Michelle Yeoh Videos


♦ 2013 Gao Zheng Camellia Oil Commercial with Michelle Yeoh
♦ 2013 Exploring New Orchidee Imperiale
♦ 2012 Anlene Gold
♦ 2012 Exploring Orchidee Imperiale by Michelle Yeoh
♦ 2010 Anlene Concentrate (Black Sesame)
♦ 2009 L'Oreal True Match Commercial
♦ 2009 Anlene Gold
♦ 2008 Anlene Concentrate
♦ 2006 Puma Holiday Heros
♦ 2001 Malaysia tourism commercial
♦ 1984/1985 watch commercial with Chow Yun-Fat
♦ 1984 watch commercial with Jackie Chan

2013 Gao Zheng Camellia Oil Commercial with Michelle Yeoh

10sec video (00:16)
30sec video (00:35)
60sec video (01:05)

2013 New Orchidee Imperiale starring Michelle Yeoh

Travel with Michelle Yeoh to a protected place, rich in biodiversity,
where an extraordinary orchid blossoms. (Guerlian)

Play video (02:31)

2012 Anlene Gold

Mandarin version: Play (00:30)

2012 Exploring Orchidee Imperiale by Michelle Yeoh

Taking her position as a new Guerlain Ambassador, Michelle Yeoh
discovers the wonderful story of Orchidee Imperiale. (Guerlian)

Episode 1: The Story of a Quest (02:03)
Episode 2: The World of Orchids (02:38)
Episode 3: The Science of Longevity (02:24)
Episode 4: The Treasure of Nature (02:27)
Episode 5: Essence of a Myth (02:02)

2010 Anlene Concentrate (Black Sesame Flavor) commercial

English version: Play (00:30)
Cantonese version: Play (00:30)

2009 L'Oreal True Match commercial

L'Oreal Commercial featuring actress Li Bingbing, Michelle and
Eileen Zhang, Miss World 2007 title holder (China)

Mandarin version: Play (00:33)
Cantonese version: Play (00:20)

2009 Anlene Gold commercial

Anlene Gold adult milk powder commercial in Malaysia.
- "Get enough calcium? Probably not. Listen to your body..."

English version (Malaysia):  Play (00:35)   |   Download (MP4 2Mb)
Chinese version (Taiwan): Play (00:30)   |   Download (MP4 2.3Mb)

2008 Anlene Concentrate commercial

Commercial for Anlene Concentrate, a high calcium dairy products for adults. Various research shows that the calcium intake among Asian women is only half of their daily needs.

English version:  Play (00:31)   |   Download (MP4 2.3Mb)
Chinese version:  Play (00:30)   |   Download (WMV 1.1Mb)
Photos: Making of the Anlene Commercial

2006 Puma Holiday Heros

Puma Ninja Fight Video 1 (00:30)
Puma Ninja Fight Video 2 (00:30)
Behind the Scenes (05:06)
Storyboard from 2006 Puma Ninja Fight

2001 Malaysia tourism commercial
Malaysia, Truly Asia

This commercial of promoting tourism to Malaysia has been broadcasted in various Asian countries since fall 2001. Michelle appears at the beginning and towards the end of the clip.
- "I've been many places in the world. This is my real hometown - Malaysia".
- "This is Malaysia, truly Asia.".

Play (01:01)   |   Download (AVI/DivX 2.2Mb)
(video by BAM of U.K.)

1984/1985 Guy Laroche commercial
Michelle Yeoh and Chow Yun-Fat

Play (00:32)

1984 Guy Laroche commercial
Michelle Yeoh and Jackie Chan

Michelle's very first commercial in Hong Kong, with Jackie Chan.

Play (00:32)   |   Download (AVI/DivX 6.5Mb)
(video by BAM of U.K.)

♦ 2015 Michelle Yeoh on how the #GlobalGoals are helping road safety *new*
♦ 2015 Live to Love Ambassador Michelle Yeoh's Appeal to Help Nepal *new*
♦ 2014 The #Safie Challenge by Michelle Yeoh (Safe Kids)
♦ 2013 Support the zero discrimination campaign (UNAIDS)
♦ 2012 Congratulations on NTDTV's 10th Anniversary
♦ 2011 Support the Road Safety Fund
♦ 2010 Michelle Yeoh leads UN road safety campaign
♦ 2009 Among the Great Apes
♦ 2009 Road Safety Public Service Announcements
♦ 2008 Helmets for Kids
♦ 2008-2009 Make Roads Safe campaign
♦ 2002 WildAid advertisement
♦ 2002 Taiwan Anti-Piracy advertisement

2015 Michelle Yeoh on how the #GlobalGoals are helping road safety *new*

Road traffic crashes are the leading killer of young people all around the world. This global, man-made, epidemic takes a life every 30 seconds. Now world leaders are making road safety a priority target for the Global Goals, and we have a real chance to save many lives. But we need your help and your voice to make the change.

Play Video (00:48)

2015 Live to Love Ambassador Michelle Yeoh's Appeal to Help Nepal *new*

Michelle Yeoh, Global Ambassador of Live to Love, make an appeal to the international community to help Nepal, which experienced a devastating earthquake on 25th April 2015.

Play Video (01:40)

2014 #SaveKidsLives #Safie Challenge by Michelle Yeoh

Actress and activist Michelle Yeoh challenges us to create a 'Safie' to help end preventable injuries to children around the globe in and around roads and vehicles.

Play Video (00:52)

2013 Actress and activist Michelle Yeoh supports the zero discrimination campaign

The award winning actress and activist Michelle Yeoh says the right to health belongs to everyone in her message of support for the Zero Discrimination campaign.

Play Video (00:30)

2012 Congratulations on NTDTV's 10th Anniversary

NTDTV (New Tang Dynasty Television) is the only TV broadcasting into Mainland China (via satellite) which provides an uncensored Chinese-language alternative to China's state-run media. Based in New York City, the independent television broadcaster was established in 2002 by Chinese Americans, with a mission of bringing truthful and uncensored information into and out of China, promoting traditional Chinese culture, and facilitating mutual understanding between the East and West. (website: Chinese, English & other languages)

Play Video (00:21)

2011 Support the Road Safety Fund

Support the global fund for the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020

Play Video (00:55)

2010 Michelle Yeoh leads UN road safety campaign

Michelle Yeoh champions the issue of road safety during the United Nations Summit on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), U.N. headquarters, New York, September 22nd, 2010.

Play Video (02:49)

2009 Among the Great Apes

Filmed in June 2009, the HD documentary was made by National Geographic in partnership with the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS). It tells a moving story about the first encounter of Michelle and her adopted baby orangutan, Sen, at the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre in Sabah, eastern Malaysia, in its long-standing efforts of rehabilitating orangutan orphans back into the wild.

Among the Great Apes with Michelle Yeoh (Documentary):
part 1 (09:17), part 2 (08:01), part 3 (10:19), part 4 (10:31), part 5 (08:54),

2009 Road Safety Public Service Announcements

On October 14th, Michelle, as the global road safety ambassador, spoke at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. and urged members of Congress to join efforts to combat the world's fastest-growing and most neglected public health emergency, global road deaths.

Road Safety Public Service Announcements:
  South Africa (00:33)
  India (00:32)
  Vietnam (00:31)
Michelle's speech in D.C. (02:01)

2008 Helmets for Kids

In March 2008, Michelle Yeoh was in Vietnam as an Ambassador for the "Make Roads Safe" campaign. "It is very troubling to see so many children in Hanoi riding on motorcycles without helmets. Parents must act right now to put helmets on their children," said Michelle.

Play Videos:   Video1 (00:30),   Video2 (00:23)

2008-2009 Make Roads Safe campaign

Since the beginning of 2008, Michelle has been the global ambassador for the Make Roads Safe campaign, helping to raise awareness of the scale of the road injury crisis in developing countries. A documentary film, "Turning Point", which features Michelle, was screened at the launch of calling for a UN Decade of Action in May 2009, and was broadcast worldwide on BBC.

Turning Point trailer (2009):   Play (02:28)
Michelle Yeoh's Speech at the Decade of Action Launch in Rome (May 2009):   Play (03:54)
Message from Michelle Yeoh (2008): Play (01:06)   |   Download (WMV 6.4Mb)

2002 WildAid advertisement

This advertisement was filmed for WildAid, an animal rights group formed to save wildlife in Asia, as a part of ACAP (The Asian Conservation Awareness Program). The group has filmed television spots featuring international celebrities that include Michelle, Jackie Chan, and Ang Lee.

Play (01:19)   |   Download (AVI 3.6Mb)

2002 Taiwan Anti-Piracy advertisement

This short advertisement was filmed in 2002 while Michelle was promoting The Touch in Taiwan. Michelle did it for free as her contribution to the anti-piracy efforts in Asia, which were newly funded at that time by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA).

Play (00:40)   |   Download (WMV 3Mb)
(video by Frida of Taiwan)