him sue Joe.)
Posted by: Rick C at Sat Nov 20 11:36:02 2021 (Z0GF0)
I was very happy (understatement) to hear he was found not guilty. I'm looking forward to the defamation suits.
In unrelated news, I had to look up the source for that one gif above, and have been listening to Brown Eyed Girls and other K-Pop all day now. Not sure whether to thank you or not...
Posted by: David at Sat Nov 20 19:04:54 2021 (t/97R)
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April 07, 2021
Eyewitnesses to That Which Some Would Deny
An interesting correspondence from General Eisenhower after seeing a concentration camp. He was very keen on getting non-military documentation of the atrocities as he knew that there would be an effort to deny or minimize it, and an understandable tendency to not fully comprehend the horror of what had happened.
A similar notion is found in the text of a telegram from Marshall (original
Update: The video of Eisenhower, Bradley, and Patton inspecting a concentration camp is actually blocked by YouTube for some TOS violation. This is why we have
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
04:24 AM
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January 10, 2021
Responding to the Purging of Parler
I was saddened to learn that MeWe wasn't Pixy's social media outlet, but I've signed up for it anyway.
I do not like microblogging, but it's good to have some other alternatives to Twitter, now that Parler is gone and Gab is the junior Bostonian Baptist Anti-Fun League circa 1947.
I'm also on
Pawoo, but honestly haven't posted there since Dec 7th. Maybe some of you can post Fediverse and other alternatives in the comments.
UPDATE: While I was typing on MeWe about my curry....I burned my curry.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
07:35 PM
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I don't know how much longer it'll last but as of 11:30PM Sunday (Central) is still up.
Posted by: Rick C at Mon Jan 11 00:34:10 2021 (eqaFC)
Posted by: bouff at Mon Jan 11 03:12:39 2021 (pJ2Io)
Meanwhile, Fediverse is continuing on ticking.
Also, guys? Don't use your real name on Mewe unless it's real in your other identities. For one thing, I cannot tell who the heck you are!
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Mon Jan 11 14:43:07 2021 (LZ7Bg)
Yeah, the Fediverse isn't entirely immune to this sort of crap, but it's a lot more resistant. We should never have abandoned Usenet.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Mon Jan 11 22:12:39 2021 (PiXy!)
ALERT: Someone is planning a false flag event this weekend. Either the 16th, 17th, or 19th at state capitols and DC (the date of the supposed patriot event varies). Poorly designed posters have been mailed out to conservatives and conservative groups. The FBI is in on it, since they are now making noises about "uncovering the plot". (Sources, the Blaze, ABC, etc..)
The president is being held incommunicado, and our normal modes of communication are recording the event are being shut down. This is (other than the sheer hell of it) so that we cannot shine a light on what really happens this weekend.
The posters call for armed men to show up at the capitols for a march. This is a TRAP. Unfortunately, with a few million pissed off people, it's almost inevitable that enough idiots will show to give them their set-piece Tienanmen square massacre. If by some miracle, everyone stays home, I'm sure antifa, or Hollywood CGI will fill in.
What is planned next is a brutal crackdown on America in "response" to inaugurate the new regime. The capitol hill protest didn't do what they want, so this is plan B. These liars will now make up reality to suit them, so that they have some bloody shirt to wave giving them moral authority for the rest of the evil they plan.
Hope I'm just paranoid, but we'll find out this weekend.
Posted by: anonymous at Tue Jan 12 07:43:24 2021 (LL2wD)
Yeah, I've seen the flyers being circulated. The communist iconography couldn't be any more blatant if they had photoshopped Che's face onto the Statue of Liberty.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tue Jan 12 09:40:18 2021 (PiXy!)
Do ya'll have any of these flyers? Has anyone contacted authorities to warn them?
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Tue Jan 12 14:07:49 2021 (5iiQK)
I've only seen them on Twitter. They're obviously fake, but I don't know what the level of fakery is. A real photo of a fake flyer? A fake photo of nonexistent flyer? A real photo of a real flyer for a fake protest?
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tue Jan 12 23:03:07 2021 (PiXy!)
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October 14, 2020
I'm Going to Link to This
It's not really news.
It's not unexpected.
It's been known for a while.
But I'm gonna link to it.
Because doing so has become important.
Because I can.
I do this because this dog bites man story became very important to spread to the four winds this afternoon.
Unlike a lot of people who are seeing that this story sees the light of day, I'm not stunning and brave. I don't have to sit pondering the potential cost to my livelihood and social circle that speaking this truth will entail. I don't have to ask myself "Is it worth losing my site?" "Is THIS, where I make my stand? "Will it matter enough to make the cost I pay worthwhile?"
That calculus does not trouble me, as it does so many others, because I don't do
Twitter and don't have a
Facebook page. I blog at!
Because Mee.Nu is still free, in both senses of the word.
UPDATE 2: Sargon also got his channel locked in the series of purges that have happened the last 36 hours.
In fairness to YouTube, the company says that this ban was not related to his coverage of the NY Post Story. Rather, they say they banned him for a post from some months ago in which he decried the normalization of Pedophelia.
"Wait..WHAT!? That's their cover story!?"
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
08:50 PM
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I made the mistake of reading the Ars Technica article on the subject. It's like a canonical example of the liberal echo chamber, and completely unaware of it. I didn't feel like destroying brain cells by checking the comments.
Posted by: David at Wed Oct 14 21:24:40 2020 (jdGUg)
They've gone full 1985.
It's 1984, but one louder.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Wed Oct 14 22:48:54 2020 (PiXy!)
What I really don't get is why everyone is freaking out about this. Everyone has KNOWN this. It's not new information. It's like with Trump...he is no different from how he always has been. Biden and Trump are both Septuagenarians who have been in the public eye for literal decades...we know all these things, and yet somehow these are the two best people the major political parties can produce.
Posted by: Ben at Thu Oct 15 10:03:02 2020 (PoGrh)
Ben, the left insist that this is all lies, and Biden is as pure as the driven snow. They also insist that the "good guys" in the Obama administration, up to and including the FBI and CIA, investigated all this and found nothing. So proving that yes, what WE all know, is in fact correct, and that yes, the CIA and FBI are totally corrupt, is big stuff.
Posted by: David at Thu Oct 15 12:07:01 2020 (jdGUg)
Ben, what David said, but also, that's when they're not lying and claiming none of it ever happened, like when Joe Biden said he didn't get that Ukrainian prosecutor fired, even though he bragged about it at the time.
Do you really want the guy who would look you in the eye and lie about something he's (I believe) been recorded saying running...well, anything? He should probably be playing pinochle with Bernie Madoff.
Posted by: Rick C at Thu Oct 15 16:00:25 2020 (eqaFC)
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October 03, 2020
The Vanishings Have Begun
CoronaChan, was a You-Tube channel that aggregate news related to the current pandemic. Its mirror still exists on Bitchute.
Perhaps Ben referred to Taiwan as, you know, a country.
That's what happened two two Hololive V-tubers, Kiryu Coco and Akai Haato, who, in the course of a joint You-Tube livestream looked up their analytics online (a very common thing for V-Tubers and YouTubers to do), discussed where their viewers were, and, I gather thanked the residents of each country. A lot of their viewers are in Taiwan, and they mentioned and....
For those "inappropriate remarks", they have been suspended, by Hololive's parent company, Cover Corporation for at least three weeks.
There is coverage of this
here and
here...though it's anyone's guess how long those links will go somewhere.
The whole affair came as something of a shock, particularly since these are not small talents, Kiryu Coco is much bigger than one would think as as she's frequently the top super-chat earner on You-Tube in any given month. This made such waves that even American V-Tubers who avoid politics completely have taken a moment to mention it...and say "
It's telling that according to the ANN and Niche Gamer articles linked above that China's One China Policy was specifically mentioned in the Simplified Chinese version.
There has been a bit of backlash particularly about that latter discrepancy.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
04:04 PM
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I'm OK. Site should be back up, now. It was a simple matter of mis-reading a bill. I thought it was due January 10th, not October 1st. It means a lot that someone noticed, though...hopefully I'll get back to posting about models or World of Warships again, soon.
And someday, I'll detail my epic 5 year adventure.
Posted by: Ben at Sat Oct 3 19:37:55 2020 (9Wcjc)
So for some reason this site seems to have gone into night mode or something, with black on black text.... Hopefully that's just a glitch on my end....
Posted by: Mauser at Sun Oct 4 03:27:36 2020 (Ix1l6)
It's black text on a black background for me as well...
Posted by: Siergen at Sun Oct 4 08:53:02 2020 (jIT9h)
Well, I was playing around with the settings and tried to switch to a dark background with white text, but for some reason the white text remained black. Now the text on the Styles dashboard is invisible and I'm fumbling around in the dark trying to fix it.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Oct 4 14:29:14 2020 (5iiQK)
Hololive is an idol production company, Japanese-style; indeed they initially intended to be a singing-type of idol thing, just on Youtube, and the whole vtuber streaming kind of happened organically. The downside is, of course, that it also imported a bunch of the pathologies of that market to a new platform.
The real trick there is that their performers basically start off with a huge leg up. The technical challenge of setting up a cute little avatar image and getting the streaming going is not that large. But building an audience is tough - most people stream to almost nobody, and it takes a lot of work and luck to go from a dozen people to a thousand.
The Hololive folks, now that they've got that critical mass, basically walk into the job already successful there. They launched their EN side with five streamers all with thousands of people watching, just because the company could afford to spread a little hype around the market - because they've got their already-popular stuff feeding into it, it's like being a brand new cover band getting picked to tour with and open for an established band that can pack the stadium every night. Of course they still have to be engaging enough to keep people watching, but there are plenty of people who have that trait but not the interest needed to get a career off the ground.
The downside is that yeah, the idol industry is not pretty; it's about sucking a bunch of money out of the wallets of lonely young men, and part of that is not pissing off the lonely young men. In Japan this usually manifests in "no boys" - no boyfriends, no partners, definitely no getting married, to keep up the fantasy that you're at least theoretically available (even if the guys have no chance, a lot of them just won't deal with the reality of "my idol is interested in a man who is not me!")
If you take the Japanese money, you've got to deal with that kind of pathology; if you take the Chinese money, well, you have the Chinese equivalent.
In either case, the company reaction is pretty much par for the course - even though as observers we can nod and say "man, the idol industry sucks," that's how it is. As far as the production company is concerned, the idols are there to do a job and get paid, and they're disposable if they cause the company trouble; how much more so for a vtuber, when they're just anonymous actresses for an identity that the company manufactured?
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Sun Oct 4 16:58:12 2020 (v29Tn)
Brickmuppet, do you know HTML at all? If so, you can hit F12 and use the browser tools to disable the black background so you can read the control panel. You might have to do it more than once--so that I could read the text here I had to turn off hte background-color on both the html body tag, and the div with the "main" id.
Posted by: Rick C at Sun Oct 4 17:13:24 2020 (eqaFC)
Hololive is an idol production company
An idol company.
So the "doesn't have their employees back" thing doesn't aply, since in this country they'd be a 13th amendment violation.
Interestingly, several of their V-tubers got their audiences on their own and (as I understand it) Hololive walked in and offered them marketing deals.
Now Hololive is doing auditions for V-Tubers whose ascendance they can micro-manage. I've
heard (from a few English language V-Tubers) that even the ones who built their own following have, in the last few days. been shocked to learn that Hololive owns the characters now, and they can be replaced. ( I have no confirmation from that other than hearsay, but learning that Hololive is an Idol company means that they are the Weyland-Yutani of meat markets).....and yeah...looking it up, If I'd known ANYTHING about the Idol scene I'd have known what hololive was. I thought they were a new company looking to get in on the V-Tuber thing.
Still no luck on the Blog obviously. In fact, it is supposed to be back to its old settings now.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Oct 4 17:16:03 2020 (5iiQK)
Huh. So I can just color my text using the widget at the top of the comment field.
Also, if you highlight the text, it's readable.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Oct 4 17:17:49 2020 (5iiQK)
The only thing I want to know is if Kizuna Ai is owned by Hololive.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Sun Oct 4 18:46:26 2020 (LZ7Bg)
Kizuna Ai was affiliated with
upd8 but now she is run through Kizuna Ai Incorporated.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Oct 4 21:30:37 2020 (5iiQK)
Time to have some kind of Taiwan film festival!
Did you guys see the story about the new CCP Chinese ethics and law textbook, where they include the story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery... where Jesus waits until the Pharisees have gone away, and then HE stones the woman to death?
Seriously, I think it's clear who the baddies are.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Mon Oct 5 08:43:25 2020 (sF8WE)
While Cover Corp (Hololive) is indeed an idol company, they take a percentage (albeit a large one) rather than taking the whole amount and paying a salary. And the talents are largely individual; from what I've seen (Korone, Coco, now Gawr Gura) many of the girls could walk away, set up an alternate new character, and have 50,000 followers on day one.
I hope that what went on behind the scenes is more along the lines of "you did nothing wrong, but we have to pretend to punish you because these Chinese assholes are insane".
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tue Oct 6 10:25:05 2020 (PiXy!)
While Cover Corp (Hololive) is indeed an idol company, they take a percentage (albeit a large one) rather than taking the whole amount and paying a salary.
OK. That's better than I'd feared. It also makes sense given how the first lot of V-tubers were recruited (Most, if not all were already established.)
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Tue Oct 6 10:51:03 2020 (5iiQK)
I'll admit that I find Coco quite funny and I've watched quite a bit of Fubuki playing various games (and they just announced a Fubuki nendo, so there's a buy!) Haven't quite fallen all the way in the hole, though, there's a bunch of them I can't recognize and a few I only know names for but can't really get into watching.
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Tue Oct 6 14:43:27 2020 (v29Tn)
Remember the good old days, when the internet was free, and it really did interpret censorship as damage, and route around it?
Posted by: Ubu at Thu Oct 8 00:35:44 2020 (UlsdO)
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July 21, 2020
Things That Make You Want To Say 共匪
There's a lot to unpack in yesterday's
NTD report. It looks like t
he 3 Gorges Dam may not be long for this world, the WuFlu (or something) is spreading big way, However the most disturbing bit of information is that the Uyghur Population in Xinjiang has dropped by 80 percent in the last three years.
That's worse than the drop in the Jewish population in Europe in the 1940s which was a drop of between 60 and 70%.
GoldenHelper, as researchers from security firm Trustwave dubbed the malware, hid inside the Golden Tax Invoicing software, which all companies registered in China are mandated to use to pay value-added taxes. The malware is able to bypass the User Account Control, the Windows mechanism that requires users to give their approval before software can install programs or make other system changes. Once that’s done, GoldenSpy can install modules with System-level privileges.
China is a nuclear power which should give everyone pause. However, it should be remembered that even at the height of the cold war the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. were able to come to the table and ratify arms control treaties. Logically, China should be welcomed into the ongoing nuclear arms limitation/reduction treaty negotiations. And indeed they would be,
if they hadn't rejected that offer from America and Russias with prejudice.
China, with the world’s biggest nuclear arsenal after the U.S. and Russia, has maintained it will not join in talks with Washington and Moscow on reducing its number of warheads.
So there's hope that there will be a reckoning for the 共匪.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
06:29 AM
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Been reviewing everything I could find on this. The photo showing major distortions is from 2018, and I have to agree that it's Google algorithm issue. There's no way a structure made of concrete can deform like that without severe cracking and failure. On the other hand, I have no doubt that the structure is deforming more than planned. But anything you could see on a satellite photo would have already resulted in a failure, even military-quality images.
Posted by: Ubu at Wed Jul 22 08:20:09 2020 (UlsdO)
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June 25, 2020
A Forgotten Battle
Academia doesn't cover this sort of thing much, but it's deeply important history and a reminder of why the second amendment exists.
Another example of this sort of thing, albeit without the racial component was the '
Battle of Athens', in 1946.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
02:20 PM
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Post contains 44 words, total size 1 kb.
May 18, 2020
共匪 Or Why One Should Not Discuss Wild Pig Infestations in You Tube Comments
Look at that post title.
The blog is still here, because Me.Nu is not Alphabet affiliated.
Allow me to explain.
共匪 is a Chinese character compound that some of you will recognize as "wild boar" which is its Japanese meaning.
( Update: and by some of you, I mean morons like me. See comments)
"Rats! Now no one will know about my prize-winning rodeo pig!"
You see in Chinese, 共匪 is the pictograph of a slang term that means "Communist Bandit"*.
The paper says comments will be deleted within 15 seconds and having tried this myself, I note that it will indeed happen within 12 and 20 seconds of the comment being posted. That's some pretty impressive bot work.
Anyway, it's just another example of YouTube enthusiastically doing censorship for the disease spreading,
organ jacking,
slavers, in the CCP.**
One more thing:
共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪
共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪
共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪
共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪
共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪
共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪 共匪
* Probably 'cause commies are pigs.
** When you've got a left wing rag like the Independent calling out your communist atrocities you've jumped the shark with your murderous shenanigans.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
09:20 AM
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Post contains 386 words, total size 6 kb.
FYI, I do not recognize that as any Japanese word, and neither does JMDICT. The only compounds I find containing 匪 pronounce it "hi" and refer to bandits; none of them also use 共, in any combination. Wild boar is either 猪 or 野猪.
This doesn't excuse Google, of course; they really do look up to China as their Big Brother.
Posted by: J Greely at Mon May 18 10:56:51 2020 (ZlYZd)
I recognized "boar" and the common boar in Japan is their smaller wild boar. The compound had me befuddled so I....Oh right.
I have found the source of my error.
I used an unreliable citation.
I do wonder if this compound has been targeted even in translation software, or this is just a glitch. The former does not seem implausible and has terrifying implications.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon May 18 18:22:40 2020 (5iiQK)
I find it interesting that Google doesn't even try to pronounce 匪 in its "translation". Bing autodetects simplified Chinese and translates it character-by-character, giving "co-bandit". Telling it to try to read it as Japanese just gives the reading "Kyo-yi" as the non-translation, and the suggestion to try Simplified Chinese...
Posted by: J Greely at Mon May 18 20:23:41 2020 (ZlYZd)
Language Log has a post about it, of course! It is pronounced "gongfei" with the usual weird diacritical marks as pitch markers. It means "Commie bandit".
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Tue May 19 07:52:06 2020 (sF8WE)
As of this morning, pasting that into Google Translate & letting it detect the language (Chinese) results in a translation to English of "Gangster" for me.
Also, Facebook isn't deleting posts with that in them.
Posted by: Rick C at Wed May 20 10:27:35 2020 (Iwkd4)
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Posted by: CBD Bud at Mon Nov 23 01:11:29 2020 (hEwye)
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April 28, 2020
The Mob Comes For SakimiChan
Whatever one thinks of Mr Hambly or B.I.T.C., the situation they're reporting on seems to be very real, disturbing and I think we can agree, unacceptable.
It appears that SakimiChan, who (in addition to being a talented and popular artist) gives monthly tutorials on how to draw, has run afoul of the Guild Of Professionally Offended Karens.
Specifically, GOPOK is appalled that an old tutorial in artistry is focussed on rendering the wrong sort of body type.
Sakimi-chan was soon bombarded with criticism and harassment by like-minded art authoritarians, or ‘arthoritarians,’ with the harassment ranging from claims that she was a terrible artist because she did not ‘understand anatomy,’ to accusations of fatphobia based on a tutorial on drawing plus-sized bodies that did not conform to the critics’ very specific standards of representation, to outright calls for the continued bullying and harassment of Sakimi-chan:
Well that' sucks.
If you agree that these puritanical scolds ought to get bent, then follow
Sakimichan on
Pixiv and on
Twitter: Support her quest to add beauty to the world on
Patreon and buy her stuff on
Gumroad and/or
Art Station.
Here's what for her is a low res-piece of 'GravityGal' from her Pixiv...
Yes ladies, she draws dudes too...
...and if you're into it, yaoi, yuri...and interpretational furry.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
08:39 PM
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Post contains 222 words, total size 4 kb.
March 03, 2020
A List That Ought to Be Shared Far and Wide
Deep in the heart of Coronaville ,
it appears that Uyghers are being trucked in from their "re-education" camps to staff the factories in the plague zones that are either unsafe to operate due to contamination or have massive numbers of people out sick. The purpose of this appears to meet government mandated targets for production in an attempt to rescue an economy hammered by having its workforce immobilized by this disease. Of course if members of a demographic that the CCP is trying to exterminate are infected with a deadly pathogen, then, (presumably) they won't be required to be trucked back to the concentration camps. As far as the CCP is concerned, "two bats, one stone".
As vile as it is, this situation is actually worse than that.
The utilization of these people in the disease wracked regions is a current expedient, but it turns out that this pool of 80,000 or so workers has been used as a sort of slavery temp service since at least 2017.Long before COVID19 was unleashed upon the world, this cadre has been used by various firms to round out the labor pools at factories that include those of western companies set up in China.
This practice has been noted in a in-depth report by
The Australian Strategic Policy Institute a PDF of which is
here. It gives extensive citations regarding the practice and helpfully notes which companies have been taking advantage of this abhorrent service.
Abercrombie & Fitch,
BAIC Motor,
Calvin Klein,
Cerruti 1881,
Changan Automobile,
Founder Group,
GAC Group (automobiles),
Geely Auto,
General Motors,
Hart Schaffner Marx,
Jack & Jones,
Japan Display Inc.,
Land Rover,
The North Face,
Polo Ralph Lauren,
SAIC Motor,
Tommy Hilfiger,
Tsinghua Tongfang,
Victoria’s Secret,
I note that many of the western entities on this list not only profess their own piousness but frequently presume to lecture us on what they claim are our moral failings (usually sins involving mere words).
China is a brutal dictatorship, and a nuclear power. Our ability to affect their internal affairs are necessarily limited. However, while we can't stamp out all evil in the world, willingly engaging in this atrocity is another matter entirely.
This is a list that needs to get some distribution and attention.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
10:37 PM
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Post contains 449 words, total size 14 kb.
January 14, 2020
Good Grief
A lot of people have been talking about the situation between MxR Plays and Jukin. There's been a lot of sea-lawyering on this but here is some actual lawyering and, well, while it does not in any way change my opinion of whose the jerk and whose the victim it does indicate that the situation is much less cut and dried than people have been suggesting.
The process is the punishment.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
08:37 PM
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Post contains 73 words, total size 1 kb.
January 09, 2020
Meanwhile at C&Rsenal
I'll just leave this without comment except to say that C&Rsenal is (likely soon to be was) one of the better history channels out there. Watch it while you can. All their customer support contacts are now gone.
They've also been demonetized, so you can support them as I have for over a year on Patre...OH look! They're also on Subscribestar now!
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at
09:09 PM
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Post contains 65 words, total size 1 kb.
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