Skull Base, The online skull database

Welcome to Skull Base! is an independent online skull collection. High resolution (1600 pixels) images are available about all skulls and each can be checked in 360 degrees. All skulls have a datasheet with measurements. Furthermore the high resolution images are scaled in order to help making further measurements.

At the moment 210 skulls are available on the site.

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Most popular in the last 10 days

Mixed-breed dog - Canis lupus familiaris

Mixed-breed dog
Canis lupus familiaris

Gray wolf - Canis lupus

Gray wolf
Canis lupus

Tiger - Panthera tigris

Panthera tigris

Labrador retriever - Canis lupus familiaris

Labrador retriever
Canis lupus familiaris

Lion ssp. melanochaita - Panthera leo melanochaita

Lion ssp. melanochaita (♂)
Panthera leo melanochaita

Red fox - Vulpes vulpes

Red fox
Vulpes vulpes

What's new?

Lion ssp. melanochaita (♀) - Panthera leo melanochaita

Lion ssp. melanochaita (♀)
Panthera leo melanochaita

Brown long-eared bat (♂) - Plecotus auritus

Brown long-eared bat (♂)
Plecotus auritus

Common shrew (♂) - Sorex araneus

Common shrew (♂)
Sorex araneus

Mediterranean water shrew  - Neomys anomalus

Mediterranean water shrew
Neomys anomalus

Bicolored shrew (♂) - Crocidura leucodon

Bicolored shrew (♂)
Crocidura leucodon

Wood mouse (♀) - Apodemus sylvaticus

Wood mouse (♀)
Apodemus sylvaticus

Wood warbler (♂) - Phylloscopus sibilatrix

Wood warbler (♂)
Phylloscopus sibilatrix

Eurasian reed warbler (♀) - Acrocephalus scirpaceus

Eurasian reed warbler (♀)
Acrocephalus scirpaceus

Common whitethroat (♀) - Sylvia communis

Common whitethroat (♀)
Sylvia communis

Common swift (♀) - Apus apus

Common swift (♀)
Apus apus

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