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· Stop Smoking Will Sever Ties


Date de création : 01.11.2013
Dernière mise à jour : 16.12.2013
12 articles

Stop Smoking Will Sever Ties

Publié le 01/11/2013 à 08:09 par alisondean Tags : smoking health

With the decrease of the risk of lung cancer decreases moreover, the risk of other diseases. Cigarettes do not mind so much - The air is so many waste products, such as car exhaust, giving me a few cigarettes kill! Visit Website

The cigarette smoke is around three to four thousand different pollutants, including dozens of carcinogens. Smoking affects your lungs otherwise. The fumes from cars, while irritating the respiratory system, but those present much less carcinogenic substances. This is so - in any case, it pays to quit smoking.

Stop smoking will sever ties - End of smoking is a difficult decision. In at least three ways in which it is necessary to break three bonds:

First With my current lifestyle - cigarettes must exclude from your daily life, if you want to quit smoking, you have to start with a new approach to life.

Second Social and psychological bonds - the period of smoking with a friend, friend, friend, you must be consistent and its current vice forgive you after years grown conjunction with a cigarette after lunch, for reassurance, for a long time to be overcome. Continue Reading

3rd Chains of addiction to nicotine - Nicotine addiction manifests withdrawal symptoms. These include in particular sleep disorders, depression, restlessness, hunger, nervousness. Symptoms always occur when you stop smoking, especially if you've smoked daily for more than twenty cigarettes.