Online:For King and Glory
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Forge-Mother Alga.
- Travel to Frostbreak Fortress.
- Talk to King Kurog.
- Kill Urfon Ice-Heart.
- Speak to the King back in Orsinium.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
After speaking to High Priestess Solgra to finish the quest Invitation to Orsinium, Forge-Mother Alga will approach and speak:
- Forge-Mother Alga : "Is this one of the outsiders who responded to my invitation, high priestess?"
- High Priestess Solgra : "Yes, Grand Forge-Mother."
- Forge-Mother Alga : "Thank you, Solgra. I will speak to the outsider now."
- Forge-Mother Alga : "Come, outsider. We have much to discuss."
Speaking to her, she'll say:
- "So our ambassador finally found you? Took her damn time. But you're here now and that's what counts."
(If you're an Orc:)
"Welcome to Orsinium Isn't it coming along splendidly? Be proud, young one, it's your home too. Orsimer are unstopable when we work together."
(If you're not an Orc:)
"Welcome to Orsinium. Amazing how fast we rebuilt the place, isn't it? Orsimer can do anything when we work together." - I found out where the Winterborn took the stolen supplies.
- "The damn Reachmen and their foul magic! It provides the Winterborn with an unlimited number of soldiers to send against us! Even so, our soldiers have dispatched all but one of their warlords—that bastard, Urfon Ice-Heart!
Where are the supplies?" - Frostbreak Fortress. I heard Ice-Heart himself guards them.
- "Trinimac smiles upon us then! My son, King Kurog, has already traveled to Frostbreak Fortress to deal with Warlord Ice-Heart directly. Without a strong leader, the Winterborn threat will fade away.
You must go and tell the king about the supplies." - I'll go help King Kurog.
- "There are two things my son can't resist—food and battle. When he learned of Ice-Heart's location, he rushed to deal with the warlord personally.
Help him end the threat and recover the supplies. The unification of the Orc clans depends on it!"
At this point, you can ask her for more information.
- How will this help King Kurog unite the Orc clans?
- "The Winterborn pose a threat to all of Wrothgar. Urfon Ice-Heart in particular has long been a thorn in our side.
The king issued the order to invite you to our land. If the Winterborn are defeated thanks to that order, the clans will take notice." - Doesn't King Kurog have an army?
- "Of course! But many of our best warriors are off helping the alliance. Besides, the other clan chiefs are too busy seeking their own glory. My son needs someone at his side who has nothing to prove. Someone without an ax to grind.
Someone like you." - What can you tell me about the Winterborn?
- "The accursed Winterborn of the Reach! Under the Longhouse Emperors, they dominated these mountains. But the mountains belong to us now.
We've driven the cowards back, but their leader—Urfon Ice-Heart—still lives. It's time to change that."
- "The accursed Winterborn of the Reach! Under the Longhouse Emperors, they dominated these mountains. But the mountains belong to us now.
- Where do I meet King Kurog?
- "You can find my son at the camp outside Frostbreak Fortress. It's an old Breton fort southwest of Orsinium. We've been laying siege to the place for weeks, but Ice-Heart and his rats have burrowed deep.
Go and help my son exterminate the vermin."
- "You can find my son at the camp outside Frostbreak Fortress. It's an old Breton fort southwest of Orsinium. We've been laying siege to the place for weeks, but Ice-Heart and his rats have burrowed deep.
- "The Winterborn pose a threat to all of Wrothgar. Urfon Ice-Heart in particular has long been a thorn in our side.
- Why does the king have you making these arrangements?
- "This is Orsinium. Don't you know our traditions?
Kurog is king, the chief of our clan and every clan far and wide. When it comes to war, he's in command. Everything else is better left to the capable skills of his mother and wives." - King Kurog is married?
- "Oh yes, and many times over! Just like any other clan chief. Noroga the hunt-wife, Tugha the forge-wife, Barazal the hearth-wife … and he has a few shield-wives as well.
They're all fine young women. Kurog's been well-matched. I've seen to that."
- "This is Orsinium. Don't you know our traditions?
- Tell me about High Priestess Solgra.
- "High Priestess Solgra? Oh, we couldn't have done any of this without her. She upholds the ancient traditions, traditions we sorely need right now.
With her help, we will restore the true religion of the Orsimer—the religion of Trinimac!"
- "High Priestess Solgra? Oh, we couldn't have done any of this without her. She upholds the ancient traditions, traditions we sorely need right now.
- Trinimac?
- "Trinimac the Warrior, the Paragon. Once he was our patron, our god. He encompasses the true ideals of the Orsimer—strength, honor, and unity.
Talk to High Priestess Solgra. She speaks of Trinimac with more elegance and passion than I can manage."
- "Trinimac the Warrior, the Paragon. Once he was our patron, our god. He encompasses the true ideals of the Orsimer—strength, honor, and unity.
The quest will lead you to the fortress, south and west of Orsinium, just south of Frostbreak Ridge Wayshrine. Kurog will be in a tent (flanked by Shield-Wife Razbela and Shield-Wife Oshgana), speaking to two chiefs, Chief Ruzgrol and Chief Bolg:
- King Kurog: "I want the soldiers from all the clans to circle the fort. Ice-Heart won't escape me this time."
- Chief Ruzgrol: "Our soldiers know what to do, Kurog. You can count on that."
- King Kurog: "Then maybe this victory will finally convince you and the other chiefs to fully accept my claim to the throne."
The quest will prompt you to talk to Kurog:
- "Do you always just barge into the king's tent without so much as a "by your leave"?
Who in the name of the First Forge do you think you are, troll breath?" - I'm <Player's Name>. Your mother sent me to help you.
- "So you're one of the outsiders my mother's been harping about. I'm Kurog, king of the Orsimer. Welcome to my war!
Your timing's perfect. I'm just finishing this damn fine leg of chub loon. You hungry? I do enjoy a good meal before a fight." - No thanks. I have news. The stolen supplies are inside the fortress.
- "It's a good thing that that's where we're going then! This siege was taking too long anyway. Urfon Ice-Heart is the last of the Winterborn warlords and, frankly, I'm ready to be done with him.
He knows we're coming, so I'm expecting a good fight." - You told him we were coming?
- "You bet your arse I told him we were coming! Fair's fair, and it probably scared the ice water out of his veins.
I want to see you in action. You lead. I'll follow. Now let's go kill old Ice-Heart! Then we can return to Orsinium and feast." - That works for me. Let's go..
Here, King Kurog becomes a temporary follower. Within the encampement, you can also start the concurrent quest The Hidden Harvest by talking to Chief Urgdosh. This quest will allow you to deal with the harpies and unlock the way inside the fortress. Proceed through the ruins, across the courtyard, up to the northern exit, marked Ice-Heart's Lair. There, you can talk to Kurog before going through the door.
- King Kurog: "If you have any questions before we go in there, now's the time."
- "I can see why my mother was so insistent about you. You're pretty good in a fight.
I was going to do this by myself, but I'm damn glad I waited for you. I'd be a fool to challenge Ice-Heart without you." - You seemed confident before.
- "Confident, yes. Stupid? No. Urfon Ice-Heart is a legend among the Reachmen. For a while, we didn't even think he was a real person.
But he's very real. And if the rumors are true, he's going to be extremely difficult to kill." - Tell me about these rumors.
- "They say Urfon has ice in his veins. That he can freeze an Orc's blood with the flick of his wrist. Probably an exaggeration, but we should be careful.
Either way, between the two of us, I'm certain we can beat him." - As long as you're certain ….
- "Of course. More or less. But in case the battle goes badly, I should thank you now. I haven't fought alongside anyone I trusted since I became king. It's been an honor.
Enough with the deep conversation! You ready to smash Ice-Heart's face?" - I'm ready. Let's go.
Enter his lair, and Ice-Heart will taunt Kurog:
- Urfon Ice-Heart: "So the king of the pig children has come to die. Your soldiers failed, Kurog. And so will you."
- King Kurog: "I love it when my enemies mock me. Helps me work up a good rage."
- Urfon Ice-Heart: "You treat everything like a joke! That's why the Orcs refuse to follow you. You mock the fallen and dishonor their sacrifices!"
- King Kurog: "Dishonor them? I'll honor them by separating your head from your body!"
He will be surrounded by the same frozen people as you have seen in the cave with the peasants. Defeat him and Kurog will exclaim:
- King Kurog: "How do you like that, you cold bastard?"
- King Kurog: "Ice-Heart's blade is mine! Now maybe the clans will finally accept my rule."
Talk to Kurog:
- "You don't know how good that feels! Urfon Ice-Heart is finally dead!
Imagine you ate too much and, try as you might, you can't get out that really big belch. Then, finally, you let out a thunderous burp. Yeah, that's how I feel right now." - Is the siege over now?
- "For all practical purposes, yes. The remaining Winterborn will put up a fight, but without a warlord, my soldiers should be able to wrap this up in short order.
As for me, I can't wait to show off my trophy to the clan chiefs!" - Trophy? / You mentioned a trophy?
- "Yeah, Ice-Heart's fancy sword. That should prove to the clan chiefs that we killed the warlord. Might even convince the fence-sitters to finally accept me as the rightful king of all the Orsimer."
- "Don't you worry about me. I can take care of myself, no matter what my shield-wives think. Besides, you'll kill everything on your way out. I've seen how you fight!
Probably won't be anything left for me by the time you get done out there."
Now, exit the Lair and enter the courtyard once more. You will be led to a tower door in the western part to exit the area. If you have The Hidden Harvest active, Alinon will be waiting for you to the right side after the exit. Now you just need to return to Scarp Keep, go to the throne room, where various chiefs have assembled, Chief Dular among them.
- Chief Bazrag: "We didn't come for a sermon, priestess. I'm just here to see Kurog."
- High Priestess Solgra: "I meant no offense, Chief Bazrag. I only seek to spread Trinimac's good words."
- Chief Targak: "Again with these Trinimac lies! Let me show you what Malacath thinks of your stupid words!"
- Forge-Mother Alga: "Your anger is uncalled for, clan chiefs. Please excuse us, Solgra. I see our champion has returned."
- Chief Bazrag: "You? They pulled you into their madness? How … disappointing."
Speak to Forge-Mother Alga and tell her of you and Kurog's success.
- "As you can see, the clan chiefs can be a contentious lot. They oppose King Kurog at every turn—especially on matters of faith.
But tell me. Was Kurog successful? Did you defeat the Winterborn warlord?" - The Winterborn warlord is dead. King Kurog asked me to meet him here.
- "I knew you'd be able to help Kurog in his mission! Perhaps now the other clans will see that Kurog is destined to lead us all.
Once all the clans unite, just imagine the power we will wield!" - Why are these chieftains here?
- "The king sent for them. They are a few of the more vocal opponents to my son's plans and they refuse to bend their knees to him."
- These chiefs don't agree with King Kurog?
- "They are blinded by centuries of custom and tradition. They refuse to see the glory that King Kurog wants to bestow upon us all.
Instead, they stick their heads in the mud like a frightened Argonian and pretend that the old ways are so much better." - And King Kurog wants to change that?
- "My son wants to free us from the traditions that hold us back. They mire us in outdated notions and restrictions.
We need to become a modern society if we want the other kingdoms to respect us. To take us seriously. King Kurog will make that happen." - I understand.
Kurog will then arrive in the room and address the other chiefs:
- King Kurog: "Excellent! Everyone's here!"
- King Kurog: "The time has come. Swear allegiance to me. Orsinium will prosper once the clans unite under my rule."
- Chief Bazrag: "This again, Kurog? Why should we submit to you this time?"
- King Kurog: "Behold! I wield the blade of Ice-Heart! With the help of outsiders, I have vanquished our greatest foe and retrieved the stolen supplies!"
- King Kurog: "The chiefs could not stop the Winterborn! Only I have accomplished that!"
- Chief Bazrag: "You ask much, Kurog. To turn away from Malacath? To abandon our most cherished customs?"
- King Kurog: "Bazrag, my old friend, your outdated ideas will be the death of me."
- Chief Targak: "Don't tempt us, Kurog! Our traditions won't bend to the will of an idiot chief who decides to call himself kin—"
Kurog impales Targak on the Ice-Heart's blade.
- King Kurog: "Idiot? Chief? I am your king! You would all do well to remember that! Now get out of my sight."
- Chief Bazrag: "You embark upon a dangerous path, Kurog. We won't forget this."
Bazrag and Dular leave the room with Bazrag's threat hanging in the air. Speak to him and he'll defend himself:
- "Treasonous bastards! I just saved their ungrateful arses and this is the thanks I get?
I even showed them Ice-Heart's sword! How can I create a united nation when the chiefs refuse to accept my rule?" - Was that a typical example of your usual meetings?
- "More often than not, yes. There's always some fool who wants to quote the Code of Malacath or insult my honor. It infuriates me!
How can we build a respectable kingdom when we can't even abandon our most ridiculous superstitions?" - Did you really need to kill Chief Targak?
- "Targak? It was all I could do not to kill all three of those troll lovers!
Let Bazrag and Dular think about what happened. I only hope they can set aside old traditions and accept the future I envision. Their support would make things much easier." - Do you need anything else from me?
- "For now? No. Go explore Wrothgar and get to know this great city. Enjoy yourself!
When you're ready for a new challenge, find me at my private tavern in the city. I'm sure I'll have something that requires your specific skill set by then."
- Urfon's lair, unlike the main fortress interior, is an instanced area.
- Once inside the fortress, you can leave via the quick exit door at the end without progressing the quest. On the other side, the same door won't be accessible to re-enter them, forcing you to make a long trek back to the fortress main entrance to resume. ?
Quest Stages[edit]
For King and Glory | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I should make my way to Frostbreak Fortress to meet with King Kurog. I need to tell him that the stolen supplies are being held there.
Objective: Travel to Frostbreak Fortress
I arrived at the siege camp outside Frostbreak Fortress. I should find King Kurog and speak to him.
Objective: Talk to King Kurog
We need to find a way inside the Fortress.
Objective: Find A Way Inside Frostbreak Fortress
Objective Hint: Deal with the Harpies
King Kurog wants me to lead the way as we search Frostbreak Fortress and seek out the stolen supplies and the Winterborn warlord, Urfon Ice-Heart.
Objective: Find Urfon Ice-Heart
Optional Step: Talk to King Kurog
I should help King Kurog kill the Winterborn warlord, Urfon Ice-Heart.
Objective: Kill Urfon Ice-Heart
Urfon Ice-Heart is dead. I should speak to King Kurog before we leave the fortress.
Objective: Talk to King Kurog
King Kurog asked me to meet him at Scarp Keep the next time I'm back in Orsinium.
Objective: Return to Scarp Keep
I returned to the keep to find some kind of meeting taking place. I should speak to Forge-Mother Alga as soon as an opportunity presents itself.
Objective: Talk to Forge-Mother Alga
King Kurog has arrived. I should listen to what he has to say.
Objective: Listen to King Kurog's exchange
The meeting didn't go as King Kurog planned. I should talk to him.
Objective: Talk to King Kurog
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.