Chromatic Galaxy Devlog 1 - Chromatic Galaxy -

Chromatic Galaxy Devlog 1

posted in Chromatic Galaxy
Published September 17, 2022

Hello fellow players and developers,

over the last months I have been working on a game that I would finally like to share here.

Chromatic Galaxy is a twin stick, roguelike space shooter and will contain multiple ships that can be customized regarding weapons and abilities. This game is currently aimed for Windows and probably Mac OS (I have an old mac book here and released something for IOS already so I figured I could try a Mac release if there is interest).

As mentioned I already worked on this game for a while now and in this first devlog I would like to share what I have done so far. As I have never worked with Unity's Shadergraph and I really want to get into this field because many great visual effects come from shaders. I spent a solid amount of time trying to do some shaders that I could use in this game. So far I came up with a responsive shield shader and a shader for a laser beam ( of course with a lot of help from tutorials) . The result of this work can be seen in these videos (Laser Beam is the latest video):

I also implemented the movement of the ships. There is a different movement pattern for smaller and for bigger ships because I want to give the player the possibility to pick a play style that the player likes. I ended up using completely rigidbody based movement applying physic forces to movement and rotations. This was done because I faced multiple issues with collisions, especially regarding rotating ships, that I was only able to solve this way.

Among the various smaller bits and pieces that I already coded is also a random map generator that creates random asteroid fields and will later be responsible to create the levels that are necessary for a roguelike game. Furthermore I already implemented 4 different weapons:

  • Laser shots
  • Laser beam
  • Shotgun like laser
  • homing missiles

Next I want to start working on the opponents AI which will probably be one of the most challenging parts of the development, but I am looking forward to see what I can create. I plan to have different types of enemies that use different ships so I will need to create something that works for all of them.

After that I hope to put the various bits and pieces together into something playable so I can start tweaking the controls a bit. I will probably upload a small demo as soon as possible to get some feedback in regarding gameplay.

At the moment I am using these free ship models from: which are really great, so I want to give credit to the page. And I bought some affordable assets from the unity asset store where necessary.

Thank you for reading and hopefully see you next time.

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