Doing more with length-typed vectors

The post Fixing lists defined a (commonly used) type of vectors, whose lengths are determined statically, by type. In Vec n a, the length is n, and the elements have type a, where n is a type-encoded unary number, built up from zero and successor (Z and S).

infixr 5 :<

data Vec *** where
ZVec Vec Z a
(:<) a → Vec n a → Vec (S n) a

It was fairly easy to define foldr for a Foldable instance, fmap for Functor, and (⊛) for Applicative. Completing the Applicative instance is tricky, however. Unlike foldr, fmap, and (⊛), pure doesn't have a vector structure to crawl over. It must create just the right structure anyway. I left this challenge as a question to amuse readers. In this post, I give a few solutions, including my current favorite.

You can find the code for this post and the two previous ones in a code repository.

An Applicative instance

As a review, here is our Functor instance:

instance Functor (Vec n) where
fmap _ ZVec = ZVec
fmap f (a :< u) = f a :< fmap f u

And part of an Applicative instance:

instance Applicative (Vec n) where
pure a = ??
ZVecZVec = ZVec
(f :< fs) ⊛ (x :< xs) = f x :< (fs ⊛ xs)

For pure, recall the troublesome goal signature:

  pure  a → Vec n a

There's at least one very good reason this type is problematic. The type n is completely unrestricted. There is nothing to require n to be a natural number type, rather than Bool, String, String → Bool, etc.

In contrast to this difficulty with pure, consider what if n ≡ String in the type of fmap:

fmap  (a → b) → Vec n a → Vec n b

The definition of Vec guarantees that that there are no values of type Vec String a. So it's vacuously easy to cover that case (with an empty function). Similarly for (⊛).

If we were to somehow define pure with the type given above, then pure () would have type Vec String () (among many other types). However, there are no values of that type. Hence, pure cannot be defined without restricting n.

Since the essential difficulty here is the unrestricted nature of n, let's look at restricting it. We'll want to include exactly the types that can arise in constructing Vec values, namely Z, S Z, S (S Z), S (S (S Z)), etc.

As a first try, define a class with two instances:

class IsNat n

instance IsNat Z
instance IsNat n ⇒ IsNat (S n)

Then change the Applicative instance to require IsNat n:

instance IsNat n ⇒ Applicative (Vec n) where

The definition of (⊛) given above still type-checks. Well, not quite. Really, the recursive call to (⊛) fails to type-check, because the IsNat constraint cannot be proved. One solution is to add that constraint to the vector type:

data Vec  *** where
ZVec Vec Z a
(:<) IsNat n ⇒ a → Vec n a → Vec (S n) a

Another is to break the definition (⊛) out into a separate recursion that omits the IsNat constraint:

instance IsNat n ⇒ Applicative (Vec n) where
pure = ???
(⊛) = applyV

applyV Vec n (a → b) → Vec n a → Vec n b
ZVec `applyV` ZVec = ZVec
(f :< fs) `applyV` (x :< xs) = f x :< (fs `applyV` xs)

Now, how can we define pure? We still don't have enough structure. To get that structure, add a method to IsNat. That method could simply be the definition of pure that we need.

class IsNat n where pureN  a → Vec n a

instance IsNat Z where pureN a = ZVec
instance IsNat n ⇒ IsNat (S n) where pureN a = a :< pureN a

To get this second instance to type-check, we'll have to add the constraint IsNat n to the (:<) constructor in Vec. Then define pure = pureN for Vec.

I prefer a variation on this solution. Instead of pureN, use a method that can only make vectors of ():

class IsNat n where units  Vec n ()

instance IsNat Z where units = ZVec
instance IsNat n ⇒ IsNat (S n) where units = () :< units

Then define

  pure a = fmap (const a) units

Neat trick, huh? I got it from Applicative Programming with Effects (section 7).

Value-typed natural numbers

There's still another way to define IsNat, and it's the one I actually use.

Define a type of natural number with matching value & type:

data Nat  ** where
Zero Nat Z
Succ IsNat n ⇒ Nat n → Nat (S n)

Interpret a Nat as an Integer

natToZ  Nat n → Integer
natToZ Zero = 0
natToZ (Succ n) = (succ ∘ natToZ) n

I wrote the second clause strangely to emphasize the following lovely property, which corresponds to a simple commutative diagram:

natToZ ∘ Succ = succ ∘ natToZ

This natToZ function is handy for showing natural numbers:

instance Show (Nat n) where show = show ∘ natToZ

A fun & strange thing about Nat n is that it can have at most one inhabitant for any type n. We can synthesize that inhabitant via an alternative definition of the IsNat class defined (twice) above:

class IsNat n where nat  Nat n

instance IsNat Z where nat = Zero
instance IsNat n ⇒ IsNat (S n) where nat = Succ nat

Using this latest version of IsNat, we can easily define units (and hence pure on Vec n for IsNat n):

units  IsNat n ⇒ Vec n ()
units = unitsN nat

unitsN Nat n → Vec n ()
unitsN Zero = ZVec
unitsN (Succ n) = () :< unitsN n

I prefer this latest IsNat definition over the previous two, because it relies only on Nat, which is simpler and more broadly useful than Vec. Examples abound, including improving an recent post, as we'll see now.

Revisiting type-bounded numbers

The post Type-bounded numbers defined a type BNat n of natural numbers less than n, which can be used, for instance, as numerical digits in base n.

data BNat  ** where
BZero BNat (S n)
BSucc BNat n → BNat (S n)

One useful operation is conversion from integer to BNat n. This operation had the awkward task of coming up with BNat structure. The solution given was to introduce a type class, with instances for Z and S:

class HasBNat n where toBNat  IntegerMaybe (BNat n)

instance HasBNat Z where toBNat _ = Nothing

instance HasBNat n ⇒ HasBNat (S n) where
toBNat m | m < 1 = Just BZero
| otherwise = fmap BSucc (toBNat (pred m))

We can instead eliminate the HasBNat class and reuse the IsNat class, as in the last technique above for defining units or pure.

toBNat  ∀ n. IsNat n ⇒ IntegerMaybe (BNat n)
toBNat = loop n where
n = nat Nat n
loop Nat n' → IntegerMaybe (BNat n')
loop Zero _ = Nothing
loop (Succ _) 0 = Just BZero
loop (Succ n') m = fmap BSucc (loop n' (pred m))

A Monad instance

First the easy parts: standard definitions in terms of pure and join:

instance IsNat n ⇒ Monad (Vec n) where
return = pure
v >>= f = join (fmap f v)

The join function on Vec n is just like join for functions and for streams. (Rightly so, considering the principle of type class morphisms.) It uses diagonalization, and one way to think of vector join is that it extracts the diagonal of a square matrix.

join  Vec n (Vec n a) → Vec n a
join ZVec = ZVec
join (v :< vs) = headV v :< join (fmap tailV vs)

The headV and tailV functions are like head and tail but understand lengths:

headV  Vec (S n) a → a
headV (a :< _) = a
tailV  Vec (S n) a → Vec n a
tailV (_ :< as) = as

Unlike their list counterparts, headV and tailV are safe, in that the precondition of non-emptiness is verified statically.


  1. conal:

    Maxime Henrion suggested an alternative to my Applicative instance above:

    instance Applicative (Vec Z) where
    pure _ = ZVec
    ZVecZVec = ZVec

    instance Applicative (Vec n) ⇒ Applicative (Vec (S n)) where
    pure a = a :< pure a
    (f :< fs) ⊛ (a :< as) = f a :< (fs ⊛ as)

    I hadn’t considered splitting the one instance into two. I like the simplicity of this solution, though I suspect the constraint Applicative (Vec n) would be cumbersome in practice. A small drawback of this version is that it requires the GHC language extensions FlexibleInstances and FlexibleContexts.

    Continuing on to Monad:

    instance Monad (Vec Z) where
    return = pure
    v >>= f = joinZ (fmap f v)

    instance Monad (Vec n) ⇒ Monad (Vec (S n)) where
    return = pure
    v >>= f = joinS (fmap f v)
    joinZ  Vec Z (Vec Z a) → Vec Z a
    joinZ ZVec = ZVec

    joinS Monad (Vec n) ⇒ Vec (S n) (Vec (S n) a) → Vec (S n) a
    joinS (v :< vs) = headV v :< join (fmap tailV vs)

    In this case, I'm using the general join function on monads. The Monad instances would be more elegant and perhaps more efficient if join were a method on Monad as has been proposed.

  2. Mikael Bung:

    Some time ago I tried to find a solution that didn’t require an extra restriction on the context. As far as I can tell the IsNat solution is the best (in the sense that you only need to carry around one context) you can do currently but Maximes solution together with looks like it would allow the compiler to convince itself that the Applicative instance exists for all possible Vec n.

  3. Darius Jahandarie:

    Or, whenever this gets finished…

    data Nat = Z | S Nat -- automatically lifted to the type/kind level!
    data Vec :: Nat -> * -> * where
      ZVec :: Vec Z a
      (:<) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (S n) a
    class Pure n where pureN :: a -> Vec n a
    instance Pure Z where pureN a = ZVec
    instance Pure (S n) where pureN a = a :< pureN a
    instance Applicative (Vec n) where
      pure a = pureN a
      ZVec <*> ZVec = ZVec
      (f :< fs) <*> (x :< xs) = f x :< (fs <*> xs)

    Or something like that :)

  4. Conal Elliott » Blog Archive » Reverse-engineering length-typed vectors:

    […] About « Doing more with length-typed vectors […]

  5. Bas van Dijk:

    Nice post Conal!

    We should realy invent a name for this pattern where we have a “type level datatype” (like Z and S n), an isomorphic value level GADT (like Nat) and a class that provides an overloaded constructor for this GADT (like IsNat).

    I used this same pattern in 3 places already:

    I’m even thinking about using some CPP hackery to abstract the pattern.

  6. Conal Elliott » Blog Archive » A trie for length-typed vectors:

    […] Doing more with length-typed vectors […]

  7. Eyal Lotem:

    Everyone might already know this, but (<$) = fmap . const, so the above:

    pure a = fmap (const a) units

    Can be written:

    pure a = a <$ units


    pure = (<$ units)

  8. conal:

    Thanks, Eyal. I had forgotten about (<$).

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