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Capital CurrencyGovernment system
Asgabat Manat (TMT) One-party system
Official languageRegion Population
Turkmen Central Asia 2020 - 6 031 200

Country map - Administrative structure - Population density of Turkmenistan

Map Turkmenistan - Administrative division - Population density 2020

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Statistical Data - Population density according to the administrative structure

The population data in the table below is the census data from 2022, last available data.

Click on the column header brings the table in order of the column header. The default order is the Province name.

Province ISO
Capital Area
Population Density
Total     488 150 7 057 841 14,5
Last update: 08/03/2025 - 18:06:13
Ahal TM-A Anau 96 371 886 845 9,2
A?gabat TM-S A?gabat 980 1 030 063 1 051,1
Balkan TM-B Balkanabat 133 586 529 895 4,0
Da?oguz TM-D Da?oguz 73 521 1 550 354 21,1
Lebap TM-L Türkmenabat 96 469 1 447 298 15,0
Mary TM-M Mary 87 223 1 613 386 18,5


The regions are divided into districts, the data of which are shown in the table below.

District Own Region Capital Area
Population Density
Total       65 050 1 018 956 15,7
Last update: 08/03/2025 - 18:06:13
Ak bugday TM-A-01 Ahal Anau 22 370 144 119 6,4
Akdepe TM-D-01 Dasoguz  Andalyp 11 270 340 930 30,3
Arkadag TM-A-02 Ahal Arkadag 48 567 11,8
Babadayhan TM-A-03 Ahal Babadayhan 14 400 97 312 6,8
Bagtyyarlyk TM-S-01 Asgabat  Asgabat  272 309 619 1 138,3
Bäherden TM-A-04 Ahal Bäherden 16 690 126 409 7,6
Balkanabat TM-B-01 Balkan Balkanabat 11 290 188 429 16,7
Bayramaly TM-M-01 Mary Bayramaly 10 390 70 376 6,8
Bayramaly City TM-M-02 Mary Bayramaly 29 170 462 5 878,0
Bereket TM-B-02 Balkan Bereket 22 110 39 282 1,8
Berkararlyk TM-S-02 Asgabat  Asgabat  71 266 425 3 752,5
Boldumsaz TM-D-02 Dasoguz  Boldumsaz 1 233 257 496 208,8
Büzmeyin TM-S-03 Asgabat  Asgabat  449 175 179 390,2
Cärjew TM-L-01 Lebap Cärjew 30 490 233 699 7,7
Dänew TM-L-02 Lebap Dänew 6 089 159 634 26,2
Darganata TM-L-03 Lebap Darganata 14 890 57 952 3,9
Dasoguz TM-D-03 Dasoguz  Dasoguz 161 201 142 1 249,3
Esenguly TM-B-03 Balkan Esenguly 9 801 45 436 4,6
Etrek TM-B-04 Balkan Gyzyletrek 10 680 23 747 2,2
Garagum TM-M-03 Mary Yagtyyol 2 452 62 218 25,4
Gökdepe TM-A-05 Ahal Gökdepe 16 010 161 819 10,1
Görogly TM-D-04 Dasoguz  Görogly 14 800 164 894 11,1
Gyzylarbat TM-B-05 Balkan Gyzylarbat 9 852 72 473 7,4
Halac TM-L-04 Lebap Halac 1 800 133 909 74,4
Hojambaz TM-L-05 Lebap Hojambaz 7 978 110 376 13,8
Kaka TM-A-06 Ahal Kaka 10 620 93 652 8,8
Kerki TM-L-06 Lebap Kerki 17 550 132 562 7,6
Köneürgenc TM-D-05 Dasoguz  Köneürgenc 1 318 176 784 134,1
Köpetdag TM-S-04 Asgabat  Asgabat  188 278 840 1 483,2
Köytendag TM-L-07 Lebap Köytendag 6 623 199 820 30,2
Magtymguly TM-B-06 Balkan Garrygala 4 136 34 664 8,4
Mary TM-M-04 Mary Mary 1 352 167 027 123,5
Mary City TM-M-05 Mary Mary 83 173 140 2 086,0
Murgap TM-M-06 Mary Murgap 6 028 190 218 31,6
Ruhubelent TM-D-06 Dasoguz  Ruhubelent 17 820 28 172 1,6
Sabat TM-D-07 Dasoguz  Sabat 7 179 218 075 30,4
Sakarcäge TM-M-07 Mary Sakarcäge 11 480 196 202 17,1
Saparmyrat Türkmenba?y TM-D-08 Dasoguz  Saparmyrat Türkmenba?y 19 740 162 861 8,3
Sarahs TM-A-07 Ahal Sarahs 5 963 81 006 13,6
Sayat TM-L-08 Lebap Sayat 10 890 188 485 17,3
Tagtabazar TM-M-08 Mary Tagtabazar 28 190 134 751 4,8
Tejen TM-A-08 Ahal Tejen 10 270 181 961 17,7
Türkmenabat TM-L-09 Lebap Türkmenabat 159 230 861 1 452,0
Türkmenbasy TM-B-08 Balkan Türkmenbasy 65 550 34 119 0,5
Türkmenbasy City TM-B-07 Balkan Türkmenbasy 167 91 745 549,4
Türkmengala TM-M-09 Mary Türkmengala 9 112 124 642 13,7
Wekilbazar TM-M-10 Mary Mollanepes 9 430 168 734 17,9
Yolöten TM-M-11 Mary Yolöten 8 677 155 616 17,9



Membership in international organisations and treaties

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Political Alliances

Regional Unions

Military alliances/Arms control

Law enforcement

Business Alliances


Free Trade Area, Internal Market

Technical alliances



Humanitarian Unions

Cultural Unions


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International Border disputes

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Land boundaries


See also neighboring states

Afghanistan - Azerbaijan - Iran - Kazakhstan - Russia - Uzbekistan




Fast selection

List of international
and treaties



thematical maps

  • Poulation density for 2022


Country data

Official Web-Portal

State Statistical Committee

National Media

National Holydays
in German


Diplomatic Relations

German Ministry
of Foreign Affairs

Spanish Foreign Ministry


CIA - World Factbook

International data


UN-Population Fund

IOM - International Organization
for Migration

World Health Organisation



UN Children´s Fund


World Bank

Monetary Fund

Development cooperation


Special data

FAO - Statistics

FAO - Country Profile

UN Environment

Alternative Energy

Meteorology and Hydrology

Human Development Index

Disaster/Risk data

Amnesty International

Human Rights Watch

INTERPOL Turkmenistan

Global Terrorism Database
historically see also:
Soviet Union


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