Foolishly I thought DOC NYC was going to be the end of the film festival year but I was wrong. There are more coming, as I kept finding out over the last week every time I opened my email inbox.
Menemsha Films is holding an online Hannukah Film Festival.
Starting November 28 and continuing over 8 nights they will be running 11 films for your enjoyment. The films include some really great ones ( for example THE CROSSING) so if you want to see some great stuff, regardless of whether you are Jewish or not buy a ticket and take a chance.
Details can be found here
Subway Cinema and the Museum of the Moving Image will be holding Subways Old School Kung Fu Fest December 6 to the 13th.
This is a chance to see a number of great and rarely screened martial arts filmts on the big screen. I haven’t seen most of the films they are running so I’m seriously considering make a trip to MOMI in order to see the films.
Details on the in personscreenings, as well as their virtual screening can be found here.
I mentioned this before but I want to remind you The Japan Society is ending the year with Flash Forward: Debut Works and Recent Films by Notable Japanese Directors which is a look at some work by some up and coming filmmakers virtually. At the same time they are screening some classic films in person. To be honest I don’t know any of the films screening but I know by the time the series ends I will (I’m hoping to deep dive into the fest)
For details on the films and how to stream them go here.
I saw the first epsiode of Netflix's COWBOY BEBOP. The cast is fine. The tone is wrong and the editing lackluster. I would have loved someone else to have made this rather than the behind the scene group that killed it.
This week we will be running our annual Thanksgiving Turkeys. A group of old and new films you should avoid. We will be running a few other films as well.
I’m officially burnt out. DOC NYC pretty much put me over the edge. Blame the fact that I was getting films until the last minute of the in person part of the festival so I never could rest.
Note the the virtual fest runs until the 28th so you can watch many of the great films intil next Sunday.
While it won't be the avalanche of pieces of the last week or so, I will have a lot more reviews to running until the end of the virtual fest on the 28th.(I think we'll have reviewed close to 100 films)
Because I'm so burnt, December is going to be a catch up month. I will have some new releases and a lot of films from earlier in the year. I’m not going to go crazy with having my viewing pre-programmed because I need to find my own films for a while, even if the Japan Society fest look stunning.
Because everyone’s viewing habits continue to be all over the place the Unseen Film Awards are going to remain on hiatus again. Then again if I can pull it together I will be doing a list of the films that made everyone happiest this year because there is no way I'm going to get anyone to agree to the best of anything.(All anyone in the Unseen family says about movies is "I'm so behind")
I’m tired of cancel culture.
This week I was emailed about a certain "minor" actor who is now on some sort of proscribed list and informed that I need to either take my reviews down or at least remove my mentioning of their name because they were now persona non grata.
I don't know you or why you've decided this actor is now disallowed.
Frankly I have those I will steer away from for my own reasons, but I'm not going to follow everyone else'schoices because I may not agree and things are so out of hand it's maing my brain hurt.
Honestly this canceling everyone for everything is getting out of hand and I'm wondering if there is going to be anyone left we can allow to make movies.