Minifig, Headgear Crown
BrickLink ID:71015
Gewicht:0.950 g

Sets mit diesem Bauteil (aus BrickLink)
  Bauteil Farbe Chrome Gold

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
20004302000430 Identity and Landscape Kit20134
50021475002147 Vintage Minifigure Collection 2013 Vol. 220131
1022310223 Kingdoms Joust 20121
4511045110 BuildToExpress Set20121
853373853373 LEGO Kingdoms Chess Set20121
71887188 King's Carriage Ambush20111
93499349 Fairytale and Historic Minifigure Set20111
20004142000414 Starter Kit20101
79467946 King's Castle20101
70787078 King's Battle Chariot20091
70977097 Trolls' Mountain Fortress20091
70947094 King's Castle Siege20071
77767776 The Shipwreck20071
852001852001 Castle Chess Set20071
852293852293 Castle Giant Chess Set20071
1017610176 King's Castle20061
88238823 Mistlands Tower20061
88758875 King's Siege Tower20051
87798779 The Grand Tournament20041
87818781 The Castle of Morcia20041
1006610066 Castle Accessories20021
12861286 Kabaya Promotional Set: Knights' Kingdom Cart20001
60266026 King Leo20001
60916091 King Leo's Castle20001
60956095 Royal Joust20001
60986098 King Leo's Castle20001
25862586 LEGO Chess Promotional Set19981
62816281 Pirates Perilous Pitfall19971
93769376 Castle Set19971
51355135 Castle Accessories19951
60086008 Royal King19951
60446044 King's Carriage19951
60906090 Royal Knight19951
93319331 Gears19651

  Bauteil Farbe Sand Green

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
7900879008 Pirate Ship Ambush20131

  Bauteil Farbe Metallic Gold

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
1067610676 Knights' Castle20141
7040470404 King's Castle20131

  Bauteil Farbe Copper

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
70977097 Trolls' Mountain Fortress20091

  Bauteil Farbe Reddish Brown

 Set NameHerstellungsjahrAnzahl
70977097 Trolls' Mountain Fortress20091