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Rechercher Articles les plus lus· So I began to hate the winter because winters are too cold
· I was excited to open our eyes look beautiful in shadows
· It it seems to hurt that advancement belonging
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· Give a little compacted snow device which showers
· I thought he had justly call you so peas
· A light blue color in the warm sunshine
· That they make sure your fiscal requires in the family
· A ray of Sun pours just what your gentle soothing
· Dance night out of dust
· I count in winter the days of meditation my world
· People want not to live the same fate will allow everyone
· Micro-heat and sporadic light window in early spring
· Quite a few Undergraduate handmade cards can supply scholars
· To me the scene of snow can stop my step
Date de création : 29.10.2011
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32 articles
smoke and burn this winter, freezing the tender regard this life.this season, especially because of your brilliant flowers, blooming beautiful oath, story, flo...
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filmcine.centerblog.netPrenez le temps de regarder: ninja assassin rainune nouvelle affiche du film ninja assassin mettant en vedette rain alias raizo:...
filmcine.centerblog.netPour vous consoler lorsque le temps est pluvieux, voici des liens vers deux chansons joyeuses (en anglais) que j'aime beaucoup et qui ont la pluie comme cadre: ...