Scegli il nome Anno di uscita Quantità 675 Snack Bar 1979 1 4554 Metro Station 1992 1 6302 Mini-Figure Set 1982 1 7740 Electric Inter-city train set, 12 V 1980 1 7745 12 Volt High Speed Train 1985 1 1063 LEGO People and Bikes 1985 1 9361 People 1991 2 7824 Train Station 1983 1 -
Nome Colore 1 X Minifig, Headgear Hat, Cook's (Toque) White 1 X Torso Chef with 6 Buttons, Short Red Neckerchief Pattern / White Arms / Yellow Hands White 1 X Hips and Legs Light Gray 1 X Minifig, Head Standard Grin Pattern - Blocked Open Stud Yellow