Showing posts with label DEY-3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEY-3. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

New Haven DEY-3 (Proto 2000 S-1) DCC/Sound GAMECHANGER!

One of the coolest (and, as in this case, mildly irritating - but in a good way :^) things about having a blog is the feedback and questions you get. It's even better when the blog reaches such a wide-ranging audience.

Like a guy in Australia(!)

Earlier today, friend RodD from Way Down Under asked me a simple question about what Scale Sound Systems speaker I used in my Proto 2000 Alco S-1 (which I converted to New Haven RR DEY-3 #0967 - click here for that build thread). I didn't remember offhand, and I was shocked and annoyed to discover that I didn't mention it in my conversion posts (here and here). Spoiler Alert: It's Scale Sound Systems part# LLPR-S1S3-RC1.


When I went to the Scale Systems page to find the part# for that speaker, I discovered "something new had been added..."

Apparently, since I converted my loco to DCC and sound - using a LokSound v5 micro and separate Power Pack (which I had to solder to the decoder) . . .

. . . Scale Sound Systems has produced a shorter speaker that will allow you to use the LokSound 58921 Direct w/PowerPacks built in(!)

Snipped from the Scale Sound Systems website

You can find this speaker on the same page, but it's part number LLPR-S13S-RC1. Beware how close the part numbers are to each other.

This is a MUCH easier and more elegant solution for DCC/Sound in the P2k Alco S-1 - provided

  • the "drop in" board actually drops in (SSS recommends mounting it with double-sided tape) - click here for a drop in "fail" with this board; and
  • you don't actually enjoy soldering 3 tiny 30 gauge wires from a PowerPack to the decoder PC board - and trying to find someplace to stuff the PowerPack under the hood. . .

If I'd known about this new SSS speaker, I would have most definitely used it and the 58921 decoder with built-in PowerPacks instead.

But isn't that the way it ALWAYS goes?? You scratchbuild a long-coveted model, and - just as soon as you finish it - a manufacturer offers it? You build a scene with your best guess as to the look of a certain structure you have no photos of, and as soon as you're done, somebody shows you a photo of the structure - and it's totally different?

Well, chalk this up as another example of this weird "rule" in model railroading.

If you've been considering converting a Proto 2000 Alco S-1/3 to DCC & sound, hopefully I've warned you in time! :^) Just don't forget to isolate that motor . . .

Monday, March 21, 2022

Modeling Monday - Research Notes on the DEY-3 & DEY-5 class switchers

(Disclaimer - Most of this post first appeared 9/23/2018)

Like many of you, one of the first things to do before starting any modeling project is something I find the most fun - research. So, as I begin modeling the New Haven's Alco S-2s and S-1s (class DEY-5 and DEY-3, respectively), I want to get all my modeling notes together in one place - and put them here for any of you that may want to try modeling these locos yourself (or just curious about the history...)

New Haven class DEY-3 switcher #0967 with Valley Local freight at Fernwood Street, Wethersfield, CT in 5/1949.
John Wallace photo.

The first stop when researching any New Haven railroad locomotives is Jack Swanberg's seminal work New Haven Power, which provides encyclopedic coverage of all NHRR motive power throughout the history of the railroad. You'll also want to be sure and consult the series of books produced by Bob Liljestrand (Bob's Photos) that have covered NH engines. Volume 1 covers the switchers and road switchers, including the DEY units.

Marc Frattasio and Bill Chapin aggregated a ton of prototype information and provided the definitive resource for the DEY-3 and DEY-5 switchers in the Volume 35, Issue 1 edition of the NHRHTA's Shoreliner magazine.

Since I'm modeling both types of engines (DEY-3 #0967 for the Valley Local & DEY-5 #0604 for the Haddam Local, aka PDX-2), I figured a quick reference of prototype information would be helpful to repost here. And if you have any interest in these engines, I hope you find these notes helpful too. But for the most comprehensive information, including lots of photos, be sure to consult the Shoreliner article and the books mentioned above.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
General Information

The New Haven's DEY-3 and DEY-5 class switchers differed visually from standard Alco S-1s and S-2s in two primary respects:

  • Cab Roof Profile
The New Haven cab is a low-profile version, to provide additional clearance when used in the electrified zone. The compound curves resulted in an overall roof height that was approx. 6" lower than the standard cab.
 Image from the Shoreliner article.
  • Crosley 3-Chime Air Whistle
Instead of a standard air horn, the New Haven used brass (or bronze?) 3-chime air whistles.
Image from the Shoreliner article.

Classification System & Number Series

  • "DEY" classification system started 1944
  • Class DEY-3 (Alco S-1), number series 0931-0995
  • Class DEY-5 (Alco S-2), number series 0600-0621
Prime Mover
  • DEY-3
    • Same prime mover as HH660 - 660hp McIntosh & Seymour Model 531
    • Model 531 was designated 539 when in the S-1
  • DEY-5
    • Turbocharged Model 539, designated 539T, produced 1000 hp
    • Same prime mover in Alco RS-1 (DERS-1b) and DL-109 (DER-1)
    • Turbo produced a distinctive high pitched "chirp"
  • Neither prime mover equipped with automatic air reservoir blowdowns, so no "spitter" sound
Delivery Dates
  • DEY-3 (1941-1949), 65 units
    • 1941 0931-0940
    • 1942 0941-0950
    • 1943 0951-0957
    • 1944 0958-0970
    • 1947 (Nov/Dec) 0971-0976 (green/orange scheme begins)
    • 1948 (Jan-Mar) 0977-0983
    • 1948 (Sept-Dec) 0984-0992
    • 1949 (Jan) 0993-0995
  • DEY-5 (1943-1944), 22 units
    • 1943 (Dec) 0600-0601
    • 1944 (Jan) 0602-0603
    • 1944 (May-Nov) 0604-0621
DEY-3 Whistle Locations
  • 0931-0950 had whistle mounted even with roof overhang
  • 0951-0973 had whistle mounted about a foot forward of the roof overhang
  • 0977-0995 had whistle mounted about 3.5' forward of the roof overhang
Paint Schemes (late 1940s)
  • All DEY-5 units and DEY-3 units 0931-0970 delivered in all Pullman green with Dulux gold (yellow) lettering
  • Hunter Green cab & orange hood started with delivery of 0971 November, 1947.
  • Cab interior likely dark (Pullman?) green in pre-Nov. '47 units; light gray thereafter
Cab Signal Equipment
  • The following units were equipped with Hartford Line cab signal equipment:
    • 0967, 0981, 0605, 0606
  • The following units were equipped with Shore Line signal equipment:
    • 0610-0612
  • The following units were equipped with Dual Cab Signal equipment:
    • 0993, 0995, 0604, 0616, 0620
Radiator Shutters (louvers)
  • First 40 DEY-3s
    • 24 narrow vertical shutters set in a thin frame w/shallow protrusion
    • Horizontal space/cutting across the shutters at mid-height
  • Last 25 DEY-3s
    • 11 wide vertical radiator shutters also with a horizontal spacer
    • Rivet at each of the two quarter points of each louver
    • Larger cross-section frame around the perimeter, resulting in deep protrusion
  • First 9 DEY-5s (0600-0608) had horizontal radiator shutters
  • Last 11 DEY-5s (0609-0621) had vertical shutters.
This is just a list of notes for prototype reference, with special thanks to Randy for filling in many details in the original post. For a nice narrative, including even more detailed information on later paint schemes, additional detail changes, and final dispositions, be sure to consult Marc and Bill's comprehensive Shoreliner article mentioned above.

And of course - as always - if you have any additional information to share, please let me know in the comments or contact me directly. One of my main goals with this blog (and especially the website) is to provide a nice repository of information on the New Haven Railroad - but especially the Valley Line and its equipment and operations.

Next up, we move from prototype to modeling...

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Weekend "WE"search: Notes on the New Haven Railroad's DEY-3 & DEY-5 Switchers

New Haven class DEY-3 switcher #0967 with Valley Local freight at Fernwood Street, Wethersfield, CT in 5/1949.
John Wallace photo.
If you've read this blog for any time at all - and especially if you've perused the Valley Local website (be sure head over there if you haven't before) - you know that I really enjoy the historical research aspect of this hobby. And it's even better when you get to collaborate with a buddy. So, with the release of ESU's sound for the non-turbo Alco 539 prime mover, (and the resulting move up the modeling priority list for our Alco S-1s) Randy and I decided to do a little "we"search into the New Haven's Alco S-1 & S-2 switchers, which they designated class DEY-3 and DEY-5, respectively.

The first resource for all New Haven railroad locomotives is Jack Swanberg's seminal work New Haven Power, which provides encyclopedic coverage of all NHRR motive power throughout the history of the railroad. You'll also want to be sure and consult the series of books produced by Bob Liljestrand (Bob's Photos) that have covered NH engines. Volume 1 covers the switchers and road switchers, including the DEY units. While we reviewed these prototype resources, and more, during the course of our research, Marc Frattasio and Bill Chapin have aggregated all of this information and provided the definitive prototype resource for the DEY-3 and DEY-5 switchers in the Volume 35, Issue 1 edition of the NHRHTA's Shoreliner magazine.

Since we'll be modeling both types of engines for our layouts (as you can see above, the Valley Local needs DEY-3 #0967, and I also need a DEY-5 for the lower end local), I figured a quick reference of prototype information would be helpful. And if you have any interest in these engines, I hope you find these notes helpful too. But for the most comprehensive information, including lots of photos, be sure to consult the Shoreliner article and the books mentioned above.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
General Information

The New Haven's DEY-3 and DEY-5 class switchers differed visually from standard Alco S-1s and S-2s in two primary respects:

  • Cab Roof Profile

The New Haven cab is a low-profile version, to provide additional clearance when used in the electrified zone. The compound curves resulted in an overall roof height that was approx. 6" lower than the standard cab.
 Image from the Shoreliner article.

  • Crosley 3-Chime Air Whistle

Instead of a standard air horn, the New Haven used brass (or bronze?) 3-chime air whistles.
Image from the Shoreliner article.
Classification System & Number Series
  • "DEY" classification system started 1944
  • Class DEY-3 (Alco S-1), number series 0931-0995
  • Class DEY-5 (Alco S-2), number series 0600-0621
Prime Mover
  • DEY-3
    • Same primer mover as HH660 - 660hp McIntosh & Seymour Model 531
    • Model 531 was designated 539 when in the S-1
  • DEY-5
    • Turbocharged Model 539, designated 539T, produced 1000 hp
    • Same prime mover in Alco RS-1 (DERS-1b) and DL-109 (DER-1)
    • Turbo produced a distinctive high pitched "chirp"
  • Neither prime mover equipped with automatic air reservoir blowdowns, so no "spitter" sound
Delivery Dates
  • DEY-3 (1941-1949), 65 units
    • 1941 0931-0940
    • 1942 0941-0950
    • 1943 0951-0957
    • 1944 0958-0970
    • 1947 (Nov/Dec) 0971-0976 (green/orange scheme begins)
    • 1948 (Jan-Mar) 0977-0983
    • 1948 (Sept-Dec) 0984-0992
    • 1949 (Jan) 0993-0995
  • DEY-5 (1943-1944), 22 units
    • 1943 (Dec) 0600-0601
    • 1944 (Jan) 0602-0603
    • 1944 (May-Nov) 0604-0621
DEY-3 Whistle Locations
  • 0931-0950 had whistle mounted even with roof overhang
  • 0951-0973 had whistle mounted about a foot forward of the roof overhang
  • 0977-0995 had whistle mounted about 3.5' forward of the roof overhang
Paint Schemes (late 1940s)
  • 0931-0970 delivered in all Pullman green with Dulux gold (yellow) lettering
  • Hunter Green cab & orange hood started with delivery of 0971 November, 1947.
  • Cab interior likely dark (Pullman?) green in pre-Nov. '47 units; light gray thereafter
Cab Signal Equipment
  • The following units were equipped with Hartford Line cab signal equipment:
    • 0967, 0981, 0605, 0606
  • The following units were equipped with Shore Line signal equipment:
    • 0610-0612
  • The following units were equipped with Dual Cab Signal equipment:
    • 0993, 0995, 0604, 0616, 0620
Radiator Shutters (louvers)
  • First 40 DEY-3s
    • 24 narrow vertical shutters set in a thin frame w/shallow protrusion
    • Horzontal space/cutting across the shutters at mid-height
  • Last 25 DEY-3s
    • 11 wide vertical radiator shutters also with a horizontal spacer
    • Rivet at each of the two quarter points of each louver
    • Larger cross-section frame around the perimeter, resulting in deep protrusion
  • First 9 DEY-5s (0600-0608) had horizontal radiator shutters
  • Last 11 DEY-5s (0609-0621) had vertical shutters.
This is just a list of notes for prototype reference. For a nice narrative, including even more detailed information on later paint schemes, additional detail changes, and final dispositions, be sure to consult Marc and Bill's comprehensive Shoreliner article.

And of course - as always - if you have any additional information to share, please let me know in the comments or contact me directly. One of my main goals with this blog (and especially the website) is to provide a nice repository of information on the New Haven Railroad - but especially the Valley Line and its equipment and operations. Thanks in advance for any info you have to share - and for being a part of the "we" in WEsearch (sorry - couldn't resist one last time...)

Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday Fun: New DEY-5

(that's "Alco S-2" to you...)

Based on its early success with Alco's diesel switchers during the 1930s (the famed "High Hoods"), the New Haven Railroad rostered an impressive number of Alco's successor models - the S-1 & S-2. Deliveries started in 1941 and continued to 1949 for a total of 87 units.

These switchers had essentially the same primer mover as the HH660 (a 660hp McIntosh & Seymour Model 531), but while the engine was mounted above the frame on the High Hoods (which is why the hoods were "high"), on the S-1 the same engine (now designated Model 539) was mounted down in the frame to lower the hood and increase crew visibility. Other than some cosmetic differences (different exhaust stack, larger radiator louvers), the S-2 was essentially the same as the S-1 but had a turbocharged version of the 539 engine (designated 539T) that increased the horsepower from 660hp to 1000hp. In 1943, the railroad began taking delivery of Alco S-2s and the "DEY" classification started the following year, with delivery of the last of 22 S-2s (#0600-0621). S-1s (class DEY-3) would continue to be delivered until January 1949 for an impressive total of 65 units (#0931-0995).

The DEY-5 is interesting to me for two primary reasons: 1) during my era, this locomotive type was assigned to three of the four locals I model (below is a photo of #0630 on the Shoreline Local in Essex) . . .

. . . and the DEY-5 actually came in two different radiator louver configurations - vertical (as above) and horizontal (as below, click on the image to enlarge).

The first nine DEY-5s (#0600-0608) were delivered with the horizontal louvers. The photo above shows the Shoreline Local at East Haddam with DEY-5 #0604.

I already have a New Haven DEY-5 - #0615 produced by Atlas with era-appropriate paint scheme & vertical louvers (see photo above), but getting a DEY-5 with horizontal louvers to represent #0604 has proved difficult - until now . . .

For my recent birthday, I got enough money to cover the purchase from TTX of a fresh-from-the-factory (the container actually just arrived from overseas last month!) undecorated Atlas S-2 - with horizontal louvers!

Even though it's undec and requires all the details to be applied, it still looks pretty awesome. And it sounds just as great with a factory-installed Loksound decoder. Excuse the quick grab shot above - I'll post more about this model as I finish it - but I wanted to show the only "bad" thing about the model (which hopefully is easy to fix): the front headlight.

As you can't help but see, the bright LED is SO bright that it shines right through the body shell!

And the bulb appears to be aimed, not through the headlight, but at the top/front corner of the hood. Ugh!

Fortunately, the rear light is fine in all respects - heh - including retina-burning brightness - but at least it's bright through the headlight lens rather than above it.

So one of the first things I'll be doing to this engine is seeing if I can move that front bulb. And I'll probably have to paint some blackener on it as well to keep light from seeping through where it doesn't belong. If you have any experience with this, I hope you'll share in the comments!

Despite the bulb issue, I'm really excited to have a finely detailed DEY-5 (the older Atlas S-2 #0615 has molded-on details) and especially one that's correct for the first nine units delivered.

Now if somebody would just come up with a correct NHRR DEY-3/5 cab . . . but that's a whole 'nuther story . . .

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wordy Wednesday #111

The Valley Local, southbound at Wethersfield and led by DEY-3 (S-1) #0994. Station house track is diverging off to the right (east), whistle post is for the crossing at Nott Street, north of here. Building on extreme right is 15 Fernwood Street, which dead-ends at the track. John Wallace, who figures prominently on this blog and who provided much of the information for this photo, lived at 12 Fernwood. Any idea when this photo was taken?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Few Words about Wordless Wednesday #42

While this blog is primarily about documenting research & construction efforts for my model version of the Valley Line, so much of the richness of the line is really about the folks that worked on the line. It's nice to have a model that's prototypically accurate, but it's even more rewarding to be able to preserve the memory of the guys that made it all happen.

Case in point - yesterday's Wordless Wednesday. This photo - like so many photos I use on this blog - was sent to me by John Wallace, who had the foresight to bring his camera along just about every time he rode the line with the local crews. It shows Burt James (fireman) and John Rooney (engineer) next to what was likely a DEY-3 class diesel (Alco S-1), in the Summer of 1949. Based on previous research, the engine was likely #0947. The precise location is in front of the Cromwell station, looking north. You can just make out the crossbucks for the Main Street crossing in the background.

If you happen to have the Valley Line articles John wrote for the NHRHTA's Shoreliner magazine, you can read a funny story about Burt's first paid run. And John (Wallace) rode with John (Rooney) on a record-breaking speed run between Old Saybrook and Hartford one night during the summer(?) of 1947.

History may have forgotten John and Burt - just two guys who made their living as so many did at the time - and they may have been forgotten by everyone but their families. But thanks to this photo, and the fact it can be so widely shared, John & Burt's memory will hopefully live on a while longer.