Showing posts with label puppets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label puppets. Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2024

Abruptio (2023) opens Friday


I completely missed ABRUPTIO until Liz Whittemore DM’d me to say she was being really bothered by the film. I instantly went and tracked it down and now I kind of never want to see it again.

This is the story of a down on his luck guy who ends up with a small bomb placed in his neck. If he doesn’t do the tasks given him, the mysterious people following him will cause the bomb to explode.  The tasks are a series of horrible acts that leave a trail of bodies in his wake, and result in our hero being richly rewarded.

This is as bleak and black a film as they come. It’s a film that posits a world of ugliness and cruelty where we are not in control and the only way to get ahead is to do the most horrible things.  It is deeply disturbing.

The disturbing nature of the film is enhanced by the fact the whole film is told via life size puppets. It may sound like a weird thing to do, but the truth of the matter is there is a very good reason beyond the obvious notion that it shows we are not in control. The payoff is in the final minutes and it’s a  genuine “whoa” moment.

Watching the film is like being strapped into a chair and watching a slow motion car crash. You want to get up and walk away but you can’t. You can’t look away as the turn of events keeps getting worse and worse. It is a dark and nightmarish place that I didn’t like to be in. (that’s a rave)

Absolutely not for anyone looking for a safe Hollywood film, this is a one of a kind film that will leave you battered and bothered.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Legend of the Sacred Stone (2000) Old School Kung Fu Fest 2023

A true martial arts epic done completely with puppets.

Yes, that's right its a dead nuts on target xuxia epic that's all puppets and it will blow your mind.

The film begins with a voice over saying that 400 years ago when a sage sends the three heirs of the sects and the six Representatives of the major sects (that's what my translation says) to fight a demon who has escaped and is seeking to take over the martial arts world.

Basically the film starts with a bunch of heroes and armies battling a demon in the mountains. The heroes beat the demon and lock up his mortal remains. They then send it off to be entombed for eternity. Unfortunately the Unfriendlies arrive and release the demon and then set off looking for the pieces of the Heaven Stone. (that's about the first 20 minutes.) After that things calm down as some of the heroes try to stop the The Unfriendlies and help a young woman and her father.

If you think any of this makes any real sense you're seriously mistaken and you've never seen some of the classic wu xia films like the Zu films, The Storm Riders films, many Bruce Lee films or even the "classic" The Blade. You have to remember the details of the stories don't really matter in many of the classic films, it's motion, and ideas and feelings, three things that this film has in abundance.

Each time I'm watching the puppets go through their battles I've always been struck by how the moves are perfectly executed. Here is everything you've seen in many of the martial arts films of the 1970's and 80's but done in such away that you really forgive the wire work and over done special effects. Watching real people go through the motions I'm always slightly distanced by the fantastic (and ultimately silly) moves. The fact that its a movie is always front and center. However watching these puppets I get lost. The unreality of the characters meshes perfectly with the overly theatrical moves and effects.

Ultimately this is everything you've ever seen in a wuxia film, but real.

I really like this film a great deal and it's been a film that I've loaned a lot over the years to friends and family who love "kung fu" films. Every time I talk someone into seeing it, generally it's something people to do reluctantly. They don't think they'll ever get past it being puppets. Amazingly in all but one or two cases people do. More amazingly everyone seems to be stymied at how some of it was done. Yes it's all tricks and wires and angles, but it all blends together into something...well amazing.

Now I want to be completely honest.

In deciding to write this film up I pulled the film out and watched it, really watched it again, for the first time in several years. Seeing it again from start to finish for the first time I found that I was not as in love with the film as I had been. Don't get me wrong, I still think it's a great film, but I think I've seen it way too many times...

...however that doesn't make me recommend the film any less. This is still a spectacular film that anyone who loves the movies and what movies can do should see.

This is a treasure.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Abruptio (2023) Panic Fest 2023 Fantaspoa 2023


I completely missed ABRUPTIO until Liz Whittemore DM’d me to say she was being really bothered by the film. I instantly went and tracked it down and now I kind of never want to see it again.

This is the story of a down on his luck guy who ends up with a small bomb placed in his neck. If he doesn’t do the tasks given him, the mysterious people following him will cause the bomb to explode.  The tasks are a series of horrible acts that leave a trail of bodies in his wake, and result in our hero being richly rewarded.

This is as bleak and black a film as they come. It’s a film that posits a world of ugliness and cruelty where we are not in control and the only way to get ahead is to do the most horrible things.  It is deeply disturbing.

The disturbing nature of the film is enhanced by the fact the whole film is told via life size puppets. It may sound like a weird thing to do, but the truth of the matter is there is a very good reason beyond the obvious notion that it shows we are not in control. The payoff is in the final minutes and it’s a  genuine “whoa” moment.

Watching the film is like being strapped into a chair and watching a slow motion car crash. You want to get up and walk away but you can’t. You can’t look away as the turn of events keeps getting worse and worse. It is a dark and nightmarish place that I didn’t like to be in. (that’s a rave)

Absolutely not for anyone looking for a safe Hollywood film, this is a one of a kind film that will leave you battered and bothered.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Demigod:The Legend Begins (2022) Fantasia 2022

The creators of LEGEND OF THE SACRED STONE return with another puppet wuxia epic that you have to see to believe.

The film begins with Win Lin unintentionally taking sides in a battle between two mythical monsters. This sets in motion events that may spell the doom of everyone.

Don’t let the fact this film is all puppets turn you off this is kick ass film making and towering story telling. The puppets give us a sense of reality while at the same time opening up our minds to the sense that anything can happen. Playing exactly like a martial arts epic of the 1970’s the film amps it up by having creatures that fit the world. There is no noticeable CGI so we believe anything is possible, and fear for the characters because they can get hurt (blood flows).  This is movie magic of the highest order.

I can’t recommend this film enough. It’s a great action epic and one hell of a story.

This is what going to the movies is all about.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Frank and Zed (2020) Fantasia 2021


FRANK AND ZED is a horror/fantasy film made entirely with puppets. Its the story of two zombies living in a castle taking care of themselves. When a king decides that he wants to stop ancient prophecy he unwittingly sets it in motion.

Seven years in the making, this is a bloody film filled with puppet carnage. Its a film where that manages to blend laughs and gross.

I have been chasing FRANK AND ZED for a while now. It's been at several festivals but I missed it each time. I love puppets and I love good fantasy and this looked like it melded the two.

Unfortunately I was a bit disappointed by the finished film. Part of my problem with the film is a dislike the design of the puppets. While I wouldn't have minded them in straight on comedy in this mix of horror and humor it works against both. I also wasn't thrilled  with the cramped sets. Yes I know its the nature of performing with puppets, but its way too cramped for a film. 

However the real killer here is the pacing. This film goes on much too long. Director Jesse Blanchard was so in love with what he was doing that sequences run long.  Other bits seem to be there just because "it would be cool with puppets". I tuned out.

While never bad the film wore out its welcome long before the finial image

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Feathers Of Fire A Persian Epic is on Vimeo now

FEATHERS OF FIRE: A PERSIAN EPIC has just gone up on Vimeo VOD for $4.95. It's  absolutely worth spending the money to see what amounts to a live cartoon similar to the work of Lotte Reiniger. I can only imagine what this looked like live.

The story told is of a Zaul and Rudabeh. Zual is the son of a great warrior who was raised by the mythical king of the Air Kingdom who was both father and mother to the boy until his real father reclaimed him.He falls in love with Rudabeh, the grand daughter of  his peoples mortal enemy the Serpent King. As love progresses Zaul must risk his life to rescue his lady love. It is grand epic adventure with monsters, gods, and mortals all playing a part in the tale.

A solid fairy tale adventure it is sure to delight kids of all ages. In all seriousness this is a story that could get a kid lost in high adventure forever. It is visually spectacular with jaw dropping moments that will make you wonder how the hell they did it.

As much as I love the story I think I would have loved it even more had I seen this live. Watching this tale unfold live before me on a screen as big as a wall- or more to the point a stage would have blown me away. (an aside- apparently this World Premiered at Brooklyn Academy of Music in 2016 on their small stage- I am boggled by that thought since based on the behind the scenes footage in the film it doesn't seem like they would have had enough room. But I digress)

The fact that this isn't "live" doesn't destroy the wonder, but I'm guessing it might diminish it slightly since some people may not believe this was being done live in one take.

FEATHERS OF FIRE is magical and highly recommended.

For more details and information on purchase go here.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Haunted Swordsman (2019)

After failing to stop a demon that killed his master a samurai is sent on a quest of vengeance with only a living severed head for company.

This puppet animated short film is one of the best horror films you'll see all year.  A stunning piece of cinematic story telling it puts  most live action films to shame. Creating a tactile world of monsters and men, everyone on screen feels like a fully formed character who are on a very real and suspenseful quest. Think of this as spiritual cousin to the Dark Crystal but with ghosts and samurai.

If there is any sort of flaw in the film it is that this is very clearly only a small portion of the tale. Beginning on a very real cliff that our hero is scaling in order to find the Black Monk, the film races along to a logical breaking point...which still leaves a huge portion of the tale untold.

I am in awe of this film. This is what the movies were supposed to do, take us to some place else and tell us wondrous stories. I just hope that director Kevin McTurk can be convinced to continue the tale... assuming he can find the financing to do so.

One of my favorite films of 2019 THE HAUNTED SWORDSMAN is a must see.

The film is currently on the festival circuit so keep an eye out for it.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Arti: The Adventure Begins (2015) Fantasia 2015

The creators of LEGEND OF THE SACRED STONE return with another eye popping action tale done entirely with puppets. This time out a brother and sister, entrusted with a metal and wood robot that their father built go off to find "the Origin" and it's source.

This was one of my top five must see lists at Fantasia. Another film from the SACRED STONE people and I was there. The film looked even more amazing than the earlier film and I just had to see it.

If you noticed the plot description above is really sparse, there is a good reason for that, the plot is really sparse. Frankly there isn't much to it and on a certain level it's bit dumbed down from the earlier film. Its as if director Huang Wen Chang and writer Huang Liang Hsun tried to make a film that was going to pack them in with echoes of the Final Fantasy games and a cute bird. The plot isn't bad but it's never compelling on it's own terms.

On the other hand the visuals are incredible. Put this on the list of best action films of the year. Its amazing. I don't know what voodoo they used but this film is pure poetry. The actions are completely natural and seem even more real than the great martial arts films from the heyday of the Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest. My jaw just hung open the whole time going as I wondered how the hell they did it.

I am in awe.

This is one of the most alive and living films I've seen all year.

This film is a must see. For action film fans, for puppet lovers, for people who want to be wowed for any one who wants to see something really cool THE ARTI is a must. It may not have the best plot but its one of the few times you'll hear me say visuals and action trump plot,

What would Jim Henson have made of this? What would he have stolen?  My mind boggles at what the Muppet movies would have been like had the great minds behind this film and the Henson Studios got together.

See this film- however you can just see this film and be blown away.

Monday, November 10, 2014

An unconventional review of I AM BIG BIRD (2014) DOC NYC 2014

I don't know anyone who has seen I AM BIG BIRD that hasn't cried somewhere in it. Even the subject of the film Caroll Spinney says he cries when he sees it-and he's seen it at least eleven times.

I sobbed all my way through the film when I saw the film a few weeks ago at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.  The screening was part of their Puppets on Film series. When it ended the audience gave it a long standing ovation.  When Carroll Spinney passed me on his way to the stage he looked straight at me as I applauded and said "thank you"

No sir, Thank you.

If the measure of a man or a life is measured by the lives he's touched Spinney's life can't be measured since the number of people he's touched and the love he's created truly is immeasurable. I've never seen so many people go to mush in the presence of one man. At the BAM screening grown men didn't so much ask him for a hug as throw themselves at him, grabbing him with every fiber of their bodies and whispering with a cracked voice "Thank you". Two or three years ago when Mr Spinney was at New York Comic Con I watched as person after person, several who I saw joking with other famous people,  go to his table and trembling told him how much he meant to them. There is something about the characters that Spinney created that causes us to once again be children and in awe of our heroes.

I tell you all of this because in watching I AM BIG BIRD, which covers the life and magic of Carroll Spinney, I was in awe. Here was not only the life of a truly remarkable man, but also my own life reflected back in the moments of his his.  In seeing the life of someone I don't know I suddenly could revisit moments in mine...

...the result of this is I can not really review I AM BIG BIRD in any conventional sense. I'm too close to the film if only because I know the moments too well, for Big Bird and Oscar (and thus Spinney) are not merely puppets or characters, but friends and family, whose ups and downs I shared over the last 45 years. I too found wonder when Big Bird went to China, cried when Mr Hooper or Jim Henson died and was in awe when I saw either Big Bird or Oscar in person.

What I can do is say that if Big Bird or Oscar or the Muppets or Sesame Street or anything that Carol Spinney has ever touched means something to you, then see the film and see something amazing. This is not one of the best films of the year in any conventional sense, but something deeper and more visceral, this is one of the best experiences you're likely to have  regardless of whether it's a movie or not.

This is not just a celebration of one man's life, but of the wonderful things that he set loose on the world and thus made it a better place.

I AM BIG BIRD is one of the most magical experiences you'll ever have in a cinema.

Its a must see at DOC NYC (the film plays Friday)or when ever you get the chance to see it (the film is to be released in 2015 by Tribeca Film)

For tickets for Fridays screening (You have to go Carroll Spinney is going to be there) go to the films festival page.
Cheryl Henson, Oscar, Carroll Spinney and Deborah Spinney at BAM

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

This weekend Puppets On Film is playing BAM

The Brooklyn Academy of Music is having a series of puppets on film this weekend. It’s a stellar collection of films that include Jurassic Park, The Never Ending Story, Muppets Take Manhattan and Labyrinth (two screenings both with and without a sing a long).

The series is also running two of the best films I’ve reviewed here at Unseen: Jodie Foster’s The Beaver with Mel Gibson. This little film is about a man who self-destructs and only manages to stay afloat thanks to a Beaver puppet. Not for kids or even most audiences, this blackly funny heart breaker has Mel Gibson’s greatest performance. It will rock your world.

Strings is a magical movie, one of the best fantasies you’ll ever see. This stunning film is about a kingdom of puppets who are very aware they have strings attached. It’s a story of power plays in the kingdom and romance and a few other things. I dare you not to be moved by the end.

Details on the series can be found here.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Legend of the Sacred Stone (2000) Celebrating Chinese New Year !

A true martial arts epic done completely with puppets.

Yes, that's right its a dead nuts on target xuxia epic that's all puppets and it will blow your mind.

The film begins with a voice over saying that 400 years ago when a sage sends the three heirs of the sects and the six Representatives of the major sects (that's what my translation says) to fight a demon who has escaped and is seeking to take over the martial arts world.

Basically the film starts with a bunch of heroes and armies battling a demon in the mountains. The heroes beat the demon and lock up his mortal remains. They then send it off to be entombed for eternity. Unfortunately the Unfriendlies arrive and release the demon and then set off looking for the pieces of the Heaven Stone. (that's about the first 20 minutes.) After that things calm down as some of the heroes try to stop the The Unfriendlies and help a young woman and her father.

If you think any of this makes any real sense you're seriously mistaken and you've never seen some of the classic wu xia films like the Zu films, The Storm Riders films, many Bruce Lee films or even the "classic" The Blade. You have to remember the details of the stories don't really matter in many of the classic films, it's motion, and ideas and feelings, three things that this film has in abundance.

Each time I'm watching the puppets go through their battles I've always been struck by how the moves are perfectly executed. Here is everything you've seen in many of the martial arts films of the 1970's and 80's but done in such away that you really forgive the wire work and over done special effects. Watching real people go through the motions I'm always slightly distanced by the fantastic (and ultimately silly) moves. The fact that its a movie is always front and center. However watching these puppets I get lost. The unreality of the characters meshes perfectly with the overly theatrical moves and effects.

Ultimately this is everything you've ever seen in a wuxia film, but real.

I really like this film a great deal and it's been a film that I've loaned a lot over the years to friends and family who love "kung fu" films. Every time I talk someone into seeing it, generally it's something people to do reluctantly. They don't think they'll ever get past it being puppets. Amazingly in all but one or two cases people do. More amazingly everyone seems to be stymied at how some of it was done. Yes it's all tricks and wires and angles, but it all blends together into something...well amazing.

Now I want to be completely honest.

In deciding to write this film up I pulled the film out and watched it, really watched it again, for the first time in several years. Seeing it again from start to finish for the first time I found that I was not as in love with the film as I had been. Don't get me wrong, I still think it's a great film, but I think I've seen it way too many times...

...however that doesn't make me recommend the film any less. This is still a spectacular film that anyone who loves the movies and what movies can do should see.

This is a treasure.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Strings (2004)

Strings has been one of those films that has stayed with me since I saw it. I've seen it a couple of times now and it just amazes the hell out of me. Its a film told entirely with puppets, marionettes actually, that uses the strings, the characters are very aware they have strings, as a plot device.

Trust me on this, what they do and how they do it is truly amazing and entirely not what you expect.

This is also not so much a film for kids. Yes I know its marionettes but this is a story that the adults are really going to like more.

In thrashing about writing a new piece on the film I revisited my piece on IMDB that I wrote in the wake of seeing the film for the first time. I think it is probably as good as I'm going to do in explaining the film. For that reason I'm going to present it here (with a couple of tweaks):

In a world of marionettes- the king of a great kingdom writes to his son, giving him the throne, asking him to find peace with their mortal enemies and warning against the evil of the king's brother. The king then commits suicide by cutting his head string. Unfortunately the king's act was discovered by his evil brother and the suicide is rearranged as a murder, the perpetrator members of the very enemy the king had wanted to find peace with. The Brother then sets in motion a vile plan to kill his nephew and seize the throne for himself.

So begins one of the most unique films I've ever seen. Sure there have been puppet films before, but none that I've seen that have ever embraced their limitations so well that they turn them into an asset. Yes, you see the strings, actually the strings are even more noticeable then they would be in a real live puppet show (and yes the characters are very aware that they have strings). The reasoning is two fold, first it creates a wonderful visual motif at times with shots using the strings to create beautiful images such as emphasizing a rain storm or the bars of a prison. The strings also are used symbolically to allude to how we are all connected, how we are often on a leash and how there may be forces (god/puppeteers) above us. Its amazing.

The best thing is that it's a great story. This is grand fantasy or grand adventure of the highest order. What happens is very human as we are forced to confront what we are told is the truth which often turns out not to be the case. It's a story of greed and hope, how your worst enemy can be your best friend, and how the sins of the fathers need not be visited on the sons. There is real pain and real danger. If this were a novel it would be a classic of the genre (and since the film is from Denmark there is more than a passing reference to a certain prince of Shakespeare).

Trust me, you will really love this. I sat on the floor of my living room doing some sorting, totally and completely enraptured by what was going on because even when I wasn't looking up I was listening to a well acted (Derek Jacobi as the villain in the English version) and fantastically written story. It's the type of tale you'd curl up with on a cold winter's night before going to bed.

Yea, I liked the film.

If you want to see a great adventure, a great story, see this movie. Please do not let the fact that its marionettes keep you from seeing it. This is not for kids, or rather too small ones, since there is death and darkness, and a plot that maybe hard for them to follow. It's a kick in the head and there's a chance, at the end that maybe it will even cause a tear to run down your cheek (its happened every time I've seen it).

See it if you get the chance.

This is readily available through your regular video sources Amazon, Netflix, ect.