Devlog #3- Monsters and Mythos! - TumultuousProductions -

Devlog #3- Monsters and Mythos!

Published October 15, 2019

Devlog #3- Monsters and Mythos!

October 15th, 2019

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Weekly Updates Week 3: More Creatures within Kinfallen Forest

Here is a showcase of two more enemies you will encounter in the Kinfallen Forest, including a brief description and concept art created by our talented artists: 

Scavenger: Thought by some to be corrupted descendants of those lost within Kinfallen Forest, the scavenger hunts for trinkets and valuables scattered along the undergrowth of the forest. It carries its belongings in an overstuffed satchel upon its back, clinging to the past memories these items possess. When spotted, they will back away and only attack when threatened, but will become emboldened when other members of its kind are nearby.




OROpLeCpVLdL5TUgiMhwmcujrWTFSaOn1HEGhFUbyjiDKlxs3YHqCLA_5QUCuGsw99OPTo_ELCu_hGOvJ8GJiFi7j2EsID8CwvhNqFdMBgMOSIKuN4jZjYN8OpfhhbN6ye9L3rFfA subterranean creature of the forest, the uprooter dwells mainly within the vast root system of Kinfallen Forest, digging burrows and creating mounds of soil. Its nose resembles a forest flower, tricking passersby into a sense of security. When a traveler encroaches on its territory, it will jump out of the ground and attack with its powerful claws, sometimes throwing mounds of dirt and rock in defense. 


Weekly Member Spotlight:

This week, I metaphorically ‘sat down’ with Arabesco, one of our artists on the team and an incredibly talented pixel-art animator. I asked her about her process and working style to produce such amazing animations for Yami. Thanks again to Arabesco for answering our questions!

Q: What is your artistic background?


A: “I began my journey into art very early on - I was around 2 when my cousin drew a cat on paper. Enchanted by the idea of creating something in paper, I decided to learn how to draw. Eventually I began to draw digitally as well and thus became fascinated with the idea of making artwork for a game. For now I am doing Visual Arts as a major in college and will possibly get a minor in graphic design.”


Q: How did you get inspired to make art for a video game?


A: “When I was 14 or so, I found out that people could make their own games relatively easily and publish them in the internet. The catch was that you needed to make your art yourself. I did not know about sites that let you use their material for free. So I decided to do game art and thus live and learn, reading pixel art articles and whatnot as well as staring at spritesheets while figuring out how do The Experts do it.”


Q: How do you animate your art?


A: “When it comes to pixel art, I use an approach that to an extent is similar to rigging/puppeteering: putting the moving parts in their layers and moving them with edits to maintain consistency. This allows for a faster workflow. Outside of it I tend to do hand drawn animations in krita.”


Q: Tell us briefly about yourself!


A: “I am an individual. Living in some south american country, close to the sea, I often either work on the many things I have or just stand there. Menacingly.”


Q: What is your process for making art?


A: “I first have an idea. Then I try to think of the many ways to approach said idea. Then I materialize the concept. Once I feel it is satisfactory, I put it out.”


~Look for our post Next week where we show concepts for the Yami planet of Raum, and concept art for one of our NPCs~


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