The SafeBase Trust Center Platform

Everything you need to take the dread out of security reviews.
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The leading Trust Center Platform for friction-free security reviews

SafeBase automates security reviews and transforms how you communicate your security and trust posture.

Build customer trust through transparency with our Trust Center, expedite security questionnaires with AI Questionnaire Assistance, and elevate your security story with rich analytics and robust integrations.

Make security reviews easy with a SafeBase Trust Center

Showcase your commitment to security and help your buyers find the information they need with a SafeBase Trust Center.

With all of your up-to-date security documentation in one place, buyers self-serve answers to common security questions and your security and revenue teams save valuable time — all without compromising security.

Learn more about our Trust Centers

Save time on security questionnaires with AI Questionnaire Assistance

Effortlessly integrated into your SafeBase Trust Center, AI Questionnaire Assistance helps you respond to residual questionnaires quickly, accurately, and confidently.

SafeBase's AI Questionnaire Assistance uses the perfect blend of questionnaire automation + AI to slash time spent on security questionnaires by 80% or more, so you can work smarter (not harder).

Explore AI Questionnaire Assistance

Bring security reviews into the flow of work with SafeBase integrations

From workplace productivity tools and CRMs to NDA providers and security solutions, it's easy to connect SafeBase to your tech stack.

Our vendor-agnostic Trust Center Platform and rich integrations library easily incorporate the security review process into yours and your buyers' daily workflows, removing friction, increasing visibility, and driving collaboration.

Learn more about our integrations

Prove the impact of your security programs with SafeBase analytics

Knowing exactly where to invest in your security programs can be hard, and measuring their impact on the broader business can be even harder.

SafeBase analytics give you comprehensive insight into security-influenced revenue, help you better understand buyer needs and behavior, and inform where your teams should focus their efforts for maximum impact.

Explore our analytics
Ready to learn more about the SafeBase Trust Center Platform?
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