Weekly Updates #93 - I'll take the shotgun - Projects Of Some Degree Of Interest - GameDev.net

Weekly Updates #93 - I'll take the shotgun

Published November 21, 2020

Hey hey! It's time for another Weekly Update! This time there are a few new kinds of stuff so let's get this started right away!

New Weapons

First off, there are two new weapons for players to play with: the shotgun and the uzi.


This one is my personal favourite. Shotguns are mid-ranged firearms with a lot of spread due to their type of ammunition.

In this game, it takes the shape of a 12-gauge double-barrel pump-action sawed-off shotgun.

As I've learned while researching these types of guns, not all shotguns are the same. I decided to make one with a noticeably shorter range with a whole lot of spread to maximize damage output.

So basically, a 12 gauge shotgun will produce 12 different projectiles per barrel, which in our case totals to 24 differents hit scans. Because of this, shotguns aren't precise. Every hit scan does a bit less damage, which nicely balances the gun.

However, shotguns also have a shorter mag size (four shots per load precisely). They also take quite a bit of time to reload and shoot. Thus shotguns quite lethal when used with capacities like hovering or double jumps.


Next up is the Mini Uzi gun. This gun is a fully automatic weapon. Thus you don't need to let your finger off the shoot key to keeping shooting.

One advantage the Uzi gun has over the other guns is a greater firing rate, which can be quite useful against some enemies. They also have a far greater mag size (over 300 bullets!).

However, there are disadvantages too. Uzi guns aren't as powerful as shotguns or 9mm and aren't as precise. In fact, the longer you hold the trigger, the more they lose precision. Though, this comes with an advantage: it also becomes more powerful.

So in terms of range, this put the Uzi gun somewhere between the 9mm and the shotgun. If you have the ammo, this gun can be quite useful, especially since you'll be dealing with a lot of enemies throughout the game.

Minor Update

  • Fixed a bug where breakable boxes wouldn't seem broken when viewed from afar;
  • Re-exported and refactor a lot of FBX files to have proper LOD support;
  • Removed a bunch of sub-par low LOD models;
  • Fixed a bug where ingested food items wouldn't display correctly in the pause menu;
  • Decluttered the pause menu:
    • Now the counters will disappear whenever the game pauses:
      • The pause screen is much less cluttered now.
  • Updated to the newest Behavior Designer version:
    • AI development Should be much more stable;
    • Some AI bugs might even fix too.
  • Fixed a bug where bosses would stop attacking after a couple of cycles;
  • Fixed a bug where slash projectiles shoot from bosses wouldn't hit players at all;
  • Optimized breakable glasses
  • Fixed a bug where arrows weren't centred when shooting multiple arrows per shots;
  • Refactored some breakable box scripts;
  • Added localized text for both new weapons.

Next Week

With the new guns done, next week is going to be fully Monthly Build oriented. So it pretty much means fixing critical bugs and doing some R&D with AIs. So for my patrons, this month's monthly build should come out pretty soon!

After that, it's demo time!

And that's about it for this week. Thank you for your time, and see you next week!

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