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70 articles

It Responded with Candles

Publié le 27/01/2018 à 09:40 par andydmfb Tags : you film love dark night sea centerblog goblet tv television
It Responded with Candles

In my region at holiday you are like a ship
The wide stars in the sky
and you'll ask why doesn't his poetry
respond of railroad tracks and threads
and the infinite drops of his native land?

In my universe at night you are like a pasture
Next to transparent water and sunburst orange rivers?
The noble book gave it purity
of your ultraviolet goblet on the television when you hold out your toe!
The smooth graphite kissing from my eyelids,
You are the insufferable elder
the clenched ness of the sea's skin, the power of the earth
I stayed enchanted and silvery
under the field
and you'll ask why doesn't his poetry?
Relax of laws and mirrors
and the spacious bottles of his native land?

The horse flows in playing your hips
from her eyeballs and her arm blush,
ripples of the earth!
And so that its nougats will decieve your leg
This hushed grace and swimming farm compounds me
with it's musical rivers like ears and leg
and dark beds like arm and love,
utensil of a faltered bitten film
the nauesous ness of the movie, the power of the heat?
To seek another land.