Plate, Modified 1 x 4 with Arm Down
Bricklink ID:30043
Peso:0.860 g

Conjuntos com essa parte (de Bricklink)
  Cor da peça Vermelho

 Nome do conjuntoAno de lançamentoQuantidade
7605776057 Spider-Man: Web Warriors Ultimate Bridge Battle20161
7589975899 LaFerrari20151
3420-23420-2 Championship Challenge II (Bayern Munich FC Edition)20034
34203420 Championship Challenge II20024
3420-33420-3 Championship Challenge II (L'Equipe de France Edition)20024
34253425 Grand Championship Cup20024
3425-23425-2 Grand Championship Cup 20024
48064806 Axe Cart20001

  Cor da peça Preto

 Nome do conjuntoAno de lançamentoQuantidade
1030010300 Back to the Future Time Machine20224
3113231132 Viking Ship and the Midgard Serpent20224
4170841708 Roller Disco Arcade20222
7176671766 Lloyd's Legendary Dragon20222
7173971739 Ultra Sonic Raider20212
7174871748 Catamaran Sea Battle20212
7624076240 Batmobile Tumbler20212
7043370433 JB's Submarine20202
7597875978 Diagon Alley20201
1026410264 Corner Garage20191
6022360223 Harvester Transport20191
7595875958 Beauxbatons Carriage: Arrival at Hogwarts20191
7065770657 Ninjago City Docks20184
7200572005 Aaron's X-Bow20182
6013960139 Mobile Command Center20171
6015160151 Dragster Transporter20171
6016260162 Jungle Air Drop Helicopter20174
3039930399 Bowling alley20162
6011260112 Fire Engine20161
7514175141 Kanan's Speeder Bike20161
7515075150 Vader's TIE Advanced vs. A-wing Fighter20163
4110641106 Pop Star Tour Bus20152
6009860098 Heavy Haul Train20152
7073870738 Final Flight of Destiny's Bounty20152
7074970749 Enter the Serpent20151
7591175911 McLaren Mercedes Pit-stop20151
7591375913 Ferrari F14 & Scuderia Ferrari Truck20151
1024410244 Fairground Mixer20141
7014270142 Eris’ Fire Eagle Flyer20142
7504375043 AT-AP20142
7602376023 The Tumbler20142
7911779117 Turtle Lair Invasion20142
7000070000 Razcal's Raven Glider20132
7050170501 Warrior Bike20133
7901379013 Lake-town Chase20132
42034203 Excavator Transporter20121
73477347 Highway Pickup20121
84868486 Mack's Team Truck20111
58915891 Apple Tree House20102
80788078 Portal Of Atlantis20102
82148214 Gallardo LP 560-4 Polizia20102
62416241 Loot Island20091
70977097 Trolls' Mountain Fortress20092
76867686 Helicopter Transporter20091
77477747 Wind Turbine Transport20091
DKPiratesDKPirates Brickmaster Pirates20091
76277627 Temple of the Crystal Skull20082
38863886 Green Exo Fighter20072
59655965 Silver Bad Guy20062
59665966 White Good Guy20062
59675967 Red Good Guy20062
77097709 Sentai Fortress20062
70357035 Police HQ20031
1002210022 Santa Fe Cars Set II20022
1002510025 Santa Fe Cars Set I20022
47304730 The Chamber of Secrets20028
67406740 Xtreme Tower20022
13531353 Car Stunt Studio20011
62906290 Pirate Battle Ship/Red Beard Runner20018
62916291 Spaniard Ship/Armada Flagship20013
59875987 Dino Research Compound20002
66166616 Rocket Dragster20001
67146714 Speed Dragster20001
62506250 Cross Bone Clipper19972
62816281 Pirates Perilous Pitfall19971
65536553 Crisis News Crew19972
62806280 Armada Flagship19963
62896289 Red Beard Runner19968
62966296 Shipwreck Island19961

  Cor da peça Light Bluish Gray

 Nome do conjuntoAno de lançamentoQuantidade
1031610316 The Lord of the Rings: Rivendell20237
1030010300 Back to the Future Time Machine20222
2133521335 Motorised Lighthouse20221
7533175331 The Razor Crest20222
7533675336 Inquisitor Transport Scythe20222
7621876218 Sanctum Sanctorum20222
7639976399 Hogwarts Magical Trunk20221
4318643186 Bruni the Salamander20212
7531775317 The Mandalorian & The Child20202
1026910269 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy20191
2104621046 Empire State Building20192
4116141161 Aladdin's and Jasmine's Palace Adventures20191
7042370423 Bus20192
2131521315 Pop-Up Book20181
6019660196 Arctic Supply Aircraft 20182
911836911836 Quadjumper20181
6014060140 Bank Robbery with Bulldozer20171
7091270912 Arkham Asylum20171
7607276072 Mighty Micros: Iron Man vs. Thanos20171
7059170591 Kryptarium Prison Breakout20161
7515675156 Krennic's Imperial Shuttle20161
7515775157 Captain Rex's AT-TE20161
7041270412 Soldiers Fort20151
7073470734 Master Wu Dragon20152
3102531025 Mountain Hut20142
6004460044 Mobile Police Unit20141
6004760047 Police Station20142
6004960049 Helicopter Transporter20141
7911679116 Big Rig Snow Getaway20141
6001360013 Coast Guard Helicopter20131
6002760027 Monster Truck Transporter20131
7910379103 Turtle Lair Attack20131
44304430 Fire Transporter20121
68606860 The Batcave20122
1021910219 Maersk container train20111
40000014000001 Moulding Machines20111
46434643 Power Boat Transporter20111
72887288 Mobile Police Unit20111
78797879 Hoth Echo Base20112
32213221 LEGO Truck20101
78487848 Toys 'R' Us Truck20101
79397939 Cargo Train20102
93339333 Vehicles Set20101
1019710197 Fire Brigade20093
76337633 Construction Site20091
77447744 Police Station20083
38713871 Exo-Force Polybag20072
81088108 Mobile Devastator20076
38293829 Fire Nation Ship20061
7237-27237-2 Police Station20063
77837783 The Batcave™: The Penguin™ and Mr. Freeze's Invasion20061
47664766 Graveyard Duel20051
72377237 Police Base20053

  Cor da peça Reddish Brown

 Nome do conjuntoAno de lançamentoQuantidade
1017610176 King's Castle20061
47664766 Graveyard Duel20054