Game Boy Coding Adventure - Max's Game Boy Blog -

Game Boy Coding Adventure

Published October 17, 2022

In my life, there were two personal projects I kept putting aside over and over: writing a book and programming retro consoles. With COVID leading to so much time spent at home, I finally caught up on those two projects at once by writing a Game Boy programming ebook: Game Boy Coding Adventure.

Game Boy Coding Adventure is a complete and practical guide covering all the features of the Game Boy. It presents the capabilities of the hardware one by one, illustrating them with over 50 code samples. If that’s up your alley, please check the book on Gumroad and use the discount code GAMEDEV to get 20% off. The book is also available on Amazon and Google Books if that’s more to your taste.

It took roughly a year to get the first version of the book out. I added more content over the months following the initial release. I believe the book offers good value for money in its current form already, but there are more updates coming soon, at no additional charge of course, so please stay tuned!

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