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Пауль Леверкюн

Paul Leverkuehn (* 31. July 1893 in Luebeck; " 1. March 1960 in Hamburg) was a German politician of the CDU.
Life and occupation
Leverkuehn studied mash gau, Munich, Berlin, king mountain and Goettingen jurisprudence after the Abitur at the universities of Edinburgh, Freiburg in. In the First World War he worked 1915/16 on behalf the Foreign Office as a member of the secret delegation under max of Scheubner judge in the Turkish-Persian border area, in order to continue afterwards its study. After end of war it completed the junior lawyer service in its hometown Luebeck and attained a doctorate 1922 to the Dr. jur. Subsequently, he worked at the Foreign Office ("America place") and later in Washington (D.C.) and in New York town center, where he was active as a banker. it changed 1928 to the German message in Washington (D.C.), where it as a realm commissioner around the release begschlagnahmten itself German fortune cared. 1930 it returned to Germany and established themselves as an attorney in Berlin. 1939 it was called up briefly into the armed forces, but already inserted one year later by the Foreign Office than consul into (Persia). From 1941 to 1944 Leverkuehn, which had William Canaris of contacts over the German defense boss to the resistance, was then a boss of the German defense in Istanbul, was however set off, after his close coworker Erich increasing had overflowed to the British.
After the Second World War Leverkuehn worked as an attorney in Hamburg, 1946 however already changed for one year to the realm bank branch office Hamburg. 1948/49 it was active as defence counsels in the "OKW process" and in the "one stone process". 1951 to 1953 it belonged to the German delegation of the Londoner conference of debt adjustment. From 1957 to its death it was active as a president of the institute for Asia customer in Hamburg.
A party
Dr. Leverkuehn was member of the CDU.
Dr. Leverkuehn belonged to the German Bundestag from 1953 to his death. At the same time it was also member of the advisory meeting of the Council of Europe.
From 27 February 1958 by 4 November 1959 it was also member of the European parliament. It was there 1959 chairmen of the standing orders committee.
Honorary offices
Dr. Leverkuehn of regional chairmen of the European union was from 1949 to 1954 in Hamburg. Likewise 1949 it became up to its death of chairmen of the "association for studies for privatrechliche foreign interests".
Post on eternal guard. From the adventurous life of the max of Scheubner judge, meal, 1938 (editorship Erik of active).
The secret intelligence service of the German armed forces in the war, Frankfurt/Main, 1947.
History of the United States, 1948.
Economic regulations in peace treaties, 1948.
Comment on the military law, 1952.
German army intelligence, London/New York, 1954.
Burkhard sudden-nods: Attorney, politician, secret service officer: Paul Leverkuehn in Turkey, 1915-16 and 1941-44. in: Journal OF Intelligence History, No. 2, 2002
4ER. про Леверкюн: Германская военная разведка. Шпионаж, диверсии, контрразведка. 1935-1944 (Биографии и Мемуары, История) в 12:27 (+02:00) / 19-08-2011Скачал,почитаю.Всегда хотел почитать о Канарисе.На мой взгляд,создатель одной из лучших разведок первой половины XX-го века заслуживает памяти о себе.Наши предки уважали своих врагов.Да,изменилось время,изменились нравы.Но недооценивать,а значит не уважать своих своих противников-это заранее проиграть.
antrecot про Леверкюн: Германская военная разведка. Шпионаж, диверсии, контрразведка. 1935-1944 (Биографии и Мемуары, История) в 07:59 (+02:00) / 19-08-2011
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