Link adicional
Descrição da peça em:
Minifig, Head Glasses with Black Sunglasses and Standard Grin Pattern - Blocked Open Stud
Bricklink ID:3626bp04
Peso:0.540 g

Conjuntos com essa parte (de Bricklink)
  Cor da peça Amarelo

 Nome do conjuntoAno de lançamentoQuantidade
92479247 Community Workers20051
1015610156 LEGO Truck20041
96849684 Renewable Energy Set20031
1002010020 Santa Fe Super Chief20021
13761376 Spider-Man20021
66366636 Police Headquarters20021
96509650 Scenery Resource Set20021
1000210002 Railroad Club Car20011
13511351 Movie Backdrop Studio20011
13521352 Explosion Studio20011
27182718 Aircraft and Ground Crew20011
48104810 Blue Creator Bucket20011
11981198 Tour de France Promotional Set: Team Telekom20001
11991199 Tour de France Promotional Set: Four Racers and Chase Car20001
12971297 Kabaya Promotional Set20001
30583058 Busy City20001
33503350 City #120001
34083408 Super Sport Coverage20001
64716471 4WD Police Patrol20001
97239723 Cities and Transportation20001
10961096 Race Buggy19991
10971097 RES-Q Runner19991
1106-21106-2 Basic Building Set, 5+19991
11881188 Fire Formula19991
11891189 Rocket Boat19991
11911191 Try Bird19991
12461246 {SHELL Promotional Set: Service Station Series:} Helicopter19991
12491249 {SHELL Promotional Set: Service Station Series:} Tri-Motorbike19991
12561256 {SHELL Promotional Set: Service Station Series:} Gas Pumps19991
27692769 Airline Promotional Set: Swamp, Plane, Dock, Boat19991
27742774 Red Tiger19991
34383438 {McDonald's Promotional Set} LEGO McDonald's Restaurant19991
42854285 Classic Value Bucket19991
42934293 Classic Value Pack19991
45334533 Train Track Snow Remover19991
45414541 Road N' Rail Cherry Picker Truck19991
45534553 Train Wash19991
45564556 Train Station19991
45604560 Railway Express19991
45614561 Railway Express19991
64336433 Coastwatch19991
64346434 Roadside Repair19991
64476447 Dumper19991
64646464 Super Rescue Complex19991
64686468 Tow-n-Go Value Pack19991
92879287 Bonus Lego Basic Town19991
93719371 Town Vehicles19991
96819681 eLAB Renewable Energy Set19991
99479947 Lego Figures19991
22342234 Tchibo Promotional Set} {Police Chase19981
25312531 Airline Promotional Set: Helicopter with Jeep Cargo19981
25322532 Airline Promotional Set: Passenger Jet with Fuel Tanker19981
25352535 SHELL Promotional Set: Race Car19981
25542554 SHELL Promotional Set: Pit Stop19981
29982998 Stena Line Promotional Set: Hydrofoil19981
30413041 Basic Building Set, 5+19981
32263226 Cars & Planes Set19981
32343234 SAS Promotional Set19981
33083308 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Tribune19981
33093309 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Head Tribune19981
33103310 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Commentator and Press Box19981
33113311 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Camera Tower19981
33123312 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Medic's Station19981
33143314 SHELL Promotional Set: Soccer: Stadium Security19981
34423442 {LEGOLAND Promotional Set} LEGOLAND California Truck19981
42214221 Sea Port19981
42224222 Cool Tools19981
42264226 Freestyle Bucket19981
42544254 Playtable with Cars and Planes19981
42674267 Special Pieces Bucket19981
43044304 Chopper Cop19981
63246324 Chopper Cop19981
63256325 Package Pick-Up19981
63266326 Town Folks19981
63276327 Turbo Champs19981
63286328 Helicopter Transport19981
63306330 Cargo Center19981
63326332 Command Post Central19981
63336333 Race and Chase19981
64156415 RES-Q Jet Ski19981
64226422 Telephone Repair19981
64246424 Rig Racers19981
64286428 Wave Saver19981
64456445 Emergency Evac19981
64516451 River Response19981
64626462 Aerial Recovery19981
64736473 RES-Q Cruiser19981
64796479 Emergency Response Center19981
65686568 Drag Race Rally19981
97259725 Amusement Park Set19981
97809780 ROBOLAB Starter Building Set19981
21262126 Train Cars19971
21472147 Dragon Fly {Promotional Set}19971
21482148 Imagination Celebration Promotional Set} Imagination Celebration Truck19971
28812881 Parking Gate Attendant19971
28872887 Oil Pump with Pumper19971
41584158 5+ Building Set19971
64006400 Go-Cart19971
64066406 Go Cart19971
64446444 Outback Airstrip19971
64876487 Mountain Rescue19971
64906490 Amazon Crossing19971
65486548 Octan Gas Station19971
65496549 Roadblock Runners19971
65536553 Crisis News Crew19971
65566556 Scuba Squad19971
65586558 Shark Cage Cove19971
65596559 Deep Sea Bounty19971
65646564 Recycle Truck19971
65666566 Bank19971
94539453 Universal School Set19972
17961796 Red FreeStyle Bucket19961
18081808 Airline Promotional Set: Plane with Tools and Pump19961
18171817 Forest Flyer19961
18181818 {Airline Promotional Set:} Starliner19961
18211821 Rally Racers19961
21502150 Train Station19961
40124012 Wave Cops19961
40224022 C26 Sea Cutter19961
45594559 Cargo Railway19961
45654565 Freight & Crane Railway19961
63316331 Patriot Jet19961
63346334 Wave Jump Racers19961
63356335 Indy Transport19961
63376337 Fast Track Finish19961
65176517 Water Jet19961
65186518 Baja Buggy19961
65456545 Search N' Rescue19961
65466546 Slick Racer19961
65636563 Gator Landing19961
65816581 Dig N' Dump19961
65986598 Metro PD Station19961
66156615 Eagle Stunt Flyer19961
66256625 Speed Trackers19961
92939293 Community Workers19961
17861786 Jailbreak Joe19951
21402140 ANWB Roadside Assistance Crew19951
45524552 Cargo Crane19951
45554555 Freight Loading Station19951
63386338 Hurricane Harbor19951
64146414 Dolphin Point19951
64846484 F1 Hauler19951
65626562 Gas Stop Shop19951
66396639 Raven Racer19951
66496649 Street Sweeper19951
17411741 (Unnamed)19941
17921792 Pleasure Cruiser19941
45444544 Car Transport Wagon19941
63416341 Gas N' Go Flyer19941
63486348 Surveillance Squad19941
65436543 Sail N' Fly Marina19941
65616561 Hot Rod Club19941
66666666 Ambulance19941
16871687 Midnight Transport19931
19591959 Unnamed19931
45474547 Railroad Club Car19931
63426342 Beach Rescue Chopper19931
63446344 Jet Speed Justice19931
63986398 Central Precinct HQ19931
64096409 Island Arcade19931
65956595 Surf Shack19931
66646664 Chopper Cops19931
93659365 Lego Dacta Community Vehicles19931
63146314 City People19921
64116411 Sand Dollar Cafe19921
64166416 Poolside Paradise19921
65346534 Beach Bandit19921
65516551 Checkered Flag 50019921