
Publié le 15/05/2017 à 13:40 par sospalourde1 Tags : palourdes clams cherrystones fishing peche sea

The Hard-Shell Clam Or Cherrystone is A Little Larger , You'll  Get  6-10 cherrystone clam per  pound

Important features of bivalves :

*2 shelly valves

*2 adductor muscles(reduced to 1 in some species)that hold the shell tightly when they contract

*An elastic ligament that springs the shell open when the muscles relax

*A hinge with a series of interlocking teeth that keep the valves aligned

*A pallial valve that represents the attachement of the soft tissues to the interior of the shell .The presence of a pallial sinus indicates that the species has siphons (that intract into the sinus when the shell closes)