
Showing posts with the label osr

Codex Updated

Wow, over a year since I posted last. I should do more posting. Which is generally what I say every time I post... Anyway, the Mythosa Codex has been updated . Added a bunch of material, changed up the art, etc. Development will continue.

OSE Players Companion

For a variety of reasons, I've switched from 5E to Old School Essentials . To that end, I've created a PDF for using Mythosa with OSE, including house rules, what optional rules are used, and similar things. The PDF is available from the Downloads page.

Maps Finally Updated

Very minor edit; the label for the Vhallosean Sea  had somehow disappeared. This is pretty common, actually. Almost always when I edit something on the map in Wonderdraft somehow a label disappears on the map. Not sure if this is user error or a bug in the program. This had been sitting out there for awhile, but it should be fixed now. Still a program I highly recommend. Knocking around ideas for future development, though the only thing on the horizon at the moment is a new Mythosa  Player's Companion  for  Old School Essentials .