Israel, the Zionist terror regime was formed by stealing Palestine from the Palestinians. Jews wanted Lebensraum [ the Nazi term for living space ]. They got it by fraud. They hold it by Terrorism, being the utterly shameless perpetrators of Gaza Massacre I, Gaza Massacre II & Gaza Massacre III. We are prone to assume that Jews are entitled to have "their land". We are wrong. King Abdullah I of Jordan Explains Herewith are some articles on their operations. Haaretz was often a good source but see Haaretz before trusting them too much. The government is deeply corrupt and the President is in prison for rape - see Rape Special while the Prime Minister is in prison for thieving - see Olmert. That is merely where it starts.
The following is an observation by a famous artist, political philosopher & best selling author - a former, much misunderstood, decorated First World War corporal and 1930′s German political figure:
‘”For while the Zionists try to make the rest
of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its
satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe
the dumb Goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in
Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central
organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own
sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for
convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.”
You do not have to agree with naughty little Adolf but if not, think about why. Have you been
listening to liars too often?
Find the quotation at
Israel Massacres
The title true.
Israel's Fate
Israel is rather like the Thousand Year Reich. It ain't going to make it. The USSR didn't either but then that was created by Bolshevik Jews.
Israel Might Have Been In Argentina
Jews from Russia wanted Palestine. Argentinians got lucky.
Carlos Latuff
Is a guerrilla artist, even a political satirist. He tells the truth that the Main Stream Media suppress.
Jews allege that they are Semites or, at all events complain about Anti-Semitism when they claim that they are being hassled. As usual they are lying.
The Myth of Israel's Strategic Genius
Jews are super-intelligent well meaning, indeed wonderful human beings, aren't they? Wrong! Zionist crazies, mad dogs driven by Paranoia, who know how to buy American politicians. That is the reality of ZOG - Zionist Occupation Government.
Jew Versus Jew
All is not sweetness and light among God's Chosen People. The Promised Land has its problems. Palestinians are not the only disgruntled inmates. Haredim [ Jews with silly hats ] versus Zionist is part of the mix.
Israel Prison Service
Runs Concentration Camps like Saharonim. Any resemblance to fun places like Auschwitz is strictly in the eye of the malicious beholder, isn't it? Hint: NO!
Israel is Ungrateful
All take and no give is basic policy. The bolt on goodie, the extra is shameless, unprincipled lies.
The Koenig Memorandum
Sets out policy in Israel; policy is evil. Now there's a surprise.
Jews And Oil
How do Jews get their oil given that they are hated, with good reason by Arabs? The American government guarantees their supplies. Jews have priority over honest folk. Bribery is a very effective tool. So is blackmail.
America Is A Puppet Of Israel
Politicians know. Politicians talk sometimes.
Banksy Goes To Palestine
Banksy is the guerrilla artist, a satirist whose graffiti works turn up on walls here and there. He made it to Palestine, the Stolen Land that thieves call Israel and did rather well.
The Birth Of Israel
It was accompanied by evil In fact it was brought by evil too. Has it changed since? The atrocities carry on without conscience.
Chronicle of a Suicide Foretold
A good over view of where the Zionist bandits are heading.
Creating War Criminals
Zionism was supposed to make Jewish existence “normal;” very different than in a Diaspora peopled by goyim, but there is nothing ”normal” in the life and culture of Israel today—which has not lived in peace with its neighbours, much less let the Palestinians have elementary human rights in the lands in which they have lived for thousands of years. If war is the criteria of “normal” existence, then Zionism has become a failed nightmare. It was, when first conceptualized, not supposed to be this way.
Criminals get power. Criminals make war. Criminals become war criminals. QED.
Jonathan Cook's Website
Honest reporting from a man on the ground. This is first because it is a good source. His selection of links is good and a damning indictment of Zionist evil -
The Entebbe Job
It sounded good at the time. Now men have talked; the truth is often uglier.
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
The title is uncompromising. The author is a Jew. He speaks the language, knows the people, tells the truth. It isn't pretty.
Friends Of Israel
They have friends? Yes! Bribery can do that; blackmail too.
Human Rights in Israel
Human rights for Arabs is the question that sorts the well meaning from the vicious. There are some decent ones.
Human Rights Organisations
They do exist. Some are run by Jews.
Israel Acting Like Nazis In Gaza Says Kaufman
Kaufman is telling the truth in this matter. This is not to say that he is not a light fingered rogue but then he is a Jew.
Israel and Apartheid
Apartheid or separate development was very awful when it happened in South Africa. In Israel it is just fine.
Israel And Incest -
5,000 Cases Reported
In last decade 5,000 children reported sexual abuse, incest [ in Israel ]. Some
5,000 children age 14 or under have reported being sexually abused by a parent
or other relative over the last decade, according to data released by the Social
Affairs Ministry yesterday. However, the ministry believes that this is only the
tip of the iceberg, and that most such cases are not reported. The accepted
estimate worldwide is that one out of every 11 men and one out of every seven
women were victims of incest as children.
Slaving in Israel is a big industry run by pimps and makes lotsa money tax free.
Doing it to children is cheaper.
Israel And Slavery
Slave trading is about money and a contemptuous indifference to
human suffering. That is why Jews are at it.
Israel and South Africa
War makes for strange bed fellows. Jews abused South Africa while
colluding in private to get their very own Nukes.
They were also destroying it from within using Jews like
Joe Slovo in the
South African Communist Party.
One Israeli bomb. There are lots where that came from.
Israel and Terrorism
It has always been one of their working tools. Here are some cases.
Israel is Developing Ethnic Bomb
They have brains and the paranoia. Cleaning up their act is where they get stupid.
The Israel Lobby
The Israel Lobby denies that it exists. It is very good at lying and controlling America.
Israel Of All Places Becomes International Slavery Center
Why of all places? Jews have been big in slavery since long before Christ. Prostitution too and it is all tax free.
Israel Orders America Obeys
Confirms all of those sources. Olmert tells Bush what he is going to do.
Israel The Failing State
Israel is on the skids. That is the good news. They are vicious and dangerous, prepared to take civilization with them. That is the bad news.
Israel Brits And French
Political manipulation has always been a Jewish forte. Haaretz us tells about it.
Israeli Company Is New Pentagon Computer Security Supplier
Security is compromised big time.
Israeli Espionage in America
Given that some/most/all of the men round Bush in the White House are Jews you might wonder whether they need to spy on America. After all they are running it. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Israeli Foreign Policy
Murder, ethnic cleansing, racism and hate are all part of it.
Israeli Foreign Policy Explained
Ethnic cleansing is one of the main thrusts. Of course world domination is THE policy and destroying Christendom with their demographic time bombs - a flood of illegal immigrants is the way of it. Mass murder photos rather better.
Israeli Media Explained by an Israeli Journalist
The Israeli media too frequently serves to shield the government legal system from public scrutiny and criticism, either by withholding crucial information from the public or by delegitimizing all criticism of the legal system as an attack on the rule of law..... a blanket of silence has fallen over these investigations in the other major papers and broadcast media......The entire affair raises questions about those charged with upholding the rule of law, including Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein, State Attorney Edna Arbel, and Justice Dorit Beinisch, as well as those who most vociferously wave the banner of the rule of law, like Interior Minister Avraham Poraz...... The failure of the mainstream media to raise these questions makes one wonder whether we are living in a banana republic where connections to those in high places render one a citizen above suspicion.
This article predates the appointment of an honest Attorney General who is dealing with major political corruption.
Israeli Nukes
They are making a major fuss about Iran and its non-existent nuclear plants. It was the same with Iraq and their non-existent WMDs. Israeli nukes are just so that they can conquer the world. How did they get them? By fraud, espionage and thieving of course.
Israeli Organ Harvesting
BodySnatchers'R'Us. Stealing a body to steal hearts for transplants is unethical. Doing it before the body is dead qualifies as murder too.
Israeli Organjackers
This concentrates on their operations in Haiti when a major earthquake supplied a large number of fresh bodies.
Israeli Politicians Explain Their Policy
It is based on murderous arrogance, greed and viciousness. They have nothing to learn from Adolf, Joe, Mao or Pot.
Israeli Pullout
They are shutting a few of their illegal settlements. It is a tactical withdrawal to tidy up their borders and a strategic propaganda operation. They are taking other land to compensate.
Israeli Refugees
Israel is an earthly Paradise for Jews. That was the objective but there are Jews that want out so it hasn't worked. The don't get the publicity from the main stream media but then it is controlled by Zionists.
Israeli Secret Agents Liquidate 310 Iraqi Scientists
I wouldn't have thought they had that many. Such is life. Such is death. Such is the reality of politics in the Middle East. It is one reason why Iraq couldn't have had any WMDs and the Israelis knew it but they made Americans invade just the same.
Israeli Self Deception
Israelis believe their own propaganda. So do others. This is bad news. Doctor Makow, a Jew explains.
Israeli Spying - The Mother of all Scandals
.... for years, the FBI has suspected AIPAC of spying for a foreign country, and for those two years (and for decades ..." Once again, Israel has been caught with spies at the highest levels of the US Government.
Given that Israelis run the White House they hardly need to bother.
Israelis in Iraq
Why not? They are everywhere else exerting their malign influence. It is no different there.
Israel's Crimes against Palestinians
Bandit state murders Palestinians deliberately, systematically with malice aforethought. Nazis were nicer people.
Jew Only Roads
Boers are a nasty lot according to Jews but Boers never tried white only roads. That is the trick the Jews worked out for themselves as part of their Ethnic Cleansing operations in Palestine, the Stolen Land they call Israel. Apartheid is illegal - until Jews try it on.
Jews Losing Interest In Israel
Why bother with the place? It was only a refuge for criminals on the run. Living in America is much better. There are more mug punters to rob. Israel is full of cunning rogues.
Killing for Fun in Israel
When a man is bored killing a child relieves the monotony. Then he watches the mother as she weeps. What a laugh. God's Chosen People are a Light Unto Nations.
King Abdullah I on Zionism
King Abdullah ruled Jordan and had Jews as neighbours during a turbulent period. He explains that the Jewish claim to Palestine is wrong. He reads as an honest man who knows what he is talking about.
The Media And Israel
Israel is cast as a victim of the media. Sounds very odd to me. But the source is a good reporter, someone I believe. You have no obligation to agree. Read for yourself. See what you think.
Message to Jews - Get out of Israel [ 26 April 2007 ]
Idan Ben-Barak, who lives in Australia, tells fellow Israelis it's time to leave Jewish State.... For 60 years now we've been so scared of the Arabs – actually, why 60, 100 at least – that it's the only thing we see. All the rest is marginal. Corruption? Road accidents? Pollution? Poverty? Who cares about this nonsense?... And meanwhile, the country is crumbling in our fingers. Slowly but surely... There's no minister who isn't facing a police investigation. Every police chief comes with a scandal and every IDF chief of staff is a failure..... We tried to build a country that would be a safe place for the Jewish people and that will allow us to live there in peace. It didn't work out. It turns out we can't have it all. Perhaps it's something about the Jewish character, or perhaps it's the fact that we got stuck in the Middle East of all places, and maybe it's just bad luck.
Jews went to Palestine because they were hated. Then they got themselves hated all over again. It is easy when they kill and rape and destroy.
Palestine - Information with Provenance
This is an operation in Cork University in the south of Ireland. Giving information with sources makes it easier to asses their accuracy.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
They are anti-Zionist propaganda and quite likely a forgery. But they are an accurate summary of Jewish evil none the less.
Neturei Karta
Is a little group of Jews who object to the founding of Israel. Herewith are some pros and cons.
The Sins of Israel
Test your knowledge of Israel.
Slavery In Israel
Slavery is illegal in Israel and all over. Do they care? Let's not be naive.
The State and Local Bases of Zionist Power in America
Jews control America. It is that simple. They run it for the benefit of that shitty little country called Israel. At least that is what they think. They are wrong, paranoid, vicious, greedy and WRONG.
Why Jews Annexed East Jerusalem
The office of Interior Minister Haim-Moshe Shapira was crammed to bursting. A buzz of emotion rose from the officials, public figures, and politicians who packed the room. Teddy Kollek, Jerusalem, was one of the few who kept his cool. As Shapira (National Religious Party), his voice trembling, read out the laconic declaration that applied Israeli law, jurisdiction, and administration to the municipal area of Jerusalem (without explicitly naming the city), soft sounds of sobbing filled the room. Those present felt that they were witnessing a historical event in which Israel’s hold in East Jerusalem was being carved in stone for all time. The date was June 28, 1967 – three weeks after the Israel Defense Forces had captured the Old City and its environs, and after the government’s decision to annex the conquered territory to Israel...........I knew nothing about any of this in the interior minister’s office that day. It was not until five years later that I became aware of the covert aspect of the discussions about the conquest and unification of the city when I researched the decision-making process concerning Jerusalem for my book “Jerusalem: City Without a Wall” (1973; Hebrew)............
In other words, the dramatic, critical act of unifying Jerusalem, which for 50 years has constituted an impassable barrier to every attempt to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was not a result of strategic planning and was not carried out in pursuit of an existential national need, calculated long-term interests or even a vital security constraint. No. Jerusalem was unified in the wake of a storm of emotions, not to say a tempest of caprices, that took hold of a small number of decision-makers in the government and the IDF, and drove them to transform radically the situation in the Middle East.
They could so they did. QED.
ZOG or Zionist Occupation Government
Governments do get taken over. There are shadowy groups in the background and they tend to use the same synagogues.
Israel Will Fall In 20 Years Says CIA [ 5 May 2010 ]
The CIA report predicts "an inexorable movement away from a two-state to a one-state solution, as the most viable model based on democratic principles of full equality that sheds the looming spectre of colonial Apartheid while allowing for the return of the 1947/1948 and 1967 refugees. The latter being the precondition for sustainable peace in the region." The study, which has been made available only to a certain number of individuals, further forecasts the return of all Palestinian refugees to the occupied territories, and the exodus of two million Israeli - who would move to the US in the next fifteen years.
"There is over 500,000 Israelis with American passports and more than 300,000 living in the area of just California," International lawyer Franklin Lamb said in an interview with Press TV on Friday, adding that those who do not have American or western passport, have already applied for them.
Jews buying passports, rats deserting sinking ships. The parallels are there. The USSR was big vicious, dangerous then suddenly gone. When bribing American politicians gets too expensive Israel is finished.
Israel Stole $2 Billion From Palestinians [ 5 February 2010 ]
Jerusalem // Over the past four decades Israel has defrauded Palestinians working inside Israel of more than US$2 billion (Dh7.4bn) by deducting from their salaries contributions for welfare benefits to which they were never entitled, Israeli economists revealed this week. A new report, “State Robbery” [ 'State siphoned off Palestinian workers' insurance money' ], says the “theft” continued even after the Palestinian Authority was established in 1994 and part of the money was supposed to be transferred to a special fund on behalf of the workers. According to information supplied by Israeli officials, most of the deductions from the workers’ pay were invested in infrastructure projects in the Palestinian territories – a presumed reference to the massive state subsidies accorded to the settlements..........Complicit in the deception, the report adds, is the Histadrut, the Israeli labour federation, which levies a monthly fee on Palestinian workers, even though they are not entitled to membership and are not represented in labour disputes........ According to the report, compiled by two human rights groups, the Alternative Information Centre and Kav La’Oved, only a fraction of the total contributions – less than eight per cent – was used to award benefits to Palestinian workers. The rest was secretly transferred to the finance ministry...........
In one especially cynical use of the funds, the report notes, the money was spent on portable stoves for soldiers involved in Israel’s three-week attack on Gaza [ the Gaza Massacre ] last year.
There are Jews that tell the truth. Thin on the ground they may be but it is a nice change when they surface. Crime is alleged. Charges can be brought. Judges can be bought if they are Jews but it is worth doing even it only proves that Israel is run by thieves.
Jew Buying American Election For Israeli Prime Minister [ 1 April 2014 ]
Sheldon Adelson, a very rich Jew wants to choose a Republican as the next President of America. This will make a change, from a very rich Jew, Penny Pritzker choosing, Obama a foreigner as an illegal President.
PS When they ran Obama for President first time the other lot ran McCain, who was also born in foreign parts. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Leading Rabbi Says It Is Kosher To Cheat In Exams [ 1 April 2014 ]
This rogue is in the running to be a chief rabbi. His father, Ovadia Yosef was a malicious, senile, Racist old fool with all the charm of a bad tempered rattlesnake. He has turned out a son who is another sincere Zionist crazy.
PS He is not a solitary lunatic; he is at the forefront of the Zionist main stream in Israel.
Brooklyn DA Allows Jews To Intimidate Witnesses [ 1 April 2014 ]
It is only Sodomy perpetrated by a Paedophile pervert. It is normal among Jews with silly hats.
Rabbi Suspended During Investigation As Paedophile Pervert & Rapist [ 1 April 2014 ]
He did it in a synagogue, which makes it blasphemy as well as sodomy. He has never been caught before but he did try to Pervert The Course Of Justice for another pervert, David Kramer who is now convicted
Prime Minister Of Israel Gets Six Years For Taking Bribes [ 12 May 2014 ]
Olmert beat several previous criminal investigations using the statute of limitations and a crooked attorney general. Now he gets to join the President of Israel who is doing seven years for rape & the minister of health, Shlomo Benizri, a Racist rabbi doing four years for thieving & slaving.
Jews Claim Israel As A Jewish State [ 1 December 2014 ]
Zionist crazies have stopped pretending that Israel is democratic. It isn't. It never was. It was never intended to be. Palestinians are openly relegated to second class citizens. Jews know they can do it. Jews know they will get away with it - for a time.
Israeli Politician Is A Psychopath [ 25 January 2015 ]
Psychiatrists have discarded the word psychopath for some reason. But they [ psychos rather than psychologists ]:-
Lack emotional intelligence.
Disregard accepted values.
Are compulsively suspicious.
Shirk responsibility for murder
Lie repeated.
Which politician can Haaretz possibly mean? The lot? Perish the thought. Netanyahu or Lieberman? Just how many murders does it take to qualify? That puts Blair in the running.
Nepal Earthquake Caused By Sexual Immorality And Fake Conversions – In Israel, Top Haredi Rabbi Says [ 4 May 2015 ]
The headline is verbatim. There are Jews who believe this drivel.
Jews Attack Gaza Flotilla [ 29 June 2015 ]
Contact has been lost with the Swedish boat Marianne, which had been leading the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla, after other boats turned back. The IDF announced that they intercepted and searched the vessel which had tried to "breach the maritime blockade."
Jews claim that they didn't murder anyone this time. They got nine [ 9 ] kills when they attacked the Gaza Flotilla in 2010. Various Zionist Occupation Governments [ ZOGs ] objected to Freedom Flotilla. Piracy on the High Seas all right when Jews are at it.
Jews Versus Palestinians - Jews Kill 1881 - Palestinians Get 67 [ 29 June 2015 ]
Jews get given lots of high tech American rockets, bombs, aircraft et cetera; all for free. The victims have their pathetic little home made rockets. They have the courage of despair, of the victims without recourse to justice or fair play.
Jews Refuse To Take In Any Syrian Refugees [ 7 September 2015 ]
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rejected a call by Israel’s opposition leader to provide refuge to Syrian refugees, saying the country is too small to take them in.Images in recent days of thousands of refugees herded on and off trains in Europe as they sought a safe haven from Middle East conflict struck a chord in Israel, a state created three years after the Nazi Holocaust® which [ allegedly ] killed six million Jews [ They then made more than $63 Billion tax free out of it ].
Though there have been no international calls on Israel to open its borders to Syrians, Herzog said Netanyahu had a moral duty to accept refugees........
At the cabinet session, Netanyahu coupled his remarks on Syrian refugees by saying that Israel must further secure its borders against African migrants and Islamist militants.
He announced the start of construction of a new 30-km (18-mile) stretch of fence along the frontier with Jordan, which signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994.
Israel is run by Zionist crazies, by Racists who hate Palestinians. Their prime objective is Ethnic Cleansing followed by Genocide. What are the Main Stream Media saying about Netanyahu's contemptuous indifference to refugees? Very little; the Cyprus Mail is the honourable exception to what would have been a total news black out.
PS A Jew tells us that Netanyahu is a non-stop liar according to , the Jew Sarkozy & Obama - see Fed Up With Netanyahu
PPS To be fair about Netanyahu, he is an evil thug but he is not betraying his own. This makes him different from Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron & Obama.
Marxist Jews In Israel Expose Their Racism [ 24 September 2015 ]
There is much speculation about whether [ the Israeli ] opposition leader Isaac Herzog, head of the Zionist Union party, can be enticed into Netanyahu‘s government and encourage it towards peace. But a deeper truth about the Israeli left was exposed this month by the introduction of a draconian terrorism bill.The measure, called “wildly authoritarian” by one Israeli analyst, lets the government define any group it dislikes, including civil ones, as a terrorist organisation. Offering non-material support, such as a “like” on Facebook, could land you three years in jail. “Abetting terror”, even unwittingly – say, by selling a car to someone who later carries out an attack – can earn you 30 years.
It is no surprise that Netanyahu and his right-wing partners rallied behind the legislation. But so too did the supposedly centre-left Zionist Union....................
In fact, Netanyahu may be doing Palestinians a favour by making the state’s Racist foundations and its occupation policies far more visible.
The fact that Israel, the Stolen Land is run by the murderous thugs who carried out Gaza Massacre, Gaza Massacre II & Gaza Massacre III among others makes the same point rather well.
Chief Rabbi Of Israel Wants More Apartheid, & More Racism [ 8 April 2016 ]
Israel’s Nazi Nuremberg Law-based Citizenship Definition not Strict Enough, says its Chief RabbiIsrael’s Nazi Nuremberg Laws-based citizenship rules are not strict enough to preserve Jewish racial purity and more needs to be done to prevent non-Jews from marrying Jews, that country’s chief rabbi has declared.
Interviewed by the Israeli newspaper Ynetnews, Israel’s Chief Rabbi David Lau—the single most powerful and influential Jewish religious leader in the world—said that his nation’s “Law of Return” was letting too many non-Jews into the country.
Chief Rabbi of Israel, David Lau: ‘Stop non-Jews entering Israel.’
The “Law of Return”—which allows persons with Jewish heritage three generations back to immigrate to Israel—is, according to the Ynetnews, specifically based on the Nazi Nuremberg Laws which defined who was a Jew—and which are, ironically, paraded by the Jewish Supremacist-dominated media as the ‘apex of evil.’The article, titled “Chief rabbi: Stop allowing non-Jews to make Aliyah” (Aliyah is the Hebrew word for Jewish immigration to Israel), quoted Chief Rabbi Lau in connection with a discussion of a recent study in Israel which revealed that people who are not defined as Jews in terms of Halacha (Jewish religious law) were getting in to Israel by exploiting the weak definitions of who is a Jew as contained in the Law of Return.
According to the article, some “nine million people from around the world are eligible for Israeli citizenship despite the fact they are not Jewish according to religious law.”........
“Israel can decide to be the third world’s welfare state, but as long as that decision has not been taken—it needs to stop allowing non-Jews to make Aliyah,” Rabbi Lau said.......
The definition is similar to the one laid out by the Nazi's Nuremberg Laws, and is thus understood to be Israel’s response to the threat posed to Jews by anti-Semitism based on racial—as opposed to religious—criteria.
In other words, according to Israel’s Chief Rabbi, the Nazi definition of who is a Jew—as spelled out in the Nuremberg laws—is not strict enough, and more needs to be done to stop non-Jews coming to the Zionist state...........At the same time, all the Jewish organizations demand that America and other nations have “open borders” policies–while insisting that Israel’s immigration policies be restricted on racial–Jewish–grounds.
Jews are grossly Racist, especially the Zionist crazies. They are also Paranoid homicidal maniacs. Jews hated Apartheid when it was used in South Africa but do it even more in Israel, the Land They Stole.Racism is a Marxist construct
Andrew Brons
NB The interviewer, Peter Levy is a Jew.
Israel Is A Sex Predator Haven
Israel has a long, deplorable record of allowing Orthodox individuals wanted for child sex crimes from around the world flee justice, enter the country and obtain citizenship. Avrohom Mondrowitz, Yona Weinberg, Gershon Kranczer and his son, Asher Kranczer, have all fled arrest in the U.S. and entered Israel, where they currently reside. Malka Leifer fled arrest in Australia and has lived in Israel for 7 years. Israel has not extradited any of them even though Israel has an extradition treaty with both the U.S. and Australia.
Israel is fundamentally about protecting Jews from justice.
PS It seems that 17% of Jews' children in Israel have been abused by Paedophiles. Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg settles for over 50% - see Jews Rape Children In Bathhouses
Jew On The Run From 74 Paedophile Perversion Charges Pleads Lunacy Malka Leifer has been "released into the community". The community is not amused. It gives her the chance to abuse more girls but this time in Israel. The whole point of the Stolen Land is to protect God's Chosen People from justice. She is safe until some psychiatrist is found who will allege that she is not a madwoman. Any lie that serves. Australia believes she had the active assistance of local Jews in Perverting The Course Of Justice.
Israeli Propaganda Machine Lies Blatantly To Promote Ethnic Cleansing In The Stolen Land [ 24 October 2016 ]
It was presumably intended as an Israeli history lesson to the world. A video posted to social media by Israel’s foreign ministry shows an everyday Jewish couple, Jacob and Rachel, in a home named the “Land of Israel”. A series of knocks on the door brings 3,000 years of interruptions to their happiness. First it’s the Assyrians, followed by the Babylonians, Hellenists, Arabs, Romans, Crusaders, Mamluks, and Ottomans – all straight out of Monty Python central casting.Jacob and Rachel are forced by the warring factions to relocate to ever smaller parts of their home until finally they have to pitch a tent in the garden. Their fortunes change only with the arrival of a servant of the British Empire, who returns the title deeds. A final knock disturbs their celebrations. On the doorstep are a penniless Palestinian couple, craning their necks to see what goodies await them inside.
The chauvinism in portraying Jacob and Rachel as the only normal folk, stoically enduring barbarians butchering each other in their living room, is ugly enough. But it is harder still to take seriously an account in which the Palestinians suddenly appear out of nowhere in 1948, as Britain departs.
A mile from my home in Nazareth are the ruins of Saffuriya, a centuries-old Palestinian town until the Israeli army expelled the inhabitants in 1948 and blew up their homes. More than 500 villages were similarly razed.
In places where buildings were left untouched, it is Jews – not Palestinians – who squat in someone else’s home. But the falsification runs deeper.
Jonathan Cook, a decent English journalist tells us that Zionist crazies are vicious hooligans lying in their teeth. This does not prove that their very profitable Holocaust® Story is a pack of lies but it is suggestive. Jews used that one to defraud Germans to the tune of €63.2 Billion and still rising. It was all tax free, most of it was stolen.
Corruption Thriving In Israel [ 22 November 2016 ]
Miki Ganor, the Israeli representative of the German company selling submarines to Israel, received some 10-30 million Euros (41-123 million shekels) for brokering the deal, according to Germany’s Handelsblatt newspaper, which previously reported on corruption at the firm, ThyssenKrupp.
That kind of money paid as an introduction commission or whatever is grossly excessive before you go any further. There is plenty more dirt. See e.g. Navy reportedly sought to give lucrative maintenance work to German sub supplier. These are three more nuclear submarines, which will carry Popeye Turbo Cruise Missiles with nuclear warheads and a range of 900 miles. Each boat can carry 4 missiles loaded, ready to go with another six in reserve. More on this at Israeli Nuclear Attack Capability & Jews' Nuclear First Strike Capability Why is Merkel letting them have them? Because she is a Traitor, an enemy of Western Civilization.
Israel Builds A Fence Against "Wild Beasts" [ 8 December 2016 ]
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced his intention to “surround all of Israel with a fence” to protect the Jewish state from Arab “wild beasts,”—while at the same time providing cash and personnel to support the invasion of Europe by Arabs.
Netanyahu is a non-stop liar, Racist & War Criminal.
Truck Driver Kills Four Jews In Jerusalem [ 9 January 2017 ]
So they killed him; he knew they would. He had the courage of despair. He knew the ugly truth; that Jews are worse than Nazis. Jews robbed him and his; they took Palestine, the Stolen Land that they call Israel.
Jews Annexing More Land In 'Israel' [ 23 January 2017 ]
Without fanfare, Palestinian arch-rivals Fatah and Hamas announced last week that they intended to set aside years of power struggles to begin in earnest the process of forming a unity government...................Israel has lost no time in preparing for the future, one in which peace talks and a two-state solution look obsolete. The new order is being crafted at Amona, a small settlement the courts have ruled is in violation of Israel’s own laws because it is built on privately owned Palestinian land. All settlements are illegal according to international law.........
Separately, ministers are rallying behind legislation to annex Ma’ale Adumim, a large settlement east of Jerusalem in a strategically vital location in the West Bank. If approved, this would be Israel’s first formal annexation of territory since the Golan 35 years.
Zionist crazies are cunning, corrupt, vicious & determined Racists, thieves, slave traders etc.
Israeli Police “Israel World Center for Online Fraud” [ 6 March 2017 ]
At least 27 Israelis—and possibly as many as 39 Jews worldwide—have been arrested as part of a global swoop against online fraud—with the official Israeli police statement acknowledging that the Jewish ethnostate is the world’s “center that exports this kind of fraud.”
According to a report in the Jerusalem-based Times of Israel, titled “As Israel-based financial fraud soars, police swoop on 20 suspects as part of global, FBI-led sting,” the arrested crooks are “doing unprecedented damage to the reputation of Israel.”............According to the report, the 20 arrested Jews impersonated top executives of firms in Poland, Finland, India, France, and the United States, tricking lower-level staff into transferring them huge sums of company money.........
The Times of Israel admitted that the Jewish state is the center of the “binary options” fraud—and that Israeli Police have made no arrests in connection to binary options and forex fraud.
More Jews, more thieves.
Israeli Judges Score Hat Trick [ 13 March 2017 ]
They put the President Of Israel in prison - Rape
They put the Prime Minister Of Israel in prison - Thief
They put the Chief Rabbi Of Israel in prison - Thief
This means some Jews will play straight.
Chief Rabbi Of Israel Gets Four Years For Thieving [ 13 March 2017 ]
An Israeli court has rejected a plea bargain with former chief rabbi Yona Metzger, handing down a harsher sentence of four-and-a-half years in prison on an array of charges ranging from fraud and money laundering to bribery. On Thursday, Jerusalem District Court Judge Moshe Yo’ad Hacohen dismissed the prosecution’s plea deal under which 63-year-old Metzger was expected to serve three-and-a-half years in prison, and added a year to the sentence. ............Under the deal, Metzger was convicted of accepting five million Israeli shekels ($1.3 million) in bribes, down from 10 million in the original indictment, while other charges – including fraud, breach of trust, and money laundering – were to be dropped.
In March 2016, Metzger was accused of accepting some 10 million shekels ($2.6 million) in bribes, and keeping about seven million shekels ($1.8 million) of it for himself.
Head Jew, head thief, head liar. Recall what Monica Lewinsky, another Jew told her little mate; I was brought up with lies all the time . . . that's how you got along. . . . I have lied my entire life.
Israel Refuses To Extradite Blackmailing Jew [ 13 May 2017 ]
Israel has formally denied an extradition request made by the U.S. government for the Jew arrested for making thousands of bomb threats to Jewish Community Centers in America.According to a report by Israel’s Channel 2 TV service, that country’s State Attorney’s Office told the U.S. Justice Department that although the 18-year-old is suspected of committing crimes in 10 countries, he will be tried in Israel. “Despite the refusal, there has been no rupture between the U.S. and Israeli justice ministries,” Channel 2 went on to boast.
Trust a snake before a Jew. The [ alleged ] perpetrator is Michael Ron David Kadar. What is slightly to his credit is that he was robbing Jews, not honest people.
Israeli Schools Show Children How To Murder Palestinians [ 16 May 2017 ]
A display of Israeli-style community policing before an audience of hundreds of young schoolchildren was captured on video last week. Were the 10-year-olds offered road safety tips, advice on what to do if they got lost, or how to report someone suspicion hanging around the school?No. In Israel, they do things differently. The video shows four officers staging a mock anti-terror operation in a park close to Tel Aviv. The team roar in on motorbikes, firing their rifles at the “terrorist”.
As he lies badly wounded, the officers empty their magazines into him from close range. In Israel it is known as “confirming the kill”. Everywhere else it is called an extrajudicial execution or murder. The children can be heard clapping.
Zionist crazies are Psychopaths. Their children thought it was fun. What next? Torture lessons perhaps? NB The Israeli armed forces allege that they employ Purity of Arms. The ugly reality is that Jews Murder Children For The Fun Of It.
Israel's Moral Depravity Is Paying Off [ 17 August 2017 ]
Sharett, a political moderate, warned against the brutality, militarism and cult of power that dominated Ben-Gurionist Israel as early as the country’s first decade of existence.............Sharett warned that the mass killing would make the world see Israel as a state “lusting for blood.” In later years, he also cautioned against warmongering against Egypt by Ben-Gurion and by Moshe Dayan when he was chief of staff. In Sharett’s view – as foreign minister at the time – a preventive war would “necessarily set the world against us.” But he was forced out of office by Ben-Gurion, in June, 1956, and within a few months war broke out...................... History proves that, in terms of utilitarianism, power pays off.............
All this is particularly relevant today, in the era of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. His speech last week about the left and media waging an “obsessive witch hunt” against him and his family was replete with countless falsehoods. However, on one matter he spoke the truth: The predictions of a “political tsunami” and of Israel’s ostracization have truly been refuted. “What tsunami? What isolation? What nonsense. The State of Israel is in an unprecedented political boom,” Netanyahu said. One must admit that he’s right..........
Netanyahu's type of diplomacy is totally different from the peace politics of Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, which led to the opening of Israeli embassies in an array of countries in the 1990s. Netanyahu’s diplomatic approach can be seen as one that is forging an “alliance of the miscreants,” or, alternately, an axis of evil.
Indeed, the prime minister has brought Israeli policy to a moral nadir. The country not only continues to dispossess Palestinians and to abuse them. It also shamelessly bypasses international limitations on the use of such unusually cruel weapons as cluster bombs. It is heightening its reliance on arms sales, sometimes via dubious transactions, and on open cooperation with some of the most benighted forces in the world – from the far right in Europe to Indian nationalists and the Al-Nusra Front in Syria...........The problem is that Israel’s moral standards are increasingly deteriorating. [ Did it ever have any? - Editor ]
Some newspapers tell some of the truth some of the time. Ha'aretz is right. Netanyahu is evil.
Chief Rabbi Tells Jews To go To Israel [ 20 August 2017 ]
Barcelona's chief rabbi has urged Jews to move to Israel after warning that Europe has been 'lost' because of the threat from radical Islam................ ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Barcelona outrage and another attack in Cambrils yesterday, which resulted in one person dying and seven people being injured after five men wearing fake suicide belts drove an Audi A3 into crowds on the seafront.Western Europe has been a regular target for jihadists over the last few years. And Barcelona's chief rabbi Meir Bar-Hen told his congregation to move to Israel to flee terror.
The Jew didn't tell his customers that Jews Want Third World Immigration into Europe in order to destroy it & Western Civilization but the Mail's readers are getting the idea. See e.g.
For every te.rro.rist killed, 5 replace him because our governments welcoming illegal entry into Europe. It seems illegal imm.igrant.s welfare is more important than our safety.
The odd spelling is to beat the Mail's censors. The Mail is part of the problem, not the solution.
Israeli News According To Haaretz [ 11 January 2018 ]
Iranian intelligence operating in West Bank, Israel's Shin Bet says
Iran Spends Billions on Proxy Wars Throughout the Mideast. Here's Where Its Money Is Going
How Much Funding Does the U.S. Give Palestinians? much less that it gives Israel
I, an Israeli citizen, joined ISIS and lived to tell the tale
Report: U.S. gives Israel green light to assassinate Iranian General Soleimani
What Israeli Intel really thinks about the Iran protests
Shin Bet warns Israeli ministers: Death penalty for terrorists will lead to kidnappings of Jews worldwide
Israel insists it doesn't discriminate against converts of color, but these examples prove otherwise
Ahed Tamimi, Palestinian teen who slapped Israeli soldier in video, charged with assault
Haaretz was a relatively civilised voice in Palestine, the Stolen Land that thieves call Israel. You might wonder if there is any connection between Main Stream Media and the truth.
Israeli Police Protect Thieving Jews & Allow Them To Rob Foreigners [ 21 January 2018 ]
Agents from America’s Federal Bureau for Investigation (FBI) have been forced to fly to Israel to launch their own investigations against the Jewish online “binary options” fraud after Israeli police have failed to investigate or arrest a single fraudster, the Times of Israel has admitted. In an article titled “Amid police inaction on binary options fraud, FBI pursues suspects in Israel,” the Times of Israel said that FBI agents had come to Israel to interrogate Israeli binary options platform provider SpotOption, and options company owner Yossi Herzog............The “binary options” swindle—whereby online users are tricked into making “investments” through the use of aggressive telesales teams into a fraudulent currency projection system—which is rigged to take their money—was legal in Israel for decades—but only if used on victims outside of the Jewish state.
In other words, Israeli law made it illegal to sell “binary options” to Jews in Israel, but legal to sell to non-Jews outside of Israel.
The swindle—which took billions worldwide and left thousands of gentiles facing disaster, was only stopped after it was realized inside Israel that the practice was “causing anti-Semitism,” as one of the major proponents of its outlawing said at the time................
Nimrod Assif, an Israeli lawyer who represents victims of binary options and forex fraud, said that he views the FBI’s intervention here as “a direct result of Israel’s failure to enforce the law.”
Meanwhile, the British Financial Conduct Authority on January 12 published a list of 94 companies offering binary options to UK investors without authorization. Almost all the companies on the list operated from Israel.
Among the web sites on the UK list are and
Scratch a Jew, find a thief. Notice that they know their thieving causes Anti-Semitism. So do Organjacking, the Gaza Massacres & other kinds of evil.
Israel Is A Haven For Corrupt Jews On The Run From Justice [ 20 February 2018 ]
The Torah calls on us to be a “light unto the nations.” But Israel is an escape destination for diaspora molesters. They come from the US, the UK, Holland, and Australia. They come on last minute flights as cops are closing in. They come on visitor visas and they come as planned olim under the Law of Return. Most of them get the welcome mat.Mighty Israel can defeat neighbors. Stealthy Israel can assassinate enemies. Brainy Israel can desalinate oceans. Avenging Israel can bring Nazis to justice. But when faced with the justice cries of molested Jewish children, Shimshon Hagibor (Samson the mighty) turns into Shimshon the Nebbish, a hapless, bureaucratically obtuse gaggle of keystone cops.
Israel is a Light Unto Nations inhabited by God's Chosen People, isn't it? Hint: NO!
Israel Needs The West Now More Than Ever [ 21 April 2018 ]
The President of Israel whines about its problems. The Quislinggraph spreads it out for him. The fact is that the Jews treat the people of Palestine, the Stolen Land much like the Nazis; they are bullies, liars thieves, torturers & murderers. Reuven Rivlin claims that
For nearly three-quarters of a century, this nation, Israel, has held high the torch of freedom and equality in a difficult region. In Israel, we remain committed unequivocally to defending our people: defending their safety and security, as well as freedom and equality. Our commitment to the values of free speech, diversity of opinions, and freedom of religion is the cornerstone of Israel as a Jewish and as a democratic state – Jewish and democratic in one utterance and without any contradiction.
Rivlin is an unscrupulous rogue lying in his teeth. There are better sources, trustworthy sources. One such is the New Observer On Line or try Gilad Atzmon, an honest Jew. BTW see the next one.
Fun Fact 1. Rivlin is the President of Israel because the previous one got seven years for rape and perjury.
Fun Fact 2. The previous prime minister of Israel got six years for thieving.
Fun Fact 3. The previous Chief Rabbi Of Israel got four years for thieving.
Was naughty little Adolf wrong about them?
Israeli Minister Dubs African Migrants 'Sanitary Nuisance,' Calls For Death Sentence For Fake News [ 21 April 2018 ]
Jews are such wonderful, caring, tolerant people - according to their president, a liar called Rivlin.
Rivlin's Henchmen Threaten To Murder More Arabs [ 21 April 2018 ]
Rivlin is a smarmy rogue, a liar without a conscience. Jews have murdered 38 Palestinians in the current series of protests.
Keeping Trump and Netanyahu Out of Jail - Israel Plans Sneak Attack on Syria with Trump, Russia Betrayed [ 14 March 2018 ]
Trump just fired Secretary of State Tillerson in order to push this forward. Tillerson has been warned to stay silent or be murdered.In the run-up to the planned attack, two Russian planes were downed, one in Syria, one in Russia, part of a plan to influence the Russian elections. Trump has been told Russia won’t respond because of the upcoming election.
The plan is to take place in the next 36 hours, beginning with a massive missile attack on Damascus and US and Israeli air strikes to decapitate Syria and kill President Assad. The propaganda war against Syria, hyped to the max over the last few days, is the “set up.”
OK, Netanyahu wants to stay out of prison. This can be a problem for the guilty. The Deep State wants Donald Trump in prison too but it found nothing after months of investigations, lies, corruption and Perjury. Now Don's enemies are on the run. This story has a virtue; it is making a definite claim. If this alleged attack does not take place before Friday 16th we will know the whole story is nonsense. You might think that Veterans Today is written by patriots for men who served. My money would go on them being wrong.
Israel Becomes Jew Only State [ 7 May 2018 ]
The Israeli parliament has passed the first reading of the “Jewish State Bill”—which will legally define Israel as a Jews-only state, states that only Jews have the “unique right to self-determination,” and legalizes the establishment of “new communities solely for Jews.”In particular, the bill states that every individual has the right “to preserve his or her culture, heritage, language and identity,” but that the right to realize self-determination “is unique to the Jewish people.”
Jews grant themselves superior rights in Palestine, the Stolen Land but object loudly to people in Western Civilization having equal rights. The Zionist crazies, the Puppet Masters use corrupt politicians & Useful Idiots to flood us with Third World parasites & give them superior rights.
Chief Rabbi Of Israel Says Blacks Are Sub-Humans, Monkeys And Niggers [ 30 June 2019 ]
Israel’s Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef has announced that black people are “sub-humans, monkeys, and nig*ers,” and that secular Israeli courts “are worse than Gentile courts”—an outpouring of anti-Gentile hatred from Judaism’s highest authority which will be blacked out by the Jewish lobby controlled Western media.News of Chief Rabbi Yosef’s latest pronouncements was carried in the Hebrew edition of Israel’s Ynet News, and was partially copied over in English in the Jerusalem-based Times of Israel—the latter, of course, leaving out much of what was said, and in particular the reference to “sub-human nig*ers.”.......
In the footage of the sermon—which is a weekly event—broadcast on the Ynet service, Chief Rabbi Yosef can be heard saying in Hebrew:
“You walk in the street in America, every five minutes you’ll see a Negro, bless him ‘sub-human,’ but he has to be a Negro whose father and mother are white. If you know, they had a son of a monkey,” Rabbi Yosef said, before going on to point out that “not all Kushi (ni**ers) are blessed.”
Yosef is grossly Racist but then so are lots of Jews. His father, Ovadia Yosef, also a Chief Rabbi was grossly racist too. Half a million Jews went to his funeral. Racism is major government policy in Palestine, the Stolen Land that Zionist crazies call Israel.NB socialist Propaganda machines like the BBC have no compunction about using blasphemy or obscenity but market the idea that we are not allowed to say words like Nigger. But they are keen on inciting anti-English racism and White Guilt. It is Subversion & Treason.
Jews Blocking 120 Thousand Refugees From Syria [ 30 June 2019 ]
Israel is rushing to secure its northeastern border after the latest onslaught from Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad drove 120,000 people to flee their homes. A war monitoring group said today that most of the refugees are heading towards the border with Jordan and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.A senior Israeli minister said refugees gathering at the Golan frontier must be prevented from crossing into Israel. Jordan, already hosting some 650,000 Syrian refugees, also says its border will remain closed to more refugees...................
'I think we must prevent the entry of refugees from Syria to Israel; in the past we have prevented such cases,' Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz, a senior minister, told Tel Aviv Radio 102FM in an interview............ The Syrian war has already displaced 6 million people inside Syria and driven 5.5 million abroad as refugees.
Jews want war against Arabs. Jews get war but they use foreigners to do their dirty work for them. The Puppet Masters, the Zionist crazies are manipulating all and sundry. Adolf was right about them.
Racist Jews Make Israel A Jew Only State [ 19 July 2018 ]
Israel’s parliament has passed a divisive law declaring that only Jews have the right to “national self-determination” in Israel, prompting angry accusations from Arab citizens that the government is formally codifying racism The law, known as the nation state bill, passed by a narrow 62-55 margin early on Thursday morning after hours of fractious debate between MPs in the chamber of the Knesset.While Israel is known around the world as the only Jewish state, its own laws have never formally classified it as a state for Jews. The nation state bill describes Israel for the first time as “the national home of the Jewish people”.
“The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people,” The law downgrades Arabic so it is no longer an official language of Israel and declares that Jerusalem “complete and united” is the country’s capital............
The bill was significantly watered down from earlier versions and several of its most controversial provisions were changed. One clause would have allowed Jewish towns to refuse to allow Arabs or Muslims to live in them. In practice, segregation of housing is widespread in Israel but it has never been codified in law.
So Donald Trump moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, Jews murdered dozens and maimed thousands. Now they are doing what they wanted to do all along because they have got the nod from Don. Now Palestine, the Stolen Land that thieves call Israel is formally claiming that it is Racist. It always was of course. Notice that the Telegraph does not admit that Jews are racist. The agenda comes first. Truth is a bad second. Nor does it mention similarities to Nazis or Adolf Hitler.
PS The Mail is skirting round the truth and censoring comments.
Israel's Deputy Health Minister Perverted The Course Of Justice - Allegedly [ 26 February 2019 ]
Israel's Deputy Health Minister is being investigated over allegations he attempted to obtain false medical papers to prevent the extradition to Australia of an accused paedophile............"He should take an immediate leave of absence," deputy mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum told the ABC. "It's the end of the government — there are elections in April. He should allow due process to proceed." Ms Leifer is a former principal of an orthodox Jewish school in Melbourne who has been charged with 74 counts of child sexual abuse.
She has been fighting her extradition to Australia on mental health grounds. Ms Hassan-Nahoum said that Mr Litzman had authority over several Israeli bodies that were involved in the Leifer proceedings..............
Watch Australian Story's two-part investigation into the Malka Leifer scandal from her alleged victims speaking out, to the undercover operation that revealed her sham in Israel...................................
The Jerusalem Post is reporting that Mr Litzman was interviewed over an alleged attempt to obtain fake medical papers to support Ms Leifer's effort to avoid extradition to Australia. The Post stated that the investigation was being supervised by the Jerusalem District Attorney's office.
Jews' media reports their crimes but the Mainstream Media in civilized countries do not. That is because Zionist crazies have infiltrated the papers, using them to abuse The Catholic Church and protect Paedophile Jews. The reality is that Christianity Is Under Attack.
PS The Israeli President Is A Liar And Rapist
The Israeli Prime Minister Is A Murderer And A Thief
Another Israeli Prime Minister Is A Thief
The Chief Rabbi Of Israel 'Gets Four Years For Thieving - Do you notice a theme here?
Israel Is Still World's Leading Crime State [ 24 April 2019 ]
Israel has once again maintained its reputation as the world’s leading online fraud and subversion center with the arrest of two Jews in that country for running the planet’s biggest Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack system, which crashes websites by overwhelming them with fake “pings.”According to an article on the Krebs on Security blog, the two arrested Jews together founded the attack system known commercially as vDOS, the “largest and most profitable cyber attack-for-hire service online.”
The two were only arrested by Israeli police after the Federal Bureau for Investigation (FBI) in the U.S. demanded that the Jewish ethnostate take action, in a move similar to the arrest of the Jew hacker who made all the fake “death threats” against Jewish Community Centers (JCC) in America and around the world.
(In that incident, the Jews arrested for making bomb threats to the JCCs had been operating freely in Israel for over two years, and had made over 1,000 such calls to the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. They had even been paid in bitcoin for their activities, and were only arrested after the FBI went to Israel and demanded that the Israelis take action).
So two more Jews out there have their eyes firmly on the main chance. $600,000 in two years would sound like a living to lotsa people. Recall that:-
The president of Israel is a Rapist
The prime minister of Israel is a thief who took bribes.
The chief rabbi of Israel is a thief who got 4.5 years - see Yona Metzger
Another Chief Rabbi of Israel of Israel is also thief.
New Israeli Government Will Carry On Deporting Black Invaders - New Tory PM Will Carry On Inciting Them [ 13 June May 2019 ]
Israel will relaunch its policy to expel all African invaders pretending to be refugees from the Jews-only state—as soon as coalition talks on forming that country’s new government have been finalized.According to a report in the Times of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party “plans to revive bids to expel migrants, terrorists’ families” once the coalition talks—which are expected to be completed within the next two weeks, are finalized................
As part of a series of measures targeting Palestinian perpetrators of attacks, the Ministerial Committee for Legislation voted in December 2018 to advance a bill that would permit the IDF’s Central Command to expel the relatives of Palestinian assailants from their hometowns to other parts of the West Bank within a week of an attack or attempted attack.
Jews, in particular Zionist crazies are grossly Racist as well as murderous.
Jews Murder, Abduct, Steal, Destroy - Just Another Week In Palestine [ 15 September 2019 ]
It helps one realise that the Nazis were so much nicer. Naughty little Adolf was right about Zionist crazies.
Is Israel Becoming A Mafia State Asks The Times of Israel [ 24 June 2020 ]
..........With striking similarity, on a recent vacation in Washington, DC, I found myself talking to a Jewish woman who works in the US government. “I don’t understand,” she said with dismay. “In America, Jewish people are upstanding citizens. What is happening in Israel?”The woman was referring to the massive growth of organized crime in Israel over the past ten years, as well as the fact that Israel has become one of the world’s leading exporters of investment scams, stealing an estimated $5 billion to $10 billion per year from victims worldwide.
Despite the fact that Israeli police recently announced that these investment scams are largely run by organized crime, which has grown to “monstrous proportions” as a consequence of little to no law enforcement for years, the Israeli government, parliament and authorities have to date proved unwilling or unable to shut them down, in part because these fraudulent industries have a powerful lobby in the Knesset.........
Indeed, Israel’s democratic system has become riddled with corruption of late. Analysts who study Israel’s high-tech sector (and who were unwilling to talk on the record for fear of angering their colleagues) told The Times of Israel last year that an estimated 25 percent of the revenue of Israel’s lauded high-tech sector comes from shady or fraudulent industries, including online gambling, binary options, forex, downloaders/injectors (companies that put malevolent software on your computer without your knowledge), and the payment, affiliate marketing and adtech companies that service these industries..............
“Lobbyists control the Knesset; they set the agenda and they usually win,” he said. “There is no question that the majority of Knesset members today work on behalf of lobbyists and not the people.”
Earlier this year, draft legislation that would have banned all of Israel’s fraudulent online trading companies, and not just the part of the industry called “binary options,” was watered down in the course of behind-the-scenes consultations among the Israel Securities Authority, the Justice Ministry and the online trading industry itself. Anti-fraud advocates were stunned to arrive at the Reforms Committee meeting where the legislation was being debated to discover that the bill had been constricted and truncated without their knowledge, as a direct consequence of input from the very industries it was originally formulated to target..........
It is clearly in Israel’s interest to enforce the rule of law and uproot criminality, among other reasons because corrupt states suffer dire economic consequences.
A Jew writes about deep seated corruption in the Stolen Land they call Israel. Who am I to argue? NB their wonderful prime minister is on trial at this minute for thieving. But they are going easy on him; he is isn't charged with mass murder in Gaza.
Jews Destroy Peoples' Homes In Jerusalem [ 28 October 2020 ]
Recent events have shone a spotlight not only on how Israel is intensifying its abuse of Palestinians under its rule, but the utterly depraved complicity of western governments in its actions. The arrival of Donald Trump in the White House two-and-a-half years ago has emboldened Israel as never before, leaving it free to unleash new waves of brutality in the occupied territories..........This shameless descent was starkly illustrated last week when hundreds of heavily armed Israeli soldiers, many of them masked, raided a neighbourhood of Sur Baher, on the edges of Jerusalem. Explosives and bulldozers destroyed dozens of homes, leaving many hundreds of Palestinians without a roof over their heads.
During the operation, extreme force was used against residents, as well as international volunteers there in the forlorn hope that their presence would deter violence. Videos showed the soldiers cheering and celebrating as they razed the neighbourhood.............
Over in Gaza, not only are the 2 million inhabitants being slowly starved by Israel’s 12-year blockade, but a weekly shooting spree against Palestinians who protest at the fence imprisoning them has become so routine it barely attracts attention any more. On Friday, Israeli snipers killed one protester and seriously injured 56, including 22 children.
That followed new revelations that Israeli’s policy of shooting unarmed protesters in the upper leg to injure them – another war crime – continued long after it became clear a significant proportion of Palestinians were dying from their wounds. Belatedly – after more than 200 deaths and the severe disabling of many thousands of Palestinians – snipers have been advised to “ease up” by shooting protesters in the ankle. B'Tselem, another Israeli rights organisation, called the army’s open-fire regulation a “criminal policy”, one that “consciously chose not to regard those standing on the other side of the fence as humans”.
Rather than end such criminal practices, Israel prefers to conceal them. It has effectively sealed Palestinian areas off to avoid scrutiny.
The Jews are Fascists, colonial fascists using Apartheid in Stolen Land they call Israel.
Israeli Government Denies Apartheid & Systematic Human Rights Abuses Against Palestinians [ 28 April 2021 ]
Israel has condemned a report by an international rights watchdog that accused the country of pursuing policies of apartheid and persecution against Palestinians and its own Arab minority that amount to crimes against humanity.Israel's foreign ministry said claims made in Human Rights Watch's report were 'both preposterous and false' and accused the New York-based organisation of harbouring an 'anti-Israeli agenda,' saying it had sought 'for years to promote boycotts against Israel'.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas welcomed the 213-page report, published on Tuesday.
'It is urgent for the international community to intervene, including by making sure that their states, organisations, and companies are not contributing in any way to the execution of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestine,' a statement from Abbas read.
HRW said the report is not aimed at comparing Israel with apartheid-era South Africa, but rather at assessing 'whether specific acts and policies' constitute apartheid as defined under international law.
The report's release comes just weeks after the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced it would investigate war crimes in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, with the Israeli military and armed Palestinian groups including Hamas named as possible perpetrators.
The Jews are lying, openly, blatantly again. The report is on line entitled A Threshold Crossed. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself. The Mail does not mention that Human Rights Watch was founded by Jews to help their own escape from the USSR. Now it is telling the truth. Whoops. Be aware that their prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu is a Psychopathic liar, mass murderer and thief, currently on trial but Jews vote for him anyway.
Israeli Prime Minister Blames Destruction Of Gaza On Iran [ 30 September 2021 ]
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett gave a speech to the U.N. General Assembly Monday in which he said that Israel has a diverse democracy [ He lies - Editor ] “in the toughest neighborhood on earth,” and Iran is trying to destroy Israel through its “terror” proxies.................Bennett takes no responsibility for the distress of Palestinians. He placed blame for the “destruction” and unlivable conditions in Gaza on Iran’s support for “radical Islam.”
Bennett is another unscrupulous liar & a mass murderer, ignoring Gaza Massacre I, Gaza Massacre II, Gaza Massacre III & Gaza Massacre IV. Does he think anybody is stupid enough to believe him?
Israeli Government Refusing To Import Black Jews [ 15 November 2021 ]
JJERUSALEM — Surafel Alamo immigrated to Israel from Ethiopia in 2006 at the age of 12 with his father and a sister. The Israeli authorities said two older sisters, who were over 18 at the time, would follow in a month or two. They have been waiting in a camp for would-be emigrants in Ethiopia ever since.Now, with Tigrayan rebel forces pressing southward toward the capital, Addis Ababa, where the Ethiopian government has declared a state of emergency, Ethiopian-Israelis like Mr. Alamo are growing nervous about the safety of their relatives. They are pressuring the Israeli government to extricate thousands of them from the dangers of the civil war and to end the years long trauma of split families once and for all.
But the fate of the remnants of the community has become bogged down in rancorous disagreements over the urgency of the situation in Ethiopia, the legitimacy of their claims, the numbers of those eligible for Israeli citizenship and accusations of racism.
Israel has vaunted its rescues of Ethiopian Jews in the past. The last major operation, in 1991, brought in 14,000 of them from camps in Gondar Province and Addis Ababa in a secret airlift over 36 hours. Officials say that about 5,000 Ethiopians with Jewish lineage are now slated for immigration, but that there could be thousands more.
Israel allows Jews to emigrate there but refuses to let Palestinians into their ancestral lands. That is because they are Racists; it is government policy enshrined in law. Its real policy is Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine in order purify Israel, the Stolen Land. The point is to achieve Genocide. This a crime against International Law & very bad when naughty little Adolf does it. They are different, aren't they?
Pink Floyd Man Says Israeli Regime Is Racist Crime Syndicate [ 23 December 2021 ]
On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to former Pink Floyd front man Roger Waters. He discusses attempts to prosecute Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz for war crimes against Palestinians, his classification of Israel as a “terrorist, apartheid, racist, colonialist regime,” what President Joe Biden represents and his views on the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the persecution of Julian Assange and Steven Donziger, and much more.
It seems that Gantz claimed moral justification for his murders & that the Dutch court looked embarrassed when it alleged Sovereign immunity. Were they leaned on?
Pegasus Scandal Is A Massive Can Of Worms About To Erupt All Over Israel's Elites says Haaretz [ 8 February 2022 ]
On Monday morning in Jerusalem District Court, lawyers representing the defendants in Benjamin Netanyahu's corruption case demanded that the judges suspend the hearings. This came after the latest in a series of bombshell reports in the Calcalist business daily that the police had used NSO’s Pegasus spyware in multiple cases – including against figures close to Netanyahu, among them key witnesses at the trial.Initially, the judges accepted the prosecution’s claim that they were not aware of any illegal surveillance being used against witnesses and decided to continue with the trial. However, they subsequently decided to suspend Monday's hearing, giving the State Prosecutor's Office until Tuesday afternoon to respond to the allegations.
This is just one of the cans of worms that have been opened by the reports into the use of Pegasus against Israeli civilians.
Any defense lawyer currently involved in a criminal case will now be looking very closely at the evidence against their client, hoping to find proof that it was obtained using the Pegasus spyware that allows users to access data, and much more, on hacked cellphones. We’re about to see a slew of cases in which they demand their clients be exonerated because of this.............
That depends on who you’re listening to in the Israeli media. Netanyahu’s proxies are focused on only one thing: that the police acted illegally in their “witch hunt” of the former prime minister, and therefore all of the evidence needs to be thrown out and the charges against Netanyahu dismissed...........
This investigation has the potential to rock Israel’s political class, the law enforcement establishment, the intelligence community and Israel’s foreign relations. As a result, it is unlikely to go very far.
So yes, Netanyahu is utterly corrupt, a mass murderer to boot. Is he different from the rest? Not really. Haaretz was a wonderful source of dirt. Then it got leaned on by the thugs that run the place. Now, for the moment it is back on form.
Israel Is A Refuge For Swindlers [ 14 February 2022 ]
“Most of the Jews are thieves.” Thus said the founding father of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, when he heard about Jewish soldiers carrying Persian rugs from freshly looted Arab properties during the Arab-Israeli war. If he were around today, I don’t think Ben Gurion would find any reason to radically change his opinion, and he probably wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Israel has become a hub of international fraud. A recent hit for Netflix is the documentary The Tinder Swindler, which charts the outlandish career of Israeli con artist Shimon Hayut, the son of a rabbi, who manipulated a large number of predominantly Scandinavian women into collectively handing over more than $10 million. Hayut’s modus operandi is that old favorite of Jewish white-collar criminals — the Ponzi scheme, though Hayut inflected it with a romantic twist.................Once Hayut had extracted the maximum possible funds from a woman, he would begin using some of it to groom a new victim. Moving from woman to woman, and country to country, Hayut lived a lifestyle of private jets, international travel, caviar, and designer clothes until a Norwegian newspaper finally helped secure his arrest in Greece in 2019 for using a fake passport. He was then sent to Israel, where authorities released him after just five months. He remains a free man in Israel, and appears as wealthy as ever.
While the now-viral Netflix documentary is very interesting and well-made, it does a very poor job of contextualizing and framing Hayut’s behavior. Hayut’s career of fraud is presented solely in terms of the perils of online dating........... But the more egregious oversight is surely that Hayut fits incredibly well into a pattern that is absurdly common — the ubiquity of Israeli con artists of international reach, and their habit of finding a very accommodative justice system in the State of Israel.............
An Israeli Specialty
International fraud of all kinds is an Israeli specialty.
You might feel that Gurion knew what he was talking about. The Mail wrote this particular thief up, even admitting that he was an "Israeli". They went easy on him because he is a Jew - see Jew Stole £7.4 Million By Posing As A Playboy. Recall that the treasurer of the Conservative Party, is Ehud Sheleg, a Jew who cheats the taxman & stays out of prison. His brother does too although he was working the binary options racket.
Jews Will Demolish Home Of 95 Year Old Disabled Palestinian Woman In Negev [ 28 February 2022 ]
The Israeli government has issued a demolition order of the home of a 95-year-old physically disabled woman in an unrecognized Bedouin village in the Negev.The order was issued even though the woman’s shack is built on the ruins of the old house where she had lived for the last 15 years in order to make it wheel-chair accessible.
The National Unit for Enforcing Planning and Construction Laws said it has been informed that this is a humanitarian case, and it will decide whether to implement the order after receiving documentation that proves this.
Jasia al-Azazma lived in her old home in Wadi al-Na’am until a few months ago, when her medical condition worsened. Since she had to start using a wheelchair and a hospital bed, her family decided to demolish the existing home, which they said has become unfit for human habitation, and move her temporarily to her daughter’s home while a new, shack was being built.
The Zionist crazies running the Stolen Land they call Israel have a policy of Genocide, just like naughty little Adolf.
Israel Is A Small, Arrogant, Violent, Wicked Nation’ And A ‘Jewish Mutation’ Say Haaretz [ 16 June 2022 ]
Recent events in Israel have left many American Jews despairing about their community’s adherence to Zionism. The wanton killing of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh… the mobs of Jewish youths crying “Death to Arabs” in Jerusalem… Jewish government officials threatening Palestinians with “another Nakba” and spouting hateful replacement theory about Arabs…And still, American Jewish leaders tell us that to be Jewish is to be Zionist, and anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism. And our mainstream press is respectful of this position and does not promote anti-Zionist views.
What a shock then to open ‘Haaretz’ yesterday and today and see two articles attacking Israeli Zionism, and urging the world to take action. The words the authors use about Israel’s unending shifts to the right are scathing. Contemporary Zionism is a “Jewish mutation,” Amira Hass writes in despair. Zionism was a “naive mistake,” writes B. Michael, and it has created a “small, arrogant, violent, wicked nation.”
The tragedy is that these moral appeals don’t appear in the American press, to galvanize peace-loving Americans including many Jews. Imagine trying to get “Jewish mutation” into an American paper– you couldn’t.
Hass’s piece today is titled, “Will Someone Finally Say Israel Has Lost It?” She says that the messianic side of Israelis society, nurtured for decades as a violent expansionist tool by the secularist founders of Israel, has now taken over and it’s just a matter of time before they are the majority in the Israeli parliament.
We saw this in the terrifying flag dance in Jerusalem on Sunday. Today, they are 50,000 wearing white shirts who marched in the heart of Palestinian Jerusalem. Yesterday they marched in Hebron and fulfilled there the vision of emptying it of Palestinians. Tomorrow they will be 100,000.
The violent outposts of the shepherds are also a registered patent of this holy white aesthetic. And as was confirmed by their patron, Ze’ev Hever from the colonizing movement Amana, these outposts have taken over a Palestinian space twice as large as the area of the lands the built-up settlements stole. How much will they succeed in stealing tomorrow?…
Today it is 2,600 dancing, pious Jews who went up on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount. They have managed to expropriate almost completely the Ibrahim Mosque/Tomb of the Patriarchs from the Palestinian public. Tomorrow they will be 7,000. How many of them will sign a petition to build the Third Temple? And when will they have a democratic majority in the Knesset?
Hass calls on the world to act– against the “Jewish mutation” of Israel, in which all Israel’s Jewish citizens are complicit.
Amira Hass is a female Jew with decent instincts. Haaretz, an Israeli paper was prone to tell the truth about goings on in Palestine, the Stolen Land that Jews call Israel. Then they got leaned on but sometimes they tell the truth anyway. Amira will probably not be murdered but she might well be forcibly retired. This article came from Mondoweiss, a group of Jews who feel that Palestinians have Human Rights, a very unorthodox view among God's Chosen People, they who are a Light Unto Nations. NB the thugs running Israel committed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 30 years later then ignored it.
PS Recall that Palestine was to be a land with no people for a people with no land. They lie like they breathe.
Black Journalist Sacked For Saying Bankrupt Firm Was All Jew [ 16 November 2022 ]
Ye opened the floodgates. The Jews have a crisis of black people basically every day now.Black journalist Isaiah Jackson, who works for CoinDesk, tweeted the following about the ongoing FTX debacle:
Look up the religious affiliation of everyone involved in the FTX collapse
Kanye was right..........
''It's a pretty simple, obvious observation. Jews are 2% of the American population and 100% of the high-level FTX employees. This is similar to what we’ve seen Ye saying about organized Jewry engaging in high-level crime. It’s difficult to understand how this observation is “hateful” in and of itself, right? Well, it might be difficult for you to understand, but it wasn’t difficult for the managers of CoinDesk, who immediately fired Jackson over the tweet..............
It’s amazing how that happens every single time. It’s almost like Jews have a total lockdown on the entirety of American institutions and shut down anyone who even hints at criticism of them in order to make an example.......... “That day is done,” said Jackson. There is definitely rising evidence that this is true. Black people seem to getting fed up with this Jew thing on a nationwide scale...........
The FTX debacle might be raising black skepticism of Jews, but the bigger win here is that it is increasing Jew skepticism across the entire crypto world (a world which was already skeptical of many things, and already contains many prominent anti-Semites).
“Ye was right” is on track to become the slogan of a generation.
Has Kanye West done some good by exposing the power & hatred of the Israel Lobby?
List of Israeli public officials convicted of crimes or misdemeanours
Moshe Katsav – the 8th president of the State of Israel. In a landmark and unprecedented case, on December 30, 2010, Katsav was convicted of two counts of rape, obstruction of justice, and other charges. On March 22, 2011, in a landmark ruling, Katsav was sentenced to seven years in prison.Template:Http:// ministers
- Ehud Olmert – Prime minister from 2006 to 2009, cabinet minister 1988–1992, 2003–2006, mayor of Jerusalem 1993–2003. Convicted of breach of trust in July 2012, and of bribery in March 2015. In May 2015, Olmert was sentenced to six years in prison, but his sentence was reduced to 18 months in December 2015.Template:F
- Aharon Abuhatzira – served as the Minister of Religious Services, Minister of Immigrant Absorption, and Minister of Welfare & Social Services. Convicted of larceny, breach of trust, and fraud.[1] Abuhatzira was sentenced to a suspended sentence of four years and three months; thirty months for larceny, eighteen months for breach of trust and fraud by an administrator, and three months for breach of trust by a public servant.[1]
- Shlomo Benizri – served as Minister of Health and Labor and Social Welfare Minister during the late 1990s and early 2000s. In 2008, Benizri was convicted of accepting bribes, breach of faith, obstructing justice, and conspiracy to commit a crime for accepting favors worth millions of shekels from his friend, contractor Moshe Sela, in exchange for inside information regarding foreign workers scheduled to arrive in Israel. As a result, Benizri was sentenced to 18 months in jail and moral turpitude was added to the offense.[citation needed]
- Aryeh Deri – Minister of Internal Affairs between 1988 and 1993. Convicted of taking $155,000 in bribes while serving as Interior Minister and given a three-year jail sentence in 2000.[citation needed]
- Tzachi Hanegbi – Among the top cabinet positions he previously held are Minister of Justice, Minister of Internal Security, and Minister of Intelligence and Nuclear Affairs. On July 13, 2010, Hanegbi was convicted of perjury, and subsequently was fined 10,000 NIS, and moral turpitude was added to the offense. As a result, Hanegbi suspended himself from the Knesset.[citation needed]
- Avraham Hirschson – The Israeli Minister of Finance between 2006 and 2007. In 2009, Hirschson was convicted of stealing close to 2 million shekels from the National Workers Labor Federation while he was its chairman.[2][3][4] Hirschson was sentenced to five years and five months in prison and a fine of 450,000 shekels.[citation needed]
- Avigdor Lieberman – Israel's former foreign minister. Lieberman was convicted in September 2001, under a plea bargain, of threatening and assaulting a 12-year-old who had hit his son, and was ordered to pay the child a compensation of 10,000 shekels, and an additional fine of 7,500 shekels.[citation needed]
- Yitzhak Mordechai – Israel's Minister of Defense and Minister of Transport in the 1990s. Mordechai was convicted of harassing and sexually assaulting two women during his military service and later periods. As a result, Mordechai received an 18-month suspended sentence. After his conviction, he resigned from the Knesset.[citation needed]
- Rafael Pinhasi – served as Minister of Communications between 1990 and 1992. In 1997, Pinhasi was convicted of illegal transfer of funds, and sentenced to 12 months probation and a fine.[citation needed]
- Haim Ramon – Israel's Minister of Health, Minister of Internal Affairs, and Minister of Justice. In 2007, Ramon was convicted of an indecent assault without consent, and was sentenced to community service, which he served in a therapeutic riding center in Tel Mond. After serving his community service sentence, Ramon returned to prime minister Ehud Olmert's government in July 2007 as a minister[which?] in the Israeli government.[citation needed]
- Gonen Segev – The National Infrastructure Minister of Israel between 1995 and 1996. Segev was convicted for an attempt of drug smuggling, for forgery, and for electronic commerce fraud, all committed after his public career. He was sentenced to five years in prison.[citation needed]
Knesset members
- Naomi Blumenthal – Knesset member in the Likud party. On February 13, 2006, Blumenthal was convicted of bribery and obstruction of justice and was sentenced to 8 months in prison, a ten-month suspended sentence, and a fine of 75,000 shekels.[5]
- Shlomo Dayan – Knesset member in the Shas party. In 2008 Dayan was convicted of fraud and forgery and sentenced to 4 months of community service.[citation needed]
- Shmuel Flatto-Sharon – Knesset member between 1977 and 1981. In 1979, Flatto-Sharon was convicted of false promises of housing solutions for groups and thus choose sentenced to three months of community service and a suspended sentence of 15 month. In 2000 Flatto-Sharon was convicted of fraudulently receiving a sum of ten million from a French company. In accordance with the plea bargain Flatto-Sharon was sentenced to 11 months in prison, a 1.2 million dollars compensation payment to the French company, as well as a suspended sentence of three years.[citation needed]
- Michael Gorlovsky – Knesset member in the Likud party between 2003 and 2006. Gorlovsky was involved in what became known as the "double votes scam" affair together with MK Yehiel Hazan.[6] In a plea bargain, Gorlovsky was charged with breach of trust rather than fraud, and was sentenced to two months of community service.[citation needed]
- Yehiel Hazan – Knesset member in the Likud party. Hazan was convicted of voting twice during the second and third readings of a bill on the emergency economic plan in May 2003. Hazan was sentenced in June 2006 for 4 months of community service and a six-month suspended prison term.[citation needed]
- Ofer Hugi – Knesset member in the Shas party. On December 25, 2006, Hugi was convicted of various charges related to forgery and fraud. As a result, Hugi was sentenced to two years in prison and ordered to pay a 12,000 shekel fine.[citation needed]
- Yair Levy – Knesset member in the Shas party between 1988 and 1992. In 1993, he was jailed for five years for embezzling NIS 500,000 from the party's El HaMa'ayan organisation.[7]
- Yair Peretz – Knesset member in the Shas party. In March 2006 Peretz was convicted of fraudulently obtaining an academic degree.
- Shmuel Rechtman – Knesset member in the Likud party between 1977 and 1979. In 1979, Rechtman was convicted of taking bribes and was sentenced to imprisonment, thus he became the first Knesset member who was convicted of criminal offenses and sentenced to imprisonment.[citation needed]
- Omri Sharon – Knesset member in the Likud and Kadima parties during the 2000s. In 2006, Sharon was convicted of fraud and sentenced to 9 months in prison.[citation needed]
- Saleh Tarif – a Druze Knesset member. In April 2004 Tarif was convicted of bribery, fraud and breach of trust, and was sentenced to 6 months of community service, fined 25,000 NIS and a suspended sentence of 8 months.[citation needed]
- Yosef Vanunu – Knesset member in the Israeli Labor Party between 1992 and 1996. In 1997 Vanunu was convicted on charges of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust.[ citation needed]
Public officials
- Zvi Bar – Mayor of Ramat Gan 1989-2013, convicted of corruption and sentenced to 5.5 years in prison in June 2015.[citation needed]
- Uri Lupolianski – Mayor of Jerusalem 2003-2008, convicted of corruption in March 2014.[citation needed]
- Asher Yadlin – Leading member in the 1960s and 1970s of the Israeli Labor Party, former head of the Kupat Holim Clalit and the Hevrat Ovdim. In 1976, two days before he was due to take office as Governor of the Bank of Israel, Yadlin was arrested and charged with accepting bribes. On conviction, he was sentenced to, and served, five years in prison.[citation needed]
The Birth of Israel A Tale of Lies, Deceit, and Terrorism A Tale Of Lies, Deceit, And Terrorism: The Birth Of Israel
above article was written by William A. Cook; entitled: “A Tale Of Lies,
Deceit, And Terrorism: The
Birth Of
Israel” ..."
There is more on the issue from King
Abdullah I of Jordan. He knows of what he writes.
Published: May 12, 2010 Posted in: Israel, Occupation, Palestine
The Untold Story of the Zionist
intent to turn Palestine into a Jewish State.
(Based on classified documents from the Jewish Agency and its affiliated
organizations seized by the British Mandate Police, materials that confirm
that the Zionist controlled Jewish community intended to remove the Arab
inhabitants of Palestine from their land and make the whole of Mandate
Palestine a Jewish State, an intent that continues to the present day as the
new book, The Plight of the Palestinians: a Long History of Destruction,
available at, demonstrates.)
“Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because Geography books no longer exist, not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either … There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.” (Moshe Dayan, Address to the Technion, Haifa, as quoted in Haaretz, 4-4-1969)
Thus began in November of 1947 what is euphemistically called the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the combined forces of the Jewish armies, the Haganah, the Stern, and the Irgun as they drove more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs from their homes leaving them destitute, homeless and abandoned without a country in what is now the largest refugee Diaspora in the world.
More truthfully, the plight of the
Palestinians that began so ruthlessly in 1947, and is now called the Nakba,
was an intentional, calculated campaign to force the Palestinian Arabs out
of Palestine, a systematic genocide of a people as defined by the United
Nations in its adoption of Genocide Convention, Article II.
The United Kingdom had mandatory authority from the League of Nations to
govern the Palestine area with the establishment of the Palestine Mandate in
1922. Prior to the official implementation of the Mandate in 1922, the
British Government had enunciated a “declaration” concerning the
desirability of His Majesty’s Government in the “establishment of a national
home for the Jewish people,” called the Balfour Declaration. Command Paper
1922 from the Avalon Project at Yale Law School underlines this intent: “His
Majesty’s Government therefore now declare unequivocally that it is no part
of their policy that Palestine should become a Jewish State.”
The View from Inside the
One of the curious ambiguities that
surrounds the decade that preceded the declaration by the Jewish leaders in
Palestine of the state of Israel is the dearth of information and
perspective from the British Mandate forces governing Palestine between 1940
and May 15, 1948, the date of implementation of the partition resolution.
Fortunately, Sir Richard C. Catling has left us a file that provides insight
into conditions that prevailed in Jerusalem while he was Deputy Head of the
Special Branch of the Criminal Investigation Division in Jerusalem in 1944
and a year later Assistant Inspector General. Catling’s “TOP SECRET” file
has lain untouched in the Rhodes House archives of the Bodleian Libraries of
Oxford University until two years ago.
Two documents dominate the file with 62 appendices of evidence totaling close to 500 pages of materials. The first is a dispatch sent to the Secretary of State, dated 16th of October, 1941, by the High Commissioner of Palestine, Harold MacMichael, labeled “Most Secret”; the second, a Top Secret “Memorandum on the Participation of the Jewish National Institutions in Palestine in Acts of Lawlessness and Violence,” prepared by the Criminal Investigation Department headquarters, The Palestine Police, Jerusalem, dated July 31st, 1947. [Sir Richard C. Catling, #145, Mss.Med. S20]
What should be obvious now, with the materials preserved by Sir Richard C. Catling, is the truth about the creation of the state of Israel: acceptance of UN Resolution 181 by the Jewish Agency Provisional Government as the designated Jewish state was not done with intent to abide by the goal of the UN General Assembly, to provide a state for two peoples in the land of Palestine, but rather to use it as a means to gain eventual control of all the land and cleanse that land of its indigenous people to whatever extent possible. Put bluntly, as the chapters in Macmillan’s new book, The Plight of the Palestinians attests (to be released in June), the current government in Israel continues the practices of past Israeli governments: cleanse the land of its rightful inhabitants to make that land part of the Jewish state. This is what is termed in numerous chapters in this volume, “slow motion genocide.”
Jump Starting the State
Consider the events of April 9-11,
1948, the eradication of the citizens of the town of Deir Yassin, a month
before the Agency declared the existence of the Israeli state and the
implementation of the UN Resolution to partition. This massacre became then
and remains the signature example of the intent of the Zionist Consultancy
and its agents to ethnically cleanse Palestine of its non-Jewish
During the six months between the adoption of UN Resolution 181 and in subsequent months, the new state of Israel launched a massive military incursion into territory designated by that same Resolution for the Palestinian people, creating in its wake “three quarters of a million Palestinian refugees,” the destruction of “hundreds of entire villages … not only depopulated but obliterated …and houses blown up or bulldozed.” Walid Khalidi’s massive study focuses on 418 villages, once the homes of Palestinians, 292 completely destroyed, 90 others “largely destroyed,” the remainder replaced by Jews called Israeli settlers.
Perceiving the Reality
The “despatch” sent by MacMichael to
the Secretary of State resulted from an investigation into the funding
practices and use of those funds by various Jewish organizations.
The memorandum illustrates … the fact that the Mandatory is faced potentially with as grave a danger in Palestine from Jewish violence as it has ever faced from Arab violence, a danger infinitely less easy to meet by the methods of repression which have been employed against Arabs. In the first place, the Jews … have the moral and political support … of considerable sections of public opinion both in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. … all the influence and political ability of the Zionists would be brought to bear to show that the Jews in Palestine were the victims of aggression, and that a substantial body of opinion abroad would be persuaded of the truth of the contention.
Quite obviously, MacMichael understands that the Mandatory has little power at home over the zealous actions of the Zionists as they manipulate public and political opinion even as they expand their terrorism against the British Mandate government in Palestine. This is an untenable position to be in, responsible for government control and security of those under its authority, i.e. Palestinians as well as Jews, knowing that the Jews are set on driving the British out of Palestine, and knowing that the home government can offer little help.
To bolster his points,
MacMichael offers the following:
… the Jews in Palestine are by no
means untrained in the use of arms … large numbers have received training in
the Palestine Police… or in His Majesty’s Forces. At the present time, in
addition to approximately 10,000 Jews in His Majesty’s Forces, there are
5,800 in various units of the police force and 15,400 special policemen
(31,000) … When to those men … are added the illicit ‘defence’ organizations
of the Jews (Haganah alone had an estimated 60-70,000 men by 1945, see Mss,
Med. S20 Appendix XXI), it will be evident that the Jewish people in arms
would numerically and in calibre be a very formidable adversary.
This is in 1941before the full deployment of Jewish terrorism against the legitimate Palestine government got under way.
MacMichael and Catling found
themselves missing one of Catling’s primary supports for the waging of
“irregular warfare” drawn from his image of the 3-legged stool that required
the support of the people, the commander and his army and the government, an
image, no doubt, from his childhood in Suffolk where his family were
butchers and farmers. But the situation only got worse as the end of WWII
loomed. The Haganah carried out anti-British military operations, including
the kidnapping, killing and booby trapping of soldiers’ bodies, conducted
against the Mandate Government while the home government remained silent
under the pall of Israeli Zionist propaganda.
But recording the acts of terrorism does not do justice to the conditions
the Mandate government faced. MacMichael describes the reality of the forces
aligned against the police in Palestine.
A second matter which deeply impressed me is the almost Nazi control exercised by the official Jewish organizations over the Jewish community, willy nilly, through the administration of funds from abroad, the issue of labor certificates in connection with the immigration quota…. The Royal Commission were, in my view, fundamentally at error in describing the Jewish community in Palestine as “intensely democratic”. … The Zionist organization, the whole social structure which it has created in Palestine, has the trappings but none of the essentials of democracy. The community is under the closed oligarchy of the Jewish official organizations which control Zionist policy and circumscribe the lives of the Jewish community in all directions…. The reality of power is in the Agency, with the Haganah, the illegal military organization, always in the background.
And so the authorities in Palestine, the legal authorities, have no power to enforce measures that would curtail terrorism against their own police. “The use of force cannot be contemplated at present as any such action would have to be on a very large scale.” MacMichael understands that he can get no help from the Jewish community, even from those who find themselves at odds with the Agency’s methods or morality. The consequences to the individual Jew for disobedience is horrendous as the second document seized from the Zionists in 1947 attests.
Between Two Worlds
Nothing makes more obvious the meaning
of the “Zionist Juggernaut” than Catling’s TOP SECRET “Memorandum of the
Criminal Investigation Department” of July 31, 1947.
The purpose of this memorandum is to furnish documentary evidence of the extent to which the supreme Jewish national institutions in Palestine and their principal officials have been parties to acts of sedition, violence, incitement and other offences against the laws of Palestine….The bulk of the memorandum concerns the war and post war years… the memorandum will therefore concern itself solely with an attempt to establish the links between the supreme Jewish bodies and illegal activity…
Catling’s memorandum begins with an understanding of the “intricate Jewish political, social and economic structure in Palestine.” A series of appendices chart these structures marking in passing that “…the Palestine Royal Commission Report of 1937 understood ‘The Agency is obviously not a ‘governing body’; it can only advise and cooperate in a certain wide field.’ But allied as it is with the Vaad Leumi, and commanding the allegiance of the great majority of Jews in Palestine, it unquestionably exercises, both in Jerusalem and in London, a considerable influence on the conduct of government” [emphasis mine]. Catling’s frustration with the actual control of the Jews over British policy in Palestine glares through this document. “This powerful and efficient organization amounts, in fact, to a government existing side by side with the Mandatory Government…” (2-3) [emphasis mine].
What Catling doesn’t state in that sentence, but what he demonstrates in the memorandum, is that the Jewish Agency and its affiliated organizations are at war with the UN authority in Palestine, the British Mandate Palestine Government. The appendices include detailed information on the personnel in interlocking Jewish organizations and the function of each. The memorandum goes further. It notes that the activities of the Jewish Agency through its controlled organizations send emissaries and instructors abroad “to stir up Zionist sentiments among the Jewish communities and displaced persons, to bring pressure to bear upon the Palestine problem, to organize illegal immigration and engage in espionage.” As a result of its investigations, the Department itemizes six areas of subversive activities undertaken by the Jewish Agency against the British Mandate Government:
Maintenance of a secret army and
espionage system;
Smuggling, theft and manufacture of arms;
Illegal immigration;
D. Violence and civil disobedience;
E. Seditious and hostile propaganda;
F. Encroachment upon the civil rights of Jewish citizens.
In short, the Zionist controlled Jewish Agency, the Yishuv, actively undermined the legal authority in Palestine even as it operated to undermine support for that government in Britain, placing UK forces in harms way as they attempted to fulfill their authorized responsibilities in Palestine. It also demonstrates the determination of the Agency’s leadership in undermining the very nation that gave it a means of establishing a “homeland” in Palestine through the Balfour Declaration. Needless to say, Catling and his CID forces recognized the impossible position this defiance placed them in and understood the deception and violent means used by the Zionists to ensure that their will and theirs alone would be fulfilled at any cost.
However, the real power behind their efforts, what effectively held together the multiple strands of the web, was the use of extortion on all the Jewish people in Palestine, “…the extortion of money for unauthorized funds and self imposed taxes to further the illicit political ends of the national institutions” (42). Catling’s Memorandum provides evidence of how effective this consolidation of the web’s network operated including the systematic compilation of all wage earners, measures to be adopted in event of refusal to pay, publishing of names of those who failed to contribute, deductions from salary, sanctions on businesses, compulsory assessment, withholding of immigrants certificates, and Jewish Agency officials assessments.
There follows the measures to be taken
against shirkers including actions to be taken against anyone aiding a
shirker. There is no need to go into the details of these imposed actions;
the consequences amount to total ostracism of an individual from his/her
community to kidnapping and disappearance.
For those entering the military forces of the Jewish Agency, the Hagana,
there is the Hagana Oath (XVI A 157).
I hereby declare that of my own free
will and in free recognition I enter the Jewish defence organization of the
Land of Israel, (Irgun Haganana Haivri Be’Eretz Israel).
I hearby swear to remain loyal all the days of my life to the defense
organization, its laws and its tasks as defined in its basic regulations by
the High Command.
I hearby swear to remain at the disposal of the defense organization all my
life, to accept its discipline unconditionally and without limit, and at its
call to enlist for active service at any time and in any place, to obey all
its orders and to fulfill all its instructions.
I hearby swear to devote all my strength, and even to sacrifice my life, to defense and battle for my people and my Homeland, for the freedom of Israel and for the redemption of Zion.
In one sense, these two methodologies of control, one imposed by fear, the second by moral obligation, make comprehensible the complete control the Zionists were able to achieve over a protracted period of time toward their distant goals. The fear imposed by extortion rests on its use in providing access to jobs, the protection offered by the “gangs” and Haganah forces, and the enforcement of the rules and regulations as itemized above.
The Haganah Oath goes deeper than fear. In effect, it declares that an individual has turned his/her conscience over to the High Command thus accepting what is right and what is wrong as determined by that authority regardless of local, state or international law, indeed, regardless of the morals, values and traditions of Judaism. This commitment is forever, to death. It is bolstered by a document issued to the Commander and Troops of the Haganah labeled “Security Instructions” that notes at the outset, “Remember, you are a member of an illegal military organization according to the Laws of the government, its existence, activity and membership of it is forbidden” The remainder of the document obligates the recruit to unconditional obedience, absolute silence, and the pragmatic and utilitarian virtues of deceit and lying.
Selling the Soul
From the moment an individual takes
the oath, they are committed to a life of secrecy and hence of disloyalty
and betrayal to those they are most intimate with in their day to day life.
Neither their actions nor their true identity is discernible to those with
whom they interact regularly. This is a life that encapsulates the necessity
of lies, deceit, coercion, extortion, and obedience to a group that dictates
the actions one must pursue; freedom no longer exists, self-direction no
longer exists, loyalty to others no longer exists, indeed, friendship with
others is compromised or impossible, one becomes the subject of that group,
a veritable slave to their desires and wills. The mindset that promotes such
control allows for spying, for deception of friends, for ostracism in one’s
own community for thinking differently, for imprisonment without due
process, for torture, even for extrajudicial executions. It is a total
commitment to a cause that supersedes all others determined and dictated by
an oligarchy in silence and subject to no legitimate institution and to no
Holocaust® Survivors
Screwed By Israeli Government
[ 19 January 2023 ]
Their modus operandi is fraud. That's how it is with
God's Chosen People. Be aware that
Jews With Light Fingers Took German Mugs For €63.2
Billion -
in 2007. It is more now.
PS Jews carried out Gaza Massacre V as well as
the previous four. They have murdered thousands; great fun for
Zionist crazies and
Israeli Doctors Urge the Bombing of Gaza Hospitals [
8 November 2023 ]
About 90 Israeli doctors have signed a letter calling for the bombing of
hospitals in Gaza.
Only last week, dozens of prominent Israeli rabbis had already assured Israeli leaders that they have a right to bomb al-Shifa’ hospital in Gaza, and this week’s letter signed by “Doctors for the Rights of IDF Soldiers” urges the bombing of any and every hospital in Gaza.
The letter states, in no uncertain terms, that due to suspicion of
“terrorist activity,” the hospitals are “a legitimate target for
annihilation.” They claim that “ambulances that are evacuating patients to
the south in order to be treated elsewhere are at their disposal.” It does
not mention that these ambulances, too, are being
bombed by Israel, or that the south is also being mercilessly pummeled.
This comes from
Mondoweiss, a website run by "progressive" Jews. They have the oddity of
telling the truth about Zionist evil.
Will Lose. Here's Why [ 11
November 2023 ]
Ever since February 2022, Western mainstream media
has been telling us that Russia cannot possibly win
its war in Ukraine. Zelensky, with his hundreds of
billions of dollars’ backing from the West, would surely prevail. Russia has
always been taking unbearably heavy losses. Putin is always about to keel
over dead. A fresh shipment of US wonder-weapons will turn the tide. A
crushing Ukrainian victory is always at hand.
Because they could not imagine Ukraine losing, Western pundits could not see that it was losing. They missed the fact that from the moment the non-Western world majority refused to accept US sanctions on Russia, it was effectively over. Virtually the entire war has been fought under the shadow of an inevitable Russian victory. It has always been just a matter of time.
Might a
similar situation prevail in the war for Palestine? The non-Western world
majority has turned sharply against Israel—even more sharply than it turned
against the US in its war on Russia through Ukraine. Yet Western media
continue to manufacture and inhabit a bubble completely divorced from moral
and strategic reality. They can’t even imagine Israel being in the wrong,
even though it obviously is. They can’t imagine Hamas being noble and
chivalrous fighters, and Israelis being cowardly child-killing terrorists,
though such is obviously the case. They can’t acknowledge that the vast
majority of the world disagrees with them for very good reasons, not because
of “anti-Semitism.” And above all they can’t imagine that Israel, despite
(or because of) its genocidal assault on civilians, is losing the war.
Yes, the Mainstream Media are lying through their
teeth. Recall e.g. that The Guardian had their
reporter on the spot but suppressed the truth about
Stalin's mass murder in the
Ukraine circa 1932. See
Winter in Moscow for more and better
details. We could have victories for decency & civilization in Ukraine and
Occupied Palestine. They are coming at a price
of blood and treasure. That includes the $400 million stolen by
Zelenskyyy. Colonel
Macgregor says
American power is not unlimited.
Is Mr
too optimistic? Perhaps but he is telling the truth, an alien concept to
western Mainstream Media. They are run by Jews.
In West Bank, Israeli
Settlers Step Up Attacks Against Palestinians [ 2 November 2023 ]
QUSRA, West Bank—On the morning of Oct. 12, Hani Odeh was considering a
problem: how to get the bodies of four Palestinians shot dead during an
attack by Israeli settlers to the cemetery in Qusra, where he is mayor.
The four men had been killed the day before. Israeli police are still investigating the circumstances of the deaths, which came after Hamas’s massacre of over 1,400 people a few days earlier, and the Israeli military had instructed the mayor to change the route of the cortege from the hospital to avoid inflaming the situation further. Odeh, smoking cigarettes in his office, the customary portrait of Yasser Arafat hanging above his desk, said he complied.
People in the area were already on edge. Odeh had asked the military for a safe route for the funeral after local Palestinians had been receiving messages on their phones showing masked people carrying chain saws and axes, with text written in Hebrew and Arabic saying, “To all the rats in the sewers of Qusra, we are waiting for you and will not feel sorry for you. The day of revenge is coming.”
few hours later, settlers blocked the road to Qusra and opened fire
on the funeral procession, killing two more Palestinians, Ibrahim
Al-Wadi, a manager in the Palestinian national economy ministry, and
his son, Ahmed. A video of the incident, verified by open-source
documentation firm Storyful, then shows unidentified people opening
fire on the procession from a civilian car.
Jews murder 6 people. Jews claim Purity
of Arms. Jews lie like they breath. PS The headline is verbatim.
& omissions, broken
links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or
whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
Email me at Mike
All financial contributions are cheerfully accepted. If you want to
keep it
private, use my PGP Key.
Updated on Friday, 16 February 2024 20:51:01