A magnificent portrait of Doolin in County Clare in Ireland through it’s music.
I don’t know what to say except that this film rocks. It’s a film that will get your toes tapping and make you want to get up and dance. It’s a celebration of the Irish music, the people who play it and the places that gave birth to it. It’s a glorious portrait of everything that is like watching a cinematic hug. I loved the film so much I wanted to book a flight and disappear into the Irish country side.
Beyond that all that’s left to say is but buy a ticket and take a ride, your soul will thank you.
This is a portrait of Irish surfing culture, which may sound like an oxymoron but the truth is it’s not. The truth is that that there is a surfing culture that sprung up when Kevin Cavey discovered a picture of surfers in Readers Digest and saw that the Irish coast had similar waves.
KEEP IT A SECRET is one of the great surprises of DOC NYC. I never expected to see a film on Irish surfing because I ever knew that they surfed there. I had a blast watching the story unfold.
What I loved about the film is that it moved like the wind. This is a finely crafted film that backs a huge amount of material in a brief running time. More films should be this well paced…
…and this good. This is a super film that will open up your eyes and make you sit in wide eyed wonder.
Highly recommended.